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Six (HIT) Chicks.

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Presentation on theme: "Six (HIT) Chicks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six (HIT) Chicks

2 Takeaways Finding the right position based on goals
Work cultures and advancement opportunities Networking and Mentoring Launching a startup, finding funding & support.

3 In our industry, the inequality gender pay gap kicks in at around $75,000.00
Only 35% of women make over $100,000 per year, compared to 55% of men Women comprise a higher percentage of lower wage earners.

4 Career Branches Growing your network when just starting out: Networking vs Building a community.

5 Shining from within How to stand out in an environment that encourages you to fit in. The male culture: Is it all bad?

6 Leaning In A Strategic path to the C-suite requires a resolve to conquer obstacles What obstacle do we face?

7 Knowing when to move on Leaps of faith and other fantastic exercises to ensure profession growth

8 The “F” Word How do we overcome fear? What are some actionable steps we can take to find new opportunities?

9 Great leadership requires a constant willingness to be transformed into the person you were meant to be-Ali Worthington

10 Let’s take a pause for our network!
How to do it right Social media, conferences, personal branding; where does it all fit in?

11 Mentorship All girl talk?
How do we identify a mentor? Can males mentor women successfully?

12 “Stay just naive enough to try your crazy ideas”- Shereese Maynard
Launching a new path “Stay just naive enough to try your crazy ideas”- Shereese Maynard Is launching a startup the right path for everyone?

13 Blogs, Vlogs, and Podcasts
A question of branding Blogs, Vlogs, and Podcasts Leveraging content marketing: automation, guest blogging, and other opportunities

14 Work-life Balance Why it’s important to consider self-care, and mental wellness? Where do family responsibilities take priority over career ambitions?

15 “If you can empower women with the right things, the right tools, they can uplift their families”-Melinda Gates

16 Becoming influential in your profession
Influencing People Becoming influential in your profession What is social influence? Do you need to be influential to be successful?

17 Who’s paying for the drinks?
Lessons Learned Who’s paying for the drinks? Why is it important to pay it forward and to share lessons learned?

18 “People respond well to those who know what they want” - Anna Wintour

19 Capitalizing on opportunities when they present themselves
How do women seek out opportunities within organizations, trying to get into certain organizations, and in entrepreneurship?

20 Career planning Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Actionable steps?

21 Thank You! Lea Chatham- @leachatham Jo Hausman- @Jojova
Amber Jamie Jennifer Shereese Thank You!

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