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Homework #3 is due 11/19 Bonus #2 is posted No class W 11/21

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1 Homework #3 is due 11/19 Bonus #2 is posted No class W 11/21 Today: Meiosis, producing genetically diverse offspring, and inheritance

2 For life to exist, the information (genes) must be passed on.
{Meiosis: producing gametes} For life to exist, the information (genes) must be passed on. {Mitosis: producing more cells}

3 Gene for blue eye pigment brown hair pigment growth hormone Haploid
chromosomes hemoglobin DNA polymerase similar to Fig 2.18

4 Gene for growth hormone Gene for hair color Gene for hemoglobin
similar to Fig 2.18 Allele for low express (short) Allele for black hair Allele for sickle cell Hb Gene for growth hormone Gene for hair color Gene for hemoglobin Diploid chromosomes Allele for high express (tall) Allele for black hair Allele for normal Hb

5 Each pair of chromosomes is comprised of a paternal and maternal chromosome

6 sister chromatids= replicated DNA (chromosomes)
tetrad= pair of sister chromatids Fig 2.41

7 Meiosis splits apart the pairs of chromosomes.
X 23 in humans Meiosis splits apart the pairs of chromosomes. Fig 2.19

8 haploid X 23 in humans X 23 in humans diploid X 23 in humans Inheritance = The interaction between genes inherited from Mom and Dad.

9 How does sexual reproduction generate genetic diversity?
Asexaul Reproduction Sexaul Reproduction vs. extremely low genetic diversity greater genetic diversity How does sexual reproduction generate genetic diversity?

10 Meiosis splits apart the pairs of chromosomes.
X 23 in humans Meiosis splits apart the pairs of chromosomes. Fig 2.19

11 Crossing-over (aka Recombination) Fig 4.3 DNA cut and religated

12 Crossing-over: Proteins in the cell cut and religate the DNA, increasing the genetic diversity in gametes. Fig 4.5

13 Crossing-over: Proteins in the cell cut and religate the DNA, increasing the genetic diversity in gametes. Fig 4.4

14 Crossing-over: Proteins in the cell cut and religate the DNA, increasing the genetic diversity in gametes. Fig 4.5

15 How does sexual reproduction generate genetic diversity?
Asexaul Reproduction Sexaul Reproduction vs. extremely low genetic diversity greater genetic diversity How does sexual reproduction generate genetic diversity?

16 Independent Assortment
(aka Random Assortment) Fig 3.8

17 2 possibilities for each pair, for 2 pairs
Independent Assortment 2 possibilities for each pair, for 2 pairs 22 = 4 combinations Fig 3.8

18 2 possibilities for each pair, for 23 pairs
Independent Assortment 2 possibilities for each pair, for 23 pairs 223 = 8,388,608 combinations Fig 3.8

19 Box 2.2 Crossing-over Meiosis: In humans, crossing-over and independent assortment lead to over 1 trillion possible unique gametes. (1,000,000,000,000) Meiosis I (Ind. Assort.) Meiosis II 4 Haploid cells, each unique

20 Box 2.2

21 4 haploid cells Box 2.2

22 {Producing gametes} Sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity by combining DNA from 2 individuals, but also by creating genetically unique gametes. {Producing more cells}

23 haploid X 23 in humans X 23 in humans diploid X 23 in humans Inheritance = The interaction between genes inherited from Mom and Dad.

24 Do parents’ genes/traits blend together in offspring?
Fig 6.4

25 In many instances there is a unique pattern of inheritance.
Traits disappear and reappear in new ratios. Fig 2.12

26 Genotype Phenotype Pg 23

27 Human blood types Pg 225

28 One gene with three alleles controls carbohydrates that are found on Red Blood Cell membranes
RBC A B RBC RBC B A B A B A A B B A A B B Allele O = no carbs Allele A = A carbs Allele B = B carbs

29 Human blood types

30 We each have two versions of each gene…
RBC A A A So A A A A Genotype could be A and A OR A and O

31 Recessive alleles do not show their phenotype when a dominant allele is present.
RBC A A A A A A A Genotype could be A and A OR A and O

32 What about… RBC Genotype = ??

33 What about… RBC Genotype = OO

34 What about… A B RBC B A A B B A A B

35 What about… A B RBC B A A B B A A B Genotype = AB

36 Human blood types AA or AO BB or BO AB OO

37 If Frank has B blood type,
his Dad has A blood type, And his Mom has B blood type… Should Frank be worried?

38 Homework #3 is due 11/19 Bonus #2 is posted No class W 11/21 Today: Meiosis, producing genetically diverse offspring, and inheritance

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