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Embarking on a Trailblazer Journey

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Presentation on theme: "Embarking on a Trailblazer Journey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Embarking on a Trailblazer Journey
Des Moines Public Schools’ Trailblazers and Instructional Coordinators

2 Trailblazer Program Goal is to leverage technology to solve an instructional challenge in a personalized environment Provide technology and digital resources to achieve this goal ITC provides personalized support and coaching : 15 teachers in 9 schools : 48 teachers in 32 schools : ???

3 What does it mean to be a Trailblazer?
Attend Learning & Collaboration Days Personalized PD & Networking with other Trailblazers Collect & Analyze Data Work with ITC to collect useful data that will inform instruction Self-Reflect 3 checkpoints during the year Reflect on data, steps taken, roadblocks, supports, successes, webpage updates, scalability of plan, etc. Share Your Story! Webpage, Treats with Trailblazers, Trailblazer Spotlight, Conference Presentations, Staff PD, Twitter Chat Take Risks!

4 Trailblazer Panel SPED Downtown Brody

5 How have you built your classroom community?
@Lyons_Class How have you built your classroom community?

6 @debdeanteach What are your students doing while you are doing small group work in Station Rotation?

7 What are some tools you use to collect evidence of learning?
@McCright What are some tools you use to collect evidence of learning?

8 How has your personalized journey evolved this year?
@ebuckner610 How has your personalized journey evolved this year?

9 How have these changes allowed you to meet students’ needs?
@mrsallens910s How have these changes allowed you to meet students’ needs?

10 @Kt292929 How did you introduce OneNote class notebook to your classes? How did that work?

11 @KirkmanFab4th As you are transitioning from an elementary setting to a middle school setting, how has your work as a Trailblazer stayed the same, and what has been modified?

12 @sararaeherrin How has the incorporation of data and then adjusting your instruction looked in your classroom?

13 How do your students handle failure in your learning environment?

14 What if I don’t have enough technology in my classroom?

15 What changes have you seen in student ownership?

16 Did you or your students have an “a-ha” moment with personalized learning? What was it?

17 How has your classroom community created more engaged or reflective learners?

18 How were technology challenges handled when the teacher was teaching small group?

19 How has social media impacted your classroom and communication?

20 If someone were to walk into your room now, what would be the biggest difference they would see?

21 How have the different tools you have tried enhanced your learning environment?

22 Insert questions:

23 Insert questions:

24 Insert questions:

25 Insert questions:

26 5 Minute Break When we return from break, we will have the opportunity to have 4 breakout sessions. Please feel free to join the session that most interests you.

27 4 1 2 3 Breakout Sessions Exploration
Starting a Trailblazer program in your school/ district Instructional Technology Coordinators 4 Exploration McCright & Kirkman 2 Instructional Challenges Buckner & Allen 3 Action Plan & Strategies Implemented (Flipped, Flexible Seating, Playlists) Miller, Dean, Lyons

28 For more information on Trailblazers visit

29 Watch Trailblazers in Action

30 Want to Know more about Instructional Tech Coordinators

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