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Western regional air partnership western states air resources council

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Presentation on theme: "Western regional air partnership western states air resources council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Western regional air partnership western states air resources council
Regional modeling Representative analysis 19 April 2018

2 WRAP/WESTAR Representativeness Analysis: Tracking Sheet
Parameters Status Air Quality IMPROVE RH Components Light extinction summaries Made additional improvements to prototype interactive graphics tool Peak urban ozone and PM concentrations Annual O3 and PM design value summary statistic by county Produced maps of annual NAAQS summary statistics O3 and PM means and percentiles: rural Daily max 8-hr O3, PM2.5, PM10 Downloaded daily max 8-hr O3 and seasonal mean PM component concentrations from EPA CASTNET webpage Deposition Seasonal total deposition by geographic sub-region from CASTNET/NTN Added annual wet deposition maps and trends to OneNote; still need dry deposition maps Exceptional AQ and climate events Identify any exceptional event flags in AQ data; review NOAA annual climate event summaries Rec’d responses from: J. Spenillo, EPA Reg. X; added NOAA annual climate anomaly summaries to OneNote Meteorology Ozone conducive conditions: EPA method EPA O3 Adj. Factors Have annual maps and regional time series for ; entered into OneNote Upper air Wx Patterns Seasonal anomaly maps: 500mb height, T   Quarterly means and anomalies for 500mb height, 1000 mb T, SLP Sfc Wx Patterns Seasonal anomaly maps: T, WS   Quarterly means and anomalies of SLP; added ENSO timeseries to OneNote Precipitation PRISM interpolated precip maps Annual and monthly total precip and % of avg; Drought Drought indices U.S. Drought Monitor infographics now in OneNote Emissions Fires Quarterly avg PM2.5 from FINN FINN fire emissions downloaded; quarterly maps completed; Anthropogenic Emissions NEI totals by state for selected SIC rollups Rec’d list of SCC groups used by WA Ecology from F. Herron-Thorpe; On-Highway NOx and PM emissions by sub-region; IWDW 2008 and 2011 emissions by source sector Other Field Studies FRAPPE, CABOTS, LVOS/FAST-LVOS

3 Ozone Met Adjustment Factors

4 ENSO Timeseries El Niño

5 Draught

6 Climate Anomaly Summaries
Added 2014 – to OneNote

7 CASTNET/NTN/NADP O3 8hrDmax 2014 – 2017 all sites Wet Deposition
Creating trends and maps using python tool Wet Deposition Maps and example trend plots in OneNote Dry Deposition

8 NTN Wet Deposition: NH4 + NO3


10 Air Quality Statistics: Annual AQ Statistics Report
Interactive maps using python tool Copies of key maps added to OneNote Available summary statistics: O3 2nd high daily max 1-hr, 4th high daily max 8-hr PM10 2nd max 24-hour, annual mean (from quarterly means) PM2.5 98th %’tile 24-hour, annual mean (from quarterly means) CO, NO2, SO2, Pb AQI Colors

11 Plot width and height controls
IMPROVE Data Display Plot width and height controls Automatic labeling

12 Emissions

13 HigHway Vehicle NOx Emissions: 2010 - 2016
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

14 HigHway Vehicle PM10 Emissions: 2010 - 2016
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

15 Modeled Emissions (IWDW)
2008b Base Case 2011b Base Case

16 Modeled Emissions (IWDW): Fires

17 Suggested Schedule for Completion of Study
- 4/30: Collect comments in OneNote 5/1 – 5/18: Ramboll develops synthesis of results 5/21 or morning of 5/22: RTOWG call to discuss draft synthesis results, content and organization of draft report 5/30: Draft report (with description of data collected/analyzed, data synthesis, results and recommendations) ~6/5: Handoff IMPROVE graphing tool to CIRA 6/10: Comments on draft report Week of 6/14: Final report L- 9DuiOeHf0lD3cBNv2gKusplqPeK4epavUyGw?e=z RW9c7

18 End slide Endslide

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