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Science ideas I need to know

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1 Science ideas I need to know
Biology Year 10 Human Body Science ideas I need to know Start of Unit End of Unit I know this I know some of this I need to learn this I know this Know the structure and functions of the human (as an animal) systems: skeletal, digestive, circulatory, respiratory. Know the main bones in the Human skeletal system. Know the structure of the skeleton and muscles of the human arm (ulna, radius, humerus, scapula, tendons, biceps and triceps only) and understand how the antagonistic muscles and bones act together to flex or extend the arm (extension) Know that a joint occurs where two bones meet (extension) Know that digestion breaks large molecules of food into small ones, which can then pass through the wall of the gut into the blood Know the internal structure of a human tooth and how the different types of human teeth are used when eating Know that the gut is a coiled tube and is the site of digestion and absorption Be able to identify the main structure of the digestive system and its associated organs (mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum, anus, pancreas and liver) Know that the small intestine is the site of absorption of the products of digestion. Know the external and internal structure of the mammalian heart and understand its function Know that arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood towards the heart and capillaries link arteries with veins and are the sites of exchange with the tissues Know that respiration occurs in all living cells Know the structure of the mammalian breathing system (larynx, trachea, epiglottis, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm and intercostal muscles) Know how the structure of the alveoli and blood capillaries enable gaseous exchange to occur and the importance of diffusion in gaseous exchange across the alveoli Know that air breathed out contains more carbon dioxide and less oxygen than air breathed in Know that anaerobic respiration can occur in human muscles and that lactic acid is produced. (extension)

2 Science ideas I need to know
Biology Year 10 Genetics Science ideas I need to know Start of Unit End of Unit I know this I know some of this I need to learn this I know this Know that genes are the sources of inherited information Know that chromosomes are found in the nucleus and that genes are carried on chromosomes Know that genes are ‘coded instructions’ for making proteins and that DNA is the chemical which stores the coded instructions Understand the meaning of the terms dominant, recessive, phenotype, genotype, allele, homozygote, heterozygote and mutation Appreciate the variation between individuals of a species (plant, animal / human) Understand the differences between continuous and discontinuous variation and be able to describe one example of each in humans Understand that variation is due to genes being passed on from parents to offspring Know that gametes contain half the normal number of chromosomes and that fertilisation restores the normal number Calculate and predict the results of a simple cross involving 1:1 or 3:1 ratios using Punnett squares Know that the process of evolution is due to variation Know that organisms vary and that some variations give advantages over others in the ‘struggle for existence’ Understand the term natural selection Know that Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations. (extension) Appreciate humans can exploit variation through artificial selection.

3 Science ideas I need to know
Biology Year 10 Ecology Science ideas I need to know Start of Unit End of Unit I know this I know some of this I need to learn this I know this Know that adaptations are features that organisms / species have to best survive and reproduce in their niche Know that unrelated organisms may have similar adaptations if they occupy a similar niche. (extension) Know that external stimuli can be detected by organisms and may result in responses which may increase the chances of the organisms’ survival (extension) Know that adaptations can be structural, behavioural or physiological / functional Know that environmental change can cause change in adaptations (extension) Appreciate that many New Zealand plants / animals are unique due to them evolving in geographical isolation (eg kowhai / tui, kauri, kiwi, kakapo, tuatara) Understand the main threats to our native plants and animals Know about the ways humans can conserve and protect our environment (extension)

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