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Published byPatrick Small Modified over 6 years ago
The Scoutmaster Conference and The Board of Review
The Three aims of Scouting:
To develop character To train in the Responsibilities of participating citizenship To develop physical and mental fitness
Some Aims of Advancement
Learn something new teach this new topic to another scout Increase youth-to adult interaction Recognition for learning The New Material
The Steps of Advancement
Learning something new…Learn something cool Get tested— Get reviewed Get rewarded—get a cool patch Increase scout’s Self Esteem
Its all about Games with a Purpose
Notice it doesn’t say learn a life lesson forever
Example .-- … / .. / …/ .-/ … / -- … .-. … ./ -.-. … -.. ./ …/ .-/ / (When I was a scout Morse Code was a requirement) Am I expected to memorize for life?
Most people on the other side of Morse Code will be holding a cell phone motioning to call me!
If you want the Scout to remember an item:
Have unit activities reinforce the concept. Retention is best done with repetition so have the important scout skills as unit activities
From the Guide to Advancement
Advancement, thus, is not so much a reward for what has been done. It is, instead, more about the journey: As a Scout advances, he is measured and he grows in confidence and self-reliance, and he builds upon his skills and abilities.
Unit Leader (Scoutmaster) Conference
Required for all Ranks
Scoutmaster conferences are meant to be face-to-face, personal experiences.
Cell phone conferences Face Time Skype All defeat the purpose of the Scoutmaster Conference
While it is intended that the conference be conducted between the unit leader and the Scout, it may sometimes be necessary for the unit leader to designate an assistant unit leader to conduct the conference
Which is: One of the aims of Boy Scout Advancement is: Increase the association and interaction with adults Hard to do by any means except face to face
Youth Protection yet Private
All Youth Protection rules need to be followed Needs to be done in a separated area yet easily viewable by all. Do not want others to be in ear shod or able to hear – might discourage the scout from being open
You must accede to the request
Unit leaders do not have the authority to deny a Scout a conference that is necessary for him to meet the requirements for his rank. If a unit leader conference is denied, a Scout—if he believes he has fulfilled all the remaining requirements—may still request a board of review.
It is not a pass/fail event
The requirement is to participate or take part in You can tell him he is the worst Scout you have ever met—but he still met the requirement to sit for a conference DONE F NOT
It is not only for advancement
A Scoutmaster Conference might be needed to help a scout correct a course he is on or isn’t on It could be a chance to give a scout some encouragement or guidance
You might be the only parent or role model this scout has
You might be the only one he can talk to Or listens to him
It can occur at any time There is no requirement that the Scout finish all the requirements and then sit for a Scoutmaster Conference. Most times this is a good sequence but it is not the requirement
If a scout has had multiple Scoutmaster Conferences during a rank, any of those may count as THE SCOUTMASTER CONFERENCE For the rank the scout is currently advancing on
It is a Requirement Note for future Eagle Scouts:
It must be completed prior to the 18th birthday
Its Not: A retest
It is a forum for discussing:
Scout’s ambitions and goals Life Purpose Goals for future advancement Counseling the scout Feedback on the unit’s program from the customer himself
Game with a Purpose Instead of asking him to tie 2-1/2 hitches—ask him has he used it successfully—when? Did it work? Did his instructor teach it well? Does he feel confident to teach it now?
Feedback What is the quality of your youth instructors? Are your Patrol Leaders actually leading? How are the campouts? Is the patrol functional
How good is your Leadership
Can your patrol leader tell you the names of his Patrol members? Can Your SPL/ASPL tell you the names of the Patrol Leaders Can the individual scout tell you the name or the SPL or their Patrol Leader
Talk about the next steps of Advancement
Talk about Merit Badges—which ones interest him or does he even know the process of getting a merit badge Service Projects Rules
Being a Scout and member of the Community
Balancing activities… Scouting yields to Marching Band in the Fall but he yields to scouting in the Winter How are his scout skills working out in school and school clubs---Is he using his Leadership Skills? Is he acting like a Patrol Leader in Debate Club?
Let the Scout Talk Sometimes you just need to sit back and let the scout talk… Sometimes they need someone to just listen to them…might not get that at home
My favorite and closing question
You are Mr. Kopel, the wisest and most powerful scoutmaster in the world…. What would you do to make this a better troop for Joe Scout?
The Scoutmaster can not prevent the scout from sitting for a Board of Review. He might advise against but it is the Scout’s option if he feels he is ready for a Board of Review
It is the Board of Review, that decides if the scout is worthy of earning the rank…
Not the Scoutmaster
The Board of Review
Required for all ranks
Real life experience Many graduates of the scouting program equate this to a job interview, college interview. Military Academy interview was just another BOARD OF REVIEW
Boards of Review Must Be Granted When Requirements Are Met in a timely manner
A Scout shall not be denied this opportunity, when he believes he has completed all the requirements for a rank In a case where there is concern the Scout has not fulfilled the requirements for a rank as written, it is appropriate to advise the young man that he might not pass the board and to make suggestions about what he might do to improve his chances for success. However, the Scout’s decision to go ahead with a board of review or not.
Composition of the Board of Review
A board of review must consist of no fewer than three members and no more than six, all of whom must be at least 21 years of age The unit leader may remain in the room, but only to observe, not to participate unless called upon The Scout’s parents, relatives, or guardians should not be in attendance in any capacity However, if parents or guardians still insist on being present, they must be permitted to attend as observers.
WHY Their presence could change the dynamics of the conversation it is just not fair to ask a Scout to have to consider if his answer to the board’s question would please his parents or his unit leader.
Wearing the Uniform—or Neat in Appearance
It is preferred a Scout be in full field uniform for any board of review—Note not required If not able he should appear : “CLEAN AND NEAT IN APPEARANCE AND APPROPRIATELY DRESSED” Regardless of unit, district, or council expectations or Rules, boards of review shall not reject candidates solely for reasons related to uniforming or attire, as long as they are dressed to the above description.
Not does he remember forever
PURPOSE Has the Scout full-filled the requirements Retesting is not allowed… has he met or done Not does he remember forever
Real Purpose It should be a celebration about an accomplishment – a way to energize the scout to move forward Not an Inquisition Does the Carrot or the Stick get the better response?
2) Determine the quality of the Scout’s Experience for a Unit Committee Perspective Chance for leadership Camping vs suburban experience Participated in what Should participate in what
Did he get the most he can Was he absent a lot—if so why?
Has he stopped attending activities Is he only focused on Eagle? Is he utilizing Service Hours with the troop STEM NOVA
The even bigger question
The Real Questions Did the Scout have fun while he was accomplishing this rank? The even bigger question Did this experience contribute to the Scout’s Personnel Growth
Did he meet the actual requirements
NOT A RETESTING Ask what he has learned in regard to: Ask him how he was taught Who taught it to him Did the scout do a good job teaching it (feedback) Has he used a particular skill How?
Ask him what he thought of the skill
You can flat out ask did he learn or pass XXX –most scouts are honest and upfront about it
FEEDBACK IS A GIFT!! Feedback to the Unit From the Horse’s mouth----
Tell the scout that and tell him to be honest— no hard feelings What are we doing good? How can we do it better
Are the scout instructors doing a good job
Are the scout instructors doing a good job? Are the adult instructors doing a good job?
The Real Question Are we giving this scout and every scout the best quality Scouting Opportunities Or How do we need to improve in order to give this scout and every scout the best quality Scouting Opportunities
If the thought of a performance review at work scares you, imagine how an 11-year-old Scout must feel as he approaches a panel of adults sitting as a “board of review.”
Break the Ice Start off with something light… Tell us about yourself or we heard from your scoutmaster that you make a mean chili etc
Interpreting some of the common Requirements
Active Unit may set its definition of active so long as it is REASONABLE If no written or established unit definition then it is: Paid dues to the unit and scouting Not removed due to disciplinary action Is knowledgeable of the units activities
I f a scout is not active in the unit it might be because he is active in other organizations that promote the mission of scouting, e.g. Church groups, school activities etc. The Unit BOR should ask for an explanation from the scout for his lack of activity in the unit and if they feel the activity the scout is active in promotes the mission of the Boy Scouts of America, they may accept his explanation , hence allow him to be considered active
Position of Responsibility
Serve in a position of responsibility for a set time Set positions listed, however for ranks other than Eagle the Unit Leader may have a special project for the scout. Eagle it must be from the set list
Time served It is cumulative not consecutive If a unit has established reasonable expectations for the positions of Responsibility; the scout can be held accountable in meeting them for position of responsibility credit If the unit does not have reasonable expectations written, then it is the Scout who determines what needs to be done to meet the position of responsibility
If no written expectations then amount of time held the title or the position is considered completing the position of responsibility requirement It is highly suggested that the scout be counseled and given a chance to improve Not blindsided and removed
If the scout is not meeting the expectation, perhaps it is the wrong position for him Remove him before his tenure rather than have him struggle and not get credit.
Demonstrate Scout Spirit
Does the Scout live the Scout Oath and Law in his everyday life? How to judge
Ask the Scout Give examples of living the Scout Oath and Law At home At school At religious activity In the community
Newspaper Scout earns Technology award
Sometimes not so good
Facebook Dialogue about being a thug and shooting people
It’s a Monologue, Not a Dialogue
Duty to God It’s a Monologue, Not a Dialogue The boy is simply to “tell” how he believes he has done his duty to God or Higher Being as defined by him and his family. The troop leader’s role is to listen. The intent is for the Scout to have a self-reflection about belief and reverence, for expression by the Scout to his leader
What if no belief If the youth professes no belief in any higher being during a board of review at any rank: The board should adjourn Provide the BSA’s Declaration of Religious Principle to the Scout and his family Explain how it affects BSA membership and advancement, Allow time for the family or their religious leader to counsel the youth. The board of review can then be reconvened at a later date.
DECISION TIME Scout asked to leave and Board discusses Board Members Must Agree Unanimously on Decisions to Approve It is appropriate to call the candidate back if additional questions may provide clarification
After the Review If all Agree the scout is congratulated If not unanimous— Scout brought in and told why and what he can do to improve
However If it is thought that a Scout, before his 18th birthday, can benefit from an opportunity to properly complete the requirements, the board may adjourn and reconvene at a later date If the candidate agrees to this, then if possible, the same members should reassemble. If he does not agree, then the board must make its decision at that point
If turned down a follow-up letter must be promptly sent to a Scout who is turned down. The letter to the scout must include actions advised that may lead to advancement, and also an explanation of appeal procedures. A copy of the letter should also be sent to the council’s designated appeals coordinator.
A Scout must not be rejected at a board of review for reasons unrelated to advancement requirements. For example, he must not be rejected just because he did not bring his Boy Scout Handbook with him or because he was tardy for a board of review, BUT the reason for his tardiness may certainly be a topic for discussion.
Special Boards of Review
Boards of Review Through Videoconferencing
1) The local council must grant permission to hold a videoconference board of review for the Eagle Scout rank Videoconference boards of review may be held for other ranks without local council approval, but they still must comply with the following requirements. 2) All equipment, including the cameras, lighting, microphones, software, and Internet connection, should be tested ahead of time to provide the best audiovisual experience possible. 3) All members of the board of review must be visible to the Scout, and any observers with the Scout must be visible to the members of the board of review. No one within hearing range on either side shall be off camera. Observers should be minimized for any board of review, and this applies especially to videoconference reviews. Their presence can change the discussion dynamics
For Scouts under the age of 18
For Scouts under the age of 18*, a parent or guardian of the Scout, or two registered BSA adult Scouters who are familiar with these requirements for videoconference boards of review, must be directly present with the Scout at the beginning of the conference. The Scouters may be from the nearest council, district, or unit. Their role is to verify that the Scout is in a safe environment and that the board of review appears to be in compliance with these requirements.
Once all the members of the board of review are present on their end of the call and Introductions are completed, and the review is about to begin, those with the Scout on his end must leave the room or move out of hearing distance unless they have specifically been approved to remain as observers
Once the review process has been concluded, if the Scout is under age 18*, his parent or guardian, or two Scouters must rejoin the Scout. Their purpose is to be available to answer any questions that may arise, to join in the celebration of the Scout’s accomplishment, or to be party to any instructions or arrangements regarding the appeals process or the reconvening of an incomplete review. Once this is done, the board members end the call and sign off. Videoconference boards of review must not be recorded.
Board of Review Under Disputed Circumstances
A board of review under disputed circumstances is available only for the Eagle Scout rank Other Ranks are decided during a regular Board of Review—those results final (except Star and Life)
INDICATIONS It is indicated when a unit leader or committee chair does not sign the application If a unit leader (Scoutmaster) conference is denied If it is thought a unit will not provide a fair hearing If the unit leader or project beneficiary refuses to sign final approval for what might be considered a satisfactorily completed service project.
Not the units domain It is held at the district or council level. Volunteers from the candidate’s unit are not involved.
First: Advise the Scout why the unit is not behind him Advise what he would need to do to get the unit behind him Seek Council Advancement Committee Advice whether you are correct or out of line Give application back to scout. His choice to conform or request a BOR under disputed circumstances
Process Eagle Scout application with the service project workbook to the council service center. It should be rare that the council will deny the request however if it is deemed frivolous, or any concerns about the unit’s inability to deliver a fair hearing are deemed invalid The council advancement chairman will notify the unit leader or unit committee chair that the request has been received Council Advancement Committee Process will be followed
Similar to Regular Board of Review
The Board of Review will be held according to local council practices (not under any special disputed circumstances rules). It is the same Board of Review the Scout would have normally sat for except it is held on the District or Council level The members will be well versed in the mechanism,, purpose and rules of advancement as well as have a good understanding of the Guide to Advancement Written statements or telephone interview summaries must be obtained from the unit leader, knowledgeable committee members, a representative of the service project beneficiary (if applicable), and others familiar with the case. Every effort should be made to have balanced representation. Only review-board members and administrators with a need to know may see the evidence. The board of review is like any other for Eagle, but with extra attention to the concerns at issue After the board has met, the unit leader or unit committee chair should be informed of the decision.
If a board of review under disputed circumstances approves a candidate, his application goes through the process as outlined under “The Eagle Scout Rank” If that board decides not to approve, the Scout may appeal the decision
Appealing a Decision If an Eagle Board of Review or a Board of Review under disputed circumstances does not recommend a candidate for rank advancement, only the Scout or his parent or guardian may appeal the decision to the local council. Only Adverse decisions for Star and Life ranks can be appealed to the local council.
Procedure Scout or his parent or guardian prepares a letter notifying the local council of the appeal. It should detail the reasons it is believed the Scout met all the requirements and should not have been denied.
Sent to: Council Advancement Chairman Samuel Harris c/o Program Center Atlanta Area Council 1800 Circle 75 Parkway SE Atlanta, GA 30339
Will request a letter from Unit Leader, Committee Chairman and Chairman of the Scout’s Board of review Will interview all of the above as well as the Scout, the Scout’s Parents
The Appeal Board An appeal board is not another board of review. It focuses only on the issues that brought about rejection A majority is sufficient for a decision---not the usual unanimous
Decision Positive Decision— approved Eagle Application is processed per Council Procedures Negative Decision---May appeal to National
Final Thought While boards are generally conducted to determine if the Scout has met the requirements to advance, none are to be a retest of his knowledge. It should be a positive experience In most cases, a board of review will be a celebration of his accomplishments.
It is a game with a purpose
If we keep these thoughts in mind when planning and conducting boards of review, the positive experiences that result will encourage every Scout to remain in Scouting and achieve further advancement— Giving us a chance to influence his character. Isn’t that what we’re all about?
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