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OA Unit of Excellence UX 2018 How to Earn it! 06-07-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "OA Unit of Excellence UX 2018 How to Earn it! 06-07-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 OA Unit of Excellence UX 2018 How to Earn it!

2 This presentation is designed for Senior Patrol Leaders & Scoutmasters
and OA Troop Representatives & Advisers of Great Lakes Field Service Council troops earning the OA Unit of Excellence Award (“UX”) sponsored by Noquet Lodge 29

3 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Reason for the Sash “Let it be remembered that the Order of the Arrow was created to help the unit – to help it present its membership a better ideal of the inner qualities of the good scout camper. Qualities of character, cheerfulness and service are hard for a boy or a man to understand in the abstract. They come easier when seen in human life. Let us realize the significance of the Order in the unit – for the unit is our best hope in scouting.” Dr. E. Urner Goodman, OA Founder (emphasis added) - Dr. E. Urner Goodman, Founder Unit of Excellence Award 2018

4 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
So What’s UX All About? Bringing together the Order of the Arrow and the Troop for the benefit of both younger and older scouts Unit of Excellence Award 2018

5 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
UX Supports Unit Aims Helps extend older youth retention in unit, so they can help younger youth advance Helps realize OA Rep’s responsibility in the unit Further incentivizes younger scouts to advance to First Class, go camping and keep up scout spirit Unit of Excellence Award 2018

6 UX is a Natural Progression
“A Troop that uses the Scouting program fully is going to find itself earning the Unit of Excellence Award naturally.” - A GLFSC Scoutmaster Unit of Excellence Award 2018

7 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
So, Let’s be Partners Your Troop and Unit of Excellence Award 2018

8 Like Partners in the Unit
Unit of Excellence Award 2018

9 Partners Help Stay On Track
We’re all used to the BSA advancement concept "no more, no less”. Similarly, units must complete all UX requirements – no more, no less Award completion will be driven by 2 unit youth leaders, supported by 2 unit adult leaders Lodge and chapter youth leaders, supported by advisers, provide guidelines and information, and assess progress All work together to ensure completion Unit of Excellence Award 2018

10 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
OA Troop Rep & Adviser Requirement 1 Every 6 months, SPL appoints 1 dues-paid youth OA member (under 18) as OA Troop Rep Every 6 months, Scoutmaster designates 1 dues-paid adult OA member (at least 21) as OA Troop Rep Adviser - Assistant Scoutmaster (can simultaneously be a unit committee member) (Youth and adult can repeat in their positions) Wear the position patches proudly! Unit of Excellence Award 2018

11 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
At a Court of Honor Requirement 1 OA Troop Rep recognizes unit OA members’ accomplishments at a court of honor, at least once during the year Honors, special in-unit service or service leadership, near-unit service, OA event participation, UX award progress, etc. Can be brief, but important Unit of Excellence Award 2018

12 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Pretty Easy, So Far! Nothing out of the ordinary. Unit of Excellence Award 2018

13 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
But is There a Patch? YES! For all Unit OA Members Unit of Excellence Award 2018

14 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
How About Rep & Adviser? For the OA Troop Rep(s) each year Also, for the OA Troop Rep Adviser, after advising 2 different Reps for at least 6 months each Yes! Unit of Excellence Award 2018

15 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
3rd Year: Scoutmaster (Award form may vary from year to year.) Unit of Excellence Award 2018

16 So Talk to Your OA Members
Include candidates and non-dues paid members, if any Discuss requirements; decide to try for the UX award Unit of Excellence Award 2018

17 Now, Take it to the PLC Unit of Excellence Award 2018
And after the PLC, get Troop Committee buy-in Unit of Excellence Award 2018

18 Coordinate the Calendar
Requirement 4 Decide to avoid overlapping the next 4 full-lodge events when PLC plans the program Dates for these events, published in the GLFSC annual planning guide, are the ones to avoid 2018 Full-Lodge Events Annual Dinner……………………Jan 13 Spring Conclave…………………May 18-20 Fall Conclave…………………….Sep 21-23 Fall Fellowship…………………...Oct 19-21 Unit of Excellence Award 2018

19 Coordinate the Calendar
Requirement 4 2019 Annual Dinner……………………Jan 12 Spring Conclave…………………May 17-19 Summer Conclave……………….Aug * Fall Fellowship…………………...Oct * * Tentative, until published in GLFSC annual planning guide If your unit accidentally creates a plan that doesn’t avoid the 4 full-lodge events that follow that meeting, you can re-plan before you apply for the award and meet the requirement from that point. Unit of Excellence Award 2018

20 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Scoutmaster & SPL THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Delegate achievement of the UX award to: Your OA Troop Rep, supported by his Adviser, and The OA youth and adults in your unit, with support from the troop committee, your OA chapter and the lodge Unit of Excellence Award 2018

21 Details Delegated to the Rep & Adviser Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! Unit of Excellence Award 2018

22 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Help Scouts Get Sashes Requirement 3 Schedule a chapter election team visit Allow scouts to opt out before the visit Have the presentation (even if no candidates) If there are candidate(s), have the election If any are elected, 70% of elected youth* candidates must complete the Ordeal Under 18 as of 12/31 of award year (not as of election date) Help them get the recognition your troop says they deserve! Unit of Excellence Award 2018

23 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Who Are Unit OA Members? Registered in Unit with BSA, AND Includes primary and secondary registrations Excludes Reserve registrations (91U & 92U) As shown on my.scouting roster As of application date Dues-paid Noquet Lodge members As shown on LodgeMaster UX report New ordeal members pay dues as part of their Ordeal fee These are the people who can get UX lodge flaps Must be on BOTH lists Unit of Excellence Award 2018

24 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
UX Scorecard Available at Helps you: Record your progress as you go See where you stand See what’s left to do You’ll need it when you apply for the award Unit of Excellence Award 2018

25 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
UX Spreadsheet Available at Helps you combine and track LodgeMaster & My.Scouting info – official data for the award Who’s registered in the troop Who’s paid OA dues this year; who still might Election results; ordeal attendance Brotherhood eligibility; conversions OA event participation Unit of Excellence Award 2018

26 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Help Seal Memberships Requirement 5 Get 30% of eligible members to seal their membership in the Order by converting to Brotherhood At an induction weekend or a local ceremony Promote the earliest ceremonies Their upgraded sash is already paid for! At least 10 months after ordeal; dues paid or pay at ceremony Unit of Excellence Award 2018

27 Finally, Promote Participation
Requirement 2 50% of unit OA members participate in OA events ONCE during the year Service, training, conversion or fellowship themes Completing the Ordeal counts toward another award requirements, not this one Brotherhood counts as an event and for conversion Attending monthly chapter meetings or lodge board meetings doesn’t count for this requirement Troop activities don’t count Unit of Excellence Award 2018

28 Lots of Ways to Participate
Lodge dinner, induction weekends, LLD, fellowship, vigil breakfast, Rendezvous staff, Sash N Bash (staff or bash), camporee & other lodge / chapter service corps, and lodge/chapter-organized service to council or camps Section conclave, NLS, NOAC & other national activities Chapter-led service to districts, BSA units*, community Chapter special activities OA CPT hikes What’s recorded in LodgeMaster is what’ll count Make sure your chapter records attendance * Includes cub crossovers and unit elections Unit of Excellence Award 2018

29 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Tailor Your Message Ask each OA member which event they’d like to attend. If they don’t know… Suggest specific events to specific members – ones that could interest them the most For example: An ordeal member: Chapter special activities, camporees near home, Cub crossover team member A brotherhood or brotherhood-eligible member: Induction weekends, LLD, fall fellowship, unit elections, brotherhoods Older members:  Lodge/chapter dinners  Vigil breakfast Unit of Excellence Award 2018

30 Advanced UX Strategies
Additional tips from your fellow OA Troop Reps, Advisers and Scoutmasters Have OA Troop Rep update troop on progress at first troop meeting each month Make the OA Troop Rep Adviser a Key 3 delegate Start planning the previous Fall (or Summer) Consider reserve registrations in recharter Discuss importance of active OA membership with older adult members Collect OA dues at same time as troop dues for recharter Unit of Excellence Award 2018

31 Lodge/Chapter Support
Resources on lodge web site LodgeMaster progress reports from chapter Deadline: Monday after Thanksgiving Application, Scorecard, My.Scouting roster, LodgeMaster UX report and national patch form(s) Electronic submission to Accepted beginning with Fall Fellowship Future: Lodge OA Troop Rep/Adviser training Unit of Excellence Award 2018

32 Unit of Excellence Award 2018
Timely Recognition Troop certificates and Scoutmaster of Excellence (3rd year) awards presented at Lodge Annual Dinner - January Lodge flaps – March - Invite a chapter officer to visit your Court of Honor Troop Rep and Adviser patches – March - Presented at April Roundtable? Troop ribbons – June (national timing) - Presented at chapter annual dinners / picnics OK. Let’s switch to administrative stuff. Unit of Excellence Award 2018

33 THANK YOU Good Luck Earning UX!

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