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Define your P2P Strategy Going Deeper with Partners

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1 Define your P2P Strategy Going Deeper with Partners
11/6/ :44 PM YOUR PATH TO PARTNERING: RECOMMENDED SESSIONS AT INSPIRE SESSION TYPE I M R S ISV MSP Reseller SI V VAR Session Panel Discussion Workshop I M R S I M R S I M R S Maximizing Your Investment as a Microsoft Partner Taking Your Microsoft Partnership to the Next Level Strategic Foundations for a Partnership Engage with Microsoft Create your own high-level engagement roadmap to maximize the ROI of Microsoft relationships so you can accelerate your growth and profitability. Be more savvy and knowledgeable about the many resources available to partners through the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN). Define your P2P Strategy Learn how to identify potential partners, vet to find the right one, and use legal and financial guidelines for a solid partnership. Learn more at the Microsoft Inspire Session Catalog I M I M R S V Partnering for Specialization: Specialize Not Supersize Build a Winning Channel with Microsoft’s Partner Ecosystem Defining Your ISV P2P Strategy for Enterprise partners Learn how a modern partnership changes infrastructure in favor of specialization and how MSPs can leverage ISVs to partner for growth. Identify the key focus areas to build an effective channel program and learn how to successfully leverage Microsoft resources and its partner ecosystem to expand your channel. Learn how to build successful partnerships with ISVs from experts and panelists. Topics of discussion will include benefits of partnering, how to identify the right ISVs, and best practices to optimize those partnerships with ISVs and with Microsoft. I M I M I M V *Needs to be updated with the latest names The Fastest Path to the Cloud Through Partnership Growth Through Partnering: Making MSP and ISV Relationships Work Partnering: The Perfect Marriage for Happy Customers Going Deeper with Partners Audience members learn how to avoid failure in partnerships, the success factors, the right mindset, and how to evaluate partnerships. Learn how to create strong partnerships as an MSP working with an ISV, as well as how evolving your business model will help to increase your value as an MSP. Learn the value of an MSP, why to change a business model to managed services, and how infrastructure changes lead to positive outcomes. Connect I M R S V I M R S V Ask the Experts Networking Book time with an expert for a 15-min consultation Take advantage of networking opportunities © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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