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Guidelines on the management of farmland in Natura 2000

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1 Guidelines on the management of farmland in Natura 2000
2nd meeting of the expert Sub-Group 3rd October 2011

2 Case studies – proposals
63 cases from 24 countries – No cases for MT, CY, LI yet. Biogeographical Regions: 6 Alpine, 16 Atlantic, 10 Boreal, 1 Black Sea, 21 Continental, 5 Mediterranean, 3 Pannonian, 0 Macaronesia, 0 Steppic Region, 3 several regions.

3 Case studies – proposals
Broad habitat types: 8 CAH, 20 grasslands, 28 gra + MBF, WF, CAH…

4 Case studies – proposals
Agricultural practices: 42 grazing/mowing, 10 management of arable land/crops to improve conditions for certain species, 3 support to livestock breeding/pastoral systems, other measures

5 Case studies – proposals
SPECIES : Birds, Invertebrates, Mammals, Plants, Amphibians…

6 Case studies – proposals Demonstration value

7 Case studies selection
27 cases studies from all EU MS:  different types of habitats & agricultural land and practices  different types of conservation measures  reflect the challenges identified in the previous tasks and the principles of integrated management.

8 Case studies selection
Some criteria to consider: Represent main agricultural systems, main problems, different types of agricultural practices and key interactions with nature conservation Participatory approach in design and implementation of measures Good practice in resolving conflicts Efficient use of EU funds and other instruments (labels, incentives, PES…) Strategic approaches (e.g. tackling a particular habitat or suite of species over many sites, for which the country has special responsibility for – eg fennoscandian meadows/wooded pastures in Sweden,  boreal coastal meadows in Estonia large scale, single site) Local approach (single site) High demonstration value, good practice but also unsuccessful experience.

9 Case studies selection
Thank you for your contribution!

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