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Situations that require a driver to yield right-of-way

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1 Situations that require a driver to yield right-of-way

2 WHAT IS RIGHT OF WAY? Right of way is the right of one driver to go first or to cross in front of another driver. Right of way laws are to help and aid the flow of traffic in a safe way. At some point while driving, you will have to let someone else go first, or yield right of way. Drivers should never assume that they have right of way; you do not have right of way unless someone gives it to you.

3 WHAT IS RIGHT OF WAY? Always be alert to the lack of mistake and knowledge of other drivers. For example, don’t expect that just because you are on the right of another vehicle at a four way stop that others will yield to you. Right of way laws are issued by the Uniform Vehicle Code, therefore they are the same in all 50 States. Violation of right of way laws are one of the main causes of traffic crashes and accidents.

4 Approaching and Entering Intersections
There are several different scenarios at intersections that involve yielding right of way. These scenarios can be based on the type of intersection you are approaching as a driver, when you arrive at the intersection, and if you are to the right or left of another vehicle. Different types include: Controlled intersections using road signs or traffic lights Uncontrolled intersections with no signs or traffic lights Four-Way Stops Intersections with traffic that does not stop

5 Right of Way Intersection Rules
Uncontrolled Intersections – yield to vehicles already in the intersection. Also, drivers on the left must yield to those on the right. Controlled Intersections with Traffic Lights – yield to vehicles still in the intersection when the light changes. Controlled Intersections with Through Traffic – at stop or yield signs, yield to traffic on the through street. Four Way Stops – yield to vehicles that arrive first. If arriving at the same time, yield to the vehicle on the right.

6 Uncontrolled Intersections
The picture below shows an uncontrolled intersection with no lights or signs. Why is the driver in the red car continuing to move, why do they have the right of way?

7 Uncontrolled Intersections
ANSWERS It was the first car to the intersection. It is to the “right” of the blue car. There is no car to it’s “right” at the intersection.

8 Controlled Intersections
The picture below shows an intersection controlled by stop signs and pavement markings. Which car in the picture should proceed first and why?

9 Controlled Intersections
ANSWERS The blue car has the right of way because they do not have a stop sign. The red car must wait until the blue passes through the intersection before proceeding forward.

10 Controlled Intersections
Another scenario shows three cars at a 4 Way Stop. Assuming that all of them were there at the same time, who has the right of way?

11 Controlled Intersections
ANSWERS Car C (blue) would have the right of way. Car B (yellow) would go next followed by A (green).

12 Left Turns When making a left turn within an intersection or into an alley, driveway, or private road, you must yield the right of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction when it is within the intersection or so close to as to constitute and immediate hazard.

13 Left Turns Scenario – Based on the information you were presented in the previous slide, which vehicle in the diagram below has the right of way.

14 Left Turns The red car has the right of way in this scenario because the silver car is turning left therefore it will wait until the red car has proceeded through the intersection before making its turn.

15 Leaving a Driveway or Alley
When you are exiting or leaving a driveway or alley, you must yield to all traffic in the roadway. In the picture below, who has the right of way?

16 Leaving a Driveway or Alley
ANSWER Car A has the right of way. Car B is exiting a driveway or alley, therefore they must allow Car A to pass before pulling into the road. Car B should come to a complete stop before exiting the driveway/alley.

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