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Cryptography Lecture 9.

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1 Cryptography Lecture 9

2 Breaking encryption schemes
Recall encryption scheme from last time: Enck(m) = < r, Fk(r)  m > If r repeats, security fails Exactly analogous to multiple encryptions using the (pseudo)one-time pad scheme

3 Breaking encryption schemes
Let F be a block cipher Two general CPA-attacks on a scheme F not used correctly (Function of) plaintext directly leaked in ciphertext F not used with a random, unknown key E.g., Enck(m) = < r, Fr(m) > Cause F to be evaluated on the same input twice E.g., Enck(m1, m2) = < r, Fk(r)  m1, Fk(m1)  m2 > Any deterministic scheme

4 Stream ciphers

5 Stream ciphers As we defined them, PRGs are limited
They have fixed-length output They produce output in “one shot” In practice, PRGs are based on stream ciphers Can be viewed as producing an “infinite” stream of pseudorandom bits, on demand More flexible, more efficient

6 Stream ciphers Pair of efficient, deterministic algorithms (Init, GetBits) Init takes a seed s (and optional IV), and outputs initial state st0 GetBits takes the current state st and outputs a bit y along with updated state st’ In practice, y would be a block rather than a bit

7 Stream ciphers Can use (Init, GetBits) to generate any desired number of output bits from an initial seed s IV Init GetBits GetBits st0 st1 st2 y1 y2

8 Stream ciphers A stream cipher is secure (informally) if the output stream generated from a uniform seed is pseudorandom I.e., regardless of how long the output stream is (so long as it is polynomial) See book for formal definition

9 Modes of operation Stream-cipher modes of operation Synchronized

10 Synchronized mode Sender and receiver maintain state (i.e., they are stateful), and must be synchronized Makes sense in the context of a limited-time communication session where messages are received in order, without being lost

11 Synchronized mode s s Init Init st0 st0 m1 y1 y1 c1 GetBits  

12 Unsynchronized mode Choose random IV to encrypt next message
Similar to the first CPA-secure scheme we saw But “natively” handles arbitrary-length messages with better ciphertext expansion

13 Unsynchronized mode s IV IV s Init Init st0 st0 m y y c GetBits  

14 Unsynchronized mode Note that for security, we require the stream cipher to be a PRF I.e., for fixed seed s, the output of the stream cipher when using different IVs should all look uniform and independent

15 So far… Have been assuming only a passive, eavesdropping attacker
(Even if it can carry out chosen-plaintext attacks)

16 c1  Enck(m1) … ct  Enck(mt)
... k k ct m1, …, mt c1  Enck(m1) … ct  Enck(mt)

17 So far… Have been assuming only a passive, eavesdropping attacker
What if the attacker can be active? E.g., interfering with the communication channel

18 c c’ k k c  Enck(m) m’  Deck(c')

19 Malleability (Informal:) A scheme is malleable if it is possible to modify a ciphertext and thereby cause a predictable change to the plaintext Malleability can be dangerous! E.g., encrypted bank transactions

20 Malleability All the schemes we have seen so far are malleable!
E.g., the one-time pad...

21 c1c2…cn c1c2…c’n k k c := (m1m2…mn)k m1m2…m’n := (c1c2…c’n)k

22 Malleability All the schemes we have seen so far are malleable!
E.g., the one-time pad... Perfect secrecy does not imply non-malleability! Similar attacks (and sometimes others) on all the schemes we have seen so far

23 So far… Have been assuming only a passive, eavesdropping attacker
What if the attacker can be active? E.g., “impersonating” the sender; injecting communication on the channel

24 c k k c  Enck(m) m’  Deck(c') c’ m’

25 Chosen-ciphertext attacks
Models settings in which the attacker can influence what gets decrypted, and observe the effects How to model? Allow attacker to submit ciphertexts of its choice* to the receiver, and learn the corresponding plaintext In addition to being able to carry out a chosen-plaintext attack! *With one restriction, described next

26 CCA-security Define a randomized exp’t PrivCCAA,(n): k  Gen(1n)
A(1n) interacts with an encryption oracle Enck(·), and a decryption oracle Deck(·), and then outputs m0, m1 of the same length b  {0,1}, c  Enck(mb), give c to A A can continue to interact with Enck(·), Deck(·), but may not request decryption of c A outputs b’; A succeeds if b = b’, and experiment evaluates to 1 in this case

27 CCA-security  is secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA-secure) if for all PPT attackers A, there is a negligible function  such that Pr[PrivCCAA,(n) = 1] ≤ ½ + (n)

28 Chosen-ciphertext attacks and malleability
If a scheme is malleable, then it cannot be CCA-secure Modify c, submit modified ciphertext c’ to the decryption oracle and determine original message based on the result CCA-security implies non-malleability

29 CCA-security In the definition of CCA-security, the attacker can obtain the decryption of any ciphertext of its choice (besides the challenge ciphertext) Is this realistic? We show a scenario where: One bit about decrypted ciphertexts is leaked The scenario occurs in the real world! This can be exploited to learn the entire plaintext

30 CBC mode m1 m2 mt IV Fk Fk Fk c0 c1 c2 ct

31 Arbitrary-length messages?
Message  encoded data  ciphertext PKCS #5 encoding: Assume message is an integral # of bytes Let L be the block length (in bytes) of the cipher Let b ≥ 1 be # of bytes that need to be appended to the message to get length a multiple of L 1 ≤ b ≤ L; note b  0 Append b (encoded in 1 byte), b times I.e., if 3 bytes of padding are needed, append 0x030303

32 Decryption? To decrypt: Use CBC-mode decryption to obtain encoded data
Say the final byte of encoded data has value b If b=0 or b > L, return “error” If final b bytes of encoded data are not all equal to b, return “error” Otherwise, strip off the final b bytes of the encoded data, and output what remains as the message

33 Example (L=8) AB 01 4F 21 00 7C 02 02 AB 01 4F 21 00 7C 02 02

34 c k k c  Enck(m) Deck(c') c’ error? Padding oracle!

35 Padding oracles Padding oracles are frequently present in, e.g., web applications Even if an error is not explicitly returned, an attacker might be able to detect differences in timing, behavior, etc.

36 Main idea of the attack Consider a two-block ciphertext IV, c
Encoded data = Fk-1(c)  IV Main observation: If an attacker modifies the ith byte of IV, this causes a predictable change (only) to the ith byte of the encoded data

37  = Fk-1(c): IV: “Success” “Error” XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX AB 01 4F 21
00 7C 02 9E = Encoded data: XX XX XX 06 XX 06 XX XX 06 06 XX 06 XX “Success” “Error”

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