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2 Baptists are a movement of people on mission to advance the Kingdom of God.
As Victoriain Baptists we have a long history looking ahead and investing in church communities for the future. In the 1950s the BUV established the ‘Legion of Donors’ to help provide financial assistance to church planting around the state. These efforts were closely linked to the Home Missions Department, and some of our churches now celebrating 60 or 70 year anniversaries were supported through this scheme – including Syndal, Heathmont and Blackburn Baptist Churches. In the 1990’s ‘Kick Start’ saw a new generation of supporters of future mission engaged in helping establish new church communities. The idea, historically and today, is that a large number of Baptists making a contribution together, can make a big difference. In 2017 we launch our first Grow-Give-Go campaign seeking together to expand Baptist mission into new places The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields Luke 10:2

3 GROW GIVE G0 Our vision is to GROW state-wide & beyond
It will require us all to GIVE …and support Community Builders to GO into these new places We are endeavouring to grow our vision beyond each local church to look outward to growth corridors and emerging population areas This expanded vision for Baptist mission will require us all to contribute – to Give It will also require us to identify, equip and release church and community builders to GO. Those who will go out into new places, to harvest new fields – our modern day Baptist missioners.

4 GROW GIVE G0 We have 7 key strategic areas for mission identified.
Armstrong Creek; Wyndam Vale; Woodlea; Donnybrook/Kalkallo; Epping North are all greenfield sites in Victorias growth corridors Fishermans Bend is a Brownfield site – where inner urban development will see massive new infrastructure and population growth close to the Melbourne CBD. The IR People of South East Asia are also one of Global Interactions ‘least reached people groups’ and we will be looking to grow-give-go in this mission field too.

5 BUV GROW GIVE G0 Strategic New Location 2017
WOODLEA BUV has secured 2 plots of land to create ‘space’ Incarnational base in the heart of the new community Space makers sowing into development of community spirit Possible Community Farming and Childcare Ventures In 2017 our key area for focus is Woodlea, the new development located between Caroline Springs and Melton in the outer west of Melbourne. Our BVUV has secured 2 plots of land, strategically located in the heart of this new development, with a view to planting space makers in this developing community. Our intent is to build 2 houses and identify two couples who will form the seed of a new faith community, growing community spirit as this new area is developed. We also have interest from the Woodlea developers for our BUV to help create a community farming and a childcare venture in order to foster strong community.

6 GROW GIVE G0 SOWING SUNDAY 17 September 2017
Our Opportunity to GIVE #bettertogether Victorian Baptists - together - investing for the future Advancing the Kingdom of God in Victoria On Sunday 17th September 2017 Victorian Baptists will have the opportunity to come together to GIVE

7 What’s needed? Prayer People Places
Pray that as we join God in these new areas, space and willing people will be identified Pray for good relationships with local councils and developers Pray for the release of resources through existing Baptist Churches to underpin this strategy for the future People Who will go? Who are the workers for the harvest? Churches can help identify, equip and release the right people – modern day missioners – space makers for new areas To realise this vision for Growth we need: Prayer People Places Places Victoria’s growth corridors (greenfield) and booming inner urban apartment based sites (brownfield) are the places we need to plant people who will bring transformation to these growing communities. Securing the right places in these communities requires funds

In order to pursue our Grow Give Go goals, we will need $1million 2 space making properties Support of first 3 years for2 community builder couples moving into Woodlea We will meet this GIVE goal with generous giving on Grow GIVE Go Sowing Sunday through: 2 gifts of $100, gifts of $50, gifts of $20, gifts of $10, gifts of $1, people giving $500 How will you and your church join to invest in our Grow Give Go vision? We also need funding to realise our goals for Growth The Woodlea project will need Victorian Baptists to contribute $1million to sow into the first 3 years of this new community How will you and your Church join with others in our union of churches in Victoria to enable us together to GROW-GIVE-GO in 2017 and beyond?


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