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Bellringer Question – Get Clicker

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1 10.17.12 Bellringer Question – Get Clicker
USE CLICKERS ONLY Philip II, King of Spain, was what religion? Lutheran Calvinist Catholic Baptist

2 Random Fact of the Day On average, you will receive 31 prank phone calls in your life.

3 The Story of Philip II King of Spain – 1556-1598
When Politics and Religion Collide

4 Questions – Two Paragraphs
Describe three ways that Philip II will defend his Catholic faith through his political actions. Describe three ways in which Spain loses power by the end of the 17th century.

5 Philip II of Spain: Absolute Monarch
From the house of the Spanish Hapsburgs Son of Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V (Charles I of Spain) Like his father he was a devout Catholic and aggressive.

6 So… We’ve talked about the wives of Henry VIII (how many did he have?). Let’s look at the four wives of Philip II…

Maria of Portugal Mary of England

8 NIECE Elisabeth of France Anne of Austria

9 Well then. So why would Philip find it necessary to marry so many of his relatives?

10 Philip’s Empire He inherited Spain, Spanish Netherlands and the American colonies. He sent missionaries over to new areas to help convert people to the Catholic faith. 1580, Philip seized the Portuguese kingdom because he was the nephew of the king of Portugal. Colonies supplied Spain with immense wealth. Enough to pay a standing army of 50,000.

11 Defender of Catholicism
1554 Philip marries Mary I of England hoping to add to his empire, unite against the French and return England to Catholicism. After Mary died, Philip offered himself to her sister, Elizabeth I. Elizabeth refused. 1571 Answering the Pope’s request, Philip sent troops to fight the Muslim, Ottoman Empire. 1588 Philip launched the Spanish Armada against Elizabeth I, a protestant Queen. The Armada was defeated by England and weakened Spain.







18 Spanish Empire Weakens
Severe Inflation Caused by a growing population demanding goods and services and a drop in the price of silver, value of money Unfair tax system Spain’s nobles did not have to pay taxes. Tax burden fell on poor. Spain never developed a middle class.

19 Spanish Empire Weakens
Unfavorable Balance of Trade Spaniards bought products from France, England, and the Netherlands. Borrowed money from German and Italian bankers to finance wars. Philip declared bankruptcy three times.

20 Spanish Empire Weakens
Dutch Revolt Religious differences, many in the Spanish Netherlands were protestant Calvinists. Philip raised taxes in Netherland territories to crush Protestantism. Religious warfare between Catholics and Protestants takes hold in the Netherlands. 1579 – Protestant parts of Netherlands declared their independence from Spain.

21 And what happened to Philip?
Died a painful death in 1598 from sickness Spain reached peak under his rule, but he was never able to defeat Protestantism or defeat the Dutch rebellion Philippines named for him

22 Questions – Two Paragraphs
Describe three ways that Philip II will defend his Catholic faith through his political actions. Describe three ways in which Spain loses power by the end of the 17th century.

23 Religion and Politics Some public opinion polling…







30 Value Walk #1 When selecting our political leaders, we should consider their religious faith.

31 Value Walk #2 A political leader should never discuss his or her religious faith when it comes to political affairs.

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