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I John Lesson 1.

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1 I John Lesson 1

2 I John Author Chapter 1:1-4 Author
He was an eyewitness of Jesus’ life vs. 1 He heard, saw and touched the Word vs. 1 Proclaimed the eternal life manifested to him vs. 2 Had fellowship with the Father and Son vs.3 Desired others to have the same fellowship so their joy would be complete vs. 3-4 John is the author, though he is not named

3 I John Recipients Believers: they say they have fellowship with Him (1:6) and confess their sins (1:9) They already knew the truth (2:21) There were false prophets trying to deceive them (2:26, 3:7) John considered himself a father-figure to them calling them “little children” 7 times!

4 WHY John wrote John wrote so that his joy would be complete 1:4
He wrote about what he had seen, touched, looked at and heard from Jesus 1:1 He desired for others to have the same fellowship with the Father and Son 1:3 He wrote so they would not sin 2:1 Wrote a new and old commandment 2:7-8 Wrote to fathers, young men and children 2:12-14

5 WHY John wrote He wrote to believers because they knew the truth, but some were trying to deceive them 2:21, 26 **He wrote so they would KNOW that they have eternal life** 5:13 Author’s purpose: to Know that they have eternal life, not sin and know the truth Historical setting: between 85 & 95 AD, BEFORE Revelation.

6 I John 1 Key word in this chapter: Sin repeated 5 times
Jesus’ blood cleanses from all sin those who have fellowship with Him 1:7 Those denying their sin are deceived 1:8 Those who confess it are forgiven and cleansed 1:9

7 I John 2 Key words: Know and Abide mostly used
Wrote so that believers would not sin 2:1 But IF we sin, we have an Advocate 2:1 Is sin now a choice then? Our sins have been forgiven 2:12 You can know you abide in Him by walking as He did 2:3,6 The one who loves his brother ABIDES in the Light 2:10 Don’t love the world 2:15

8 I John 2 Warning about antichrists in the world 2:18
Warning about deceivers 2:26 Encouragement to let what they had heard from the beginning, abide in them 2:24 Message: eternal life 1:2, 2:25 There is an anointing every believer has from the Holy One. It abides in you. 2:27 It teaches you truth: not lies 2:27

9 I John 3 Key Words: Sin and Know Sin is lawlessness 3:4
No one who abides in sin knows Him 3:6 Don’t be deceived: those who practice righteousness, are His children 3:7 Love shows that a person abides in life 3:14 No murderer has eternal life abiding in him 3:15 How did they know they would be like Jesus when He appears? 3:2 2 Cor. 3:18 Rom. 8:29

10 I John 4 Test the spirits to see if they are from God 4:1
Spirit of God contrasted with the spirit of the antichrist – false prophets 4:3 Jesus has come in the flesh 4:2 Gnosticism Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God 4:7-8 God is love. We love because He first loved us 4:8, 19 By this we know that we abide in Him 4:13

11 I John 5 How can one know those born of God? 5:1 Love His children 5:1
Love: which equals keeping His commands 5:2 Overcome the world by faith 5:4 Believe the testimony about Jesus which equals eternal life 5:11 We have confidence in asking 5:14 Do not continue in sin 5:16-19 To know Jesus is to have life 5:20

12 2 John John introduced himself as the elder vs. 1
The elect lady and her children are the recipients vs. 1 They are walking in the truth vs. 4 The commandment from the beginning is that they love one another vs. 5 Warning against deceivers, antichrists vs. 7 Jesus coming in the flesh vs. 7 Abide in the teaching of Christ vs. 9 John hoped to see them vs. 12

13 2 John At A Glance Theme: Walk in Truth and love: don’t be deceived
Vs Abide in the Truth Vs Walk in the Truth Vs Abide in Christ’s Teaching Vs Joy made full Vs. 13 Fellow children greet you For the church today: Know the truth and live in it. Watch yourselves, so you’re not deceived.

14 3 John The elder, to Gaius, a beloved brother who was walking in the truth vs. 1 No greater joy, than to hear of his children walking in the truth vs. 3 Gaius loved the church and ministered to the believers vs. 6-8 Diotrephes was a contrast to Gaius vs. 9 Didn’t acknowledge John’s authority Accused them unjustly with wicked words Did not receive the brethren Forbade and cast out those who did vs. 10

15 3 John Gaius was told to imitate good, not evil vs. 11
Demetrius was another good example to follow vs. 12 John hoped to visit soon vs. 14

16 3 John At A Glance Theme: Support Fellow Workers for the Truth
Vs. 1 Love the Truth Vs. 2-4 Future – children walking in the Truth Vs. 5-8 Send & Support fellow workers with the Truth Vs Call attention to deeds of unjust Vs Imitate good, true testimony Vs Personal interaction Vs. 15 Peace

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