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Taking stock of the ESF-60Years campaigns The way forward and 2018 mobilisation European Commission Aris PEROULAKIS, DG Employment, Social Affairs and.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking stock of the ESF-60Years campaigns The way forward and 2018 mobilisation European Commission Aris PEROULAKIS, DG Employment, Social Affairs and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking stock of the ESF-60Years campaigns The way forward and 2018 mobilisation
European Commission Aris PEROULAKIS, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion ESF Technical Working group Brussels, Belgium, 8-9 February 2018

2 ESF60Y: Commission activities
ESF Presidency Conference, Malta, March ESF60Y exhibition going around Conference with Presidency on the future of human capital funding in Sofia 15-16/2/2018

3 ESF60Y: national/regional activities
National conferences 9th May- Europe' s day Creating Videos Social media campaigns

4 Some very special/particular campaigns (the three best after a vote of the INIO participants in Mons) Latvia: a campaign: a video for TV and cinemas Czech Republic : combine with Europe's day celebration Luxembourg: a 9th May campaign on Luxembourgish TV

5 INIO meeting conclusions: YES we can go beyond "business as usual" actions
dedicate more effort promoting it through original ideas produce special Audio-visual material dedicated to this link it with other actions rather than deal with it as a stand-alone issue cooperate with end users, civil society and NGOs to get the message out to new audiences use "the human stories behind ESF" as a tool, this being the main power of ESF

6 -a big corporate campaign for all EU Funds
Euro barometer found out that only 30% of citizens all over EU are aware on cohesion policy. So, EC is planning the answer to tackle this through: -a specific campaign on 30 years of cohesion comprising two strands one for stakeholders and another for broad public as far as they seem designed bottom up -a big corporate campaign for all EU Funds Let us see how we together could better incorporate ESF actions within these big communication campaigns

7 Open Days in May 2018 with 30 cohesion projects/stories and a face behind each (we are expecting some ESF there as it comes bottom up from MS, 1 from each) Local Citizens Dialogues with the Council of European cities and Regions (only AT, DE, FR, GR, IT, NL, SE) the first is planned for Tours in France on 14/2/2018 (again bottom up approach through regions and countries proposals, so ESF possible also) A support for information coverage from spring 2018 on cohesion in MS, through a call of 4 million where finally 17 beneficiaries (media, info centers etc) from nine countries are selected (FR, IT, RO, HU, SI, PL, PT, BG, SK), there ESF could be pushed as well

8 the road trip project is organising in 4 routes: Mediterranean (GR, HR, SL, IT, FR), Atlantic (PT, ES, FR, BE, NL), Danube (DE, AT, Sk, HU, BG, RO) and Baltic (FI, EE, LV, LT, PL, DE) from April to August with a van by 8 selected young people (2 per trip) and we are trying as soon as we can have the stops in each route to add ESF people to participate in local meetings with managing authorities, EDICs etc and to have some ESF projects in their travel program EU in my region (from May to October) in the format of the last year successful open up local projects to large audiences but fine-tuned to better coordinate the actors involved (already ESF was participating but should push for more ESF this year as well) EU delivers in the regions in 40 regions (tbc) of 7 MS (AT, DE, FR, GR, IT, NL, SE) as from mid-2018 outdoor promotion actions in rural areas and small periphery cities and we should get informed our people there to take part in that campaign

9 under the EC umbrella, corporate campaign EU delivers, EU empowers, EU protects with ordinary heroes, real stories, locally rooted (already ESF is greatly visible should remain like that)

10 -Taking part in the local debates of the selected MS
Therefore, this year communication is one major priority and ESF should be there strongly present: This could become a reality but not without YOU How YOU think you could help to achieve the following: -Pushing ESF projects to be part of the 30 cohesion stories/videos (one project per MS) -Taking part in the local debates of the selected MS -Selling ESF in the media and info centers of the selected countries -Taking part in the youth road trips meetings/visits -Continuing be part of "EU in my region" campaign -Being there promoting ESF in those 40 rural areas -Proposing our ESF stories under the big Invest EU campaigns

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