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MinPlan for electronic study plan, and course and exam registration

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1 MinPlan for electronic study plan, and course and exam registration
Orientation course for international master’s degree students August Coordinator Tove Forslund Support for Teaching and Learning

2 MinPlan All students studying for a degree at Åbo Akademi University should create an individual study plan MinPlan (“MyPlan”): a web-based tool used in the study planning process e.g. for creating individual study plans and registering for courses and exams

3 MinPlan login:

4 MinPlan log in – NB! Requires that you have
a user account to the ÅAU IT-resources paid your Student Union fee for the academic year registered as a student at the Student Office the Student Office has entered your data into the Study Register (STURE)  Next day: possible to log into MinPlan

5 Functions in MinPlan Individual study plan Course registration
Examination registration

6 You create your study plan in the folder My study plan – click [New]

7 MinPlan – study plan Individual study plan includes
Plan and structure of own degree Compulsory courses Optional courses Links to course descriptions for your own courses Scheduling; courses to be completed Per term, per year Completed courses Updated automatically in the study plan You can make several drafts of alternative study plans Study plans can always be edited/updated during academic year

8 Review of study plan The study plan can be reviewed
as a formal approval of study plan (if required by the department or programme) or as support in the planning process ( get feedback from dedicated teacher tutor) Important: Always follow instructions given to you by your programme or department!

9 Registering for courses and exams in MinPlan (for courses in your study plan)
Select ”My registrations”

10 Registering for a course in MinPlan without creating a study plan or for courses not in your study plan Select ”My registrations”

11 Click ”Add course”

12 Register 1 2 1. Click [Show details] to see if there is room on the course. 2. Click [Register] 3. Remember to cancel your registration if you are not going to take the course 3

13 Registering for examinations in MinPlan (courses not in your study plan)
2 1 1. Select the tab “Examination registrations” 2. Click “Get new examinations” Åbo Akademi | Domkyrkotorget 3 | Åbo

14 Registration for class examination on specific dates
Class examination = General examination day

15 Status of registration and cancellations

16 Information and guides
1. Information and guides 2. 3. MinPlan guides available in English Video: How to create your individual study plan Video: Course and examination registration MinPlan Start Guide ÅAU course database ’outside’ MinPlan:

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