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…it’s what’s for dinner.

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Presentation on theme: "…it’s what’s for dinner."— Presentation transcript:

1 …it’s what’s for dinner.
Brains… …it’s what’s for dinner.

2 The brain As we learned yesterday, the brain is part of the central nervous system.

3 The brain The brain is the control center of the body.
It controls everything from primitive emotions (happiness and anger) to more complex functions (self-control and abstract thinking) It also controls actions, from talking to digesting It even keeps your body in homeostasis.

4 Brain-y Vocabulary Lobe – A curved or rounded projection or division
Sulcus – A shallow furrow (depression or fissure) in the surface of the brain (plural – sulci) Gyrus – A convoluted ridge (elevated area) between anatomical grooves (plural – gyri)


6 Layers of the brain From Superficial to Deep Skin & Hair Skull
Dura Mater Arachnoid Layer Cerebrospinal Fluid Pia Mater Brain Tissue

7 Divisions of the brain Cerebrum: contains 4 lobes, has left and right hemispheres Cerebellum: Motor Skills, Attention, Language & some emotion Brainstem: Autonomic Functions, Sensory reception

8 the 4 lobes of the cerebrum
Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Learning Social Norms Decision-making Long-term memory Sensory Input Object manipulation Visuo-spatial processing

9 the 4 lobes of the cerebrum
Occipital Lobe Temporal Lobe Primary Visual Cortex Dreams originate here Speech Comprehension Verbal Memory Naming Language

10 Brain parts Cerebellum Brain Stem Means ‘little brain’ Regulates
balance Posture movement Connects the cerebral hemispheres with cerebellum Contains: Thalamus: cortex for sensory processing Hypothalamus – a gland that controls many important function


12 The brain is made of Gray matter acts as a computer processer!
Neural cell bodies and dendrites Gray matter controls: Muscle control Sensory perception Memory, emotions and speech Gray matter carries information from the internal and external environments to the brain Gray matter acts as a computer processer!

13 Gray and White matter White Matter
Mostly myelinated axons White matter connects various gray matter of the brain to each other and carry nerve impulses between neurons White matter acts as the wires that connect computers together!

14 Spinal Cord A long, thin tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells that extends from the brain Like the brain, it contains gray and white matter

15 Functions of Spinal Cord
Sends sensory information up to the brain Sends motor information down from the brain Serves as a center for coordinating certain reflexes

16 Spinal Cord Diagram The dorsal (posterior) roots carry afferent sensory nerves, while the ventral (anterior) roots carry efferent motor nerves.

17 Questions Which part of your brain acts as the computer processor?
Which part of your brain acts as the wiring to connect it? What is the name of the material that ‘insulates’ the axons?


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