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THE BRAIN 3 Sections of the Brain:

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1 THE BRAIN 3 Sections of the Brain:
Hindbrain: Medulla, Pons, Cerebellum Midbrain: Reticular Activating System Forebrain: Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Limbic System, Cerebrum

2 THE BRAIN Reticular Activating System: attention, sleep, arousal
Limbic System: memory Amygdala: emotions Thalamus: relay station for senses Cerebral Cortex: 70% of total weight; critical thinking, decision making, planning

3 The Brain Hypothalamus: eating and drinking
Cerebellum: balance and coordination Medulla: vital functions

4 The Brain Broca’s Area: expressing language
Wernicke’s Area: understanding language Primary Visual Cortex: center for seeing Auditory Coretx: center for hearing

5 CEREBRAL CORTEX Composed of two sides: left and right hemisphere
Corpus Callosum connects the two hemispheres Different hemispheres control different modes of thinkings

6 LEFT HEMISPHERE Focus on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy
Controls the right side of the body Logical, rational, analytical, accurate Excels in math and science Career choices include doctor, lawyer, accountant, business management, retail

7 RIGHT HEMISPHERE Focus on aesthetics, feeling and creativity
Controls the left side of the body Random, spatial, intuitive, people skills Excels is writing, music and the arts Career choices include advertising, therapist, broadcast journalism, the arts Some individuals are “whole-brained” and adapt at both modes

8 4 LOBES Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes Occipital Lobe: seeing
Temporal Lobe: hearing Parietal Lobe: skin Frontal Lobe: motor and sensory messages

9 STUDYING THE BRAIN Accidents Electrical Stimulation
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Scans CAT MRI PET

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