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MUH Music History I The New Practice

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1 MUH 3211 - Music History I The New Practice
11/7/2018 Chapter Seven The New Practice DAY 26 (3 Nov 17)

2 Greek Music in the 16th C Renaissance = “revival” (of Antiquity)
Ancient Greek Music (what is it? ) Words should determine the music - N. Vicentino (1555) Affect = Emotion (leads to) “word painting” Problem of Polyphony (textbook, p ) - Zarlino & Palestrina – text intelligibility Vincenzo Galilei (1581) – argues for simplicity - solo voice w/ lyre accompaniment

3 Florentine Camerata Home of Giovanni de Bardi (Florence) – 1573-1587
Camerata = “society” - poets, literary figures How to revive Greek music? Letters of Girolamo Mei - study & translate Greeks Giulio Caccini, et al. - songs in Greek manner “Monody” – according to Caccini (Le Nuove Musiche)

4 Jacopo Peri as poet Arion (Intermedio V: “Song of Arion”)
MUH Music History I Florentine Wedding (1589) 11/7/2018 Medici / French princess - major event Play w/ six Intermedi - short musical interludes - Classical Antiquity - Power of music Intermedio V (Anth. I/ 69) Una Stravaganza Dei Medici (All 6 intermedi in 8 parts [Anth I/69 in part 6]) Jacopo Peri as poet Arion (Intermedio V: “Song of Arion”) DAY 26 (3 Nov 17)

5 Caccini, Le Nuove Musiche
“The new music” (1602) Caccini describe Camerata (textbook, p. 199) Solo voice & accompaniment Monody (“one song”) Basso continuo “Sfogava con le stelle” Anth I/70 (& textbook, p. 201)

6 Basso continuo / Figured Bass
Exs. Caccini - “Amor...” [lute] & Caccini - “Amor...” [organ]

7 Baroque Traits (text, p. 202-6)
MUH Music History I Baroque Traits (text, p ) 11/7/2018 Basso Continuo Continuation of old styles (against new ones) Modal system gives way to modern tonality - harmony conceived as chords Rhythmic complexity and freedom Virtuosity (rise of the soloist) Rise of Instrumental music (and its own idioms) Program music Timbre as element of contrast National styles DAY 26 (3 Nov 17)

8 MUH 3211 - Music History I Vocal Music, 1600-1650
11/7/2018 Chapter Eight Vocal Music, DAY 26 (3 Nov 17)

9 Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Leading figure of the era Master of two styles (prima & seconda prattica) Mantua : Secular works - madrigals & opera (!) - genre concitato Venice : Sacred music - m.d.c. of St. Mark’s - also operas (public) - numerous commissions Text, p (bio)

10 “Cruda Amarilli” (Anth I/71)
Composed by Monteverdi, c. 1600 Criticized by G. M. Artusi (1600) - L’Artusi, or the Imperfection of Modern Music Problems w/ dissonances (unprepared/harsh) Published in Fifth Book of Madrigals (1605) - prefatory letter from C. M. - “…the second practice…” (seconda prattica) - defense by Giulio Cesare Monteverdi (brother) “Cruda Amarilli” : Score & Recording

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