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TO TAKE YOUR ONLINE HEALTH ASSESSMENT Log in to the website and follow the instructions to access the wellness portal.

FILL OUT REGISTRATION FORM Once on the site, click on “Register New Account”. Fill out the one page information sheet. Once you have read and accepted the Privacy Policy, click the “submit” button.

4 BCBSLA’s Secure Wellness Web Portal
CLICK: “KNOW YOUR HEALTH STATUS” to take your Health Assessment One of the resources that is being offered to you today is the ability to take a Health Assessment (HA). How many of you are familiar with a HA? A HA is an on-line tool that helps you know the status of your health and offers suggestions to decrease your top risk factors. It takes roughly 15 minutes to complete. Each HA participant will respond to a series of questions about their current health, beliefs and attitudes, and personal habits related to behaviors such as exercise, diet, automobile safety, and tobacco or alcohol use. These responses can also be complemented by biometric screening data. Including biometric data ensures a comprehensive analysis of the individual’s overall health by enhancing the self-reported data with clinically defined markers for long-term health risk. Every one of you can take a HA at no cost and I encourage you to take advantage of this offering. I will be giving each of you an instruction sheet that looks like this (show sample). All that you have to do is follow these directions and log on to take the HA. (Describe instructions) [Instructions are to access HA via customer log in to

5 Health Assessment Questionnaire
Take your Health Assessment This is an example of the Health Assessment(HA) Questionnaire. As you will notice, many of the questions are related to lifestyle issues. By following the Instruction Sheet, you will have immediate access to the Health Assessment once you complete the registration page.

6 Confidential, Personal Report
And Health Dashboard Once you complete the HA, you will be able to print a personalized, individualized custom report. This report is HIPAA protected. No one will see this report except for the person taking the HA. On the report, you will be given a score on your health status. You will also be given your top health risk factors and ways to make improvements to those risk factors. We do have triggers that can potentially go to Disease and Case Management. This will only be for certain disease states and/or clinical triggers. For example, if you show that your glucose levels are high, DM could possibly reach out to you to try to prolong or prevent you from becoming diabetic. Currently, they will react to a claim once a patient becomes diabetic. In the event that you are contacted by DM or CM, you can choose to participate or not. This is the only trigger to BCBSLA and is only used to help you maintain or improve certain health conditions.

7 Tools and Resources at Your Fingertips
Nutrition and Physical Activity Trackers Also on the HA, we have nutrition and physical activity trackers. Similar to what is available on the Louisiana 2 Step site, you can track the food you eat and the amount that you exercise. These are valuable actionable tools that easily fit in with anyone’s healthy lifestyle plan.

8 Tools and Resources at Your Fingertips
Risk Advisor and Wellness Workshops Weight Nutrition Exercise Stress Smoking Back Care Pre-Diabetes Preventive Health Also available on the wellness portal are workshops on various health conditions.


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