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Take out your analysis questions from Act. 59 #3&5 pg. D-35 Also have materials out and ready for your ice preservation! Good Afternoon!

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Presentation on theme: "Take out your analysis questions from Act. 59 #3&5 pg. D-35 Also have materials out and ready for your ice preservation! Good Afternoon!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out your analysis questions from Act. 59 #3&5 pg. D-35 Also have materials out and ready for your ice preservation! Good Afternoon!

2 Analysis #3

3 Analysis # 5 Use the variables from yesterday you labeled as conductors.

4 Act. 60: Date: 5.7.13 Challenge Question: Getting Started: What does it mean to preserve?

5 Glossary Insulators:

6 Challenge Question

7 Materials: pg. # Safety: Write it down Create a data table similar to yesterday for todays activity You have 10 minutes to create your ice preservation!

8 Ice Preserving Contest Place the bag of ice in your ice preservation insulator Place it on the side table, leave until I tell you to get your insulator Make sure you have your data table created with title, same 3 columns as yesterday: time, volume, and control results

9 Copy down graphic Organizer #1 Read pgs. D-39-D-40 for the section labeled Keeping Cool Read with your group or partner and complete the graphic organizer. Pgs. D-41- Write the main ideas and details

10 Keeping Cool- pgs. D-39-D40 Main Idea: Refrigerators & Iceboxes Important Words: conduction, insulator, thermal energy Details: 1. Refrigerator invented…. 2. First iceboxes…… 3. Refrigerators are important because…

11 Title/Concept: Pg. D-40 Insulation Main Idea:insulation Important Words: Details: 1. 2. 3.

12 Pg. D-41 Main Idea: Air Conditioners & Refrigerators Important Words: Details: 1. 2. 3. Choose what is important in this section

13 Homework Complete graphic organizer for D-41, you should have 3 charts of the graphic organizer for each section. Data table complete for Act. 60 Analysis # 2 & 4 pg. D-38 Extra credit due Friday! ½ day tomorrow!

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