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Joshua Gwinn, Chief Community Recreation

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1 Joshua Gwinn, Chief Community Recreation
MDEP QDPC Review and Way Ahead Joshua Gwinn, Chief Community Recreation 30 January 2018

2 MDEP QDPC Definition Resources O&M SAG 131 Base Operations Support civilian manpower (direct and reimbursable), contracts, training and development, equipment and supplies for all COMPOs to enable the development and delivery of Soldier Programs, Community Recreation, and Direct Common FMWR Support Services that sustain the Total Army, IAW the Army Campaign Plan and the CSA's Strategic Priorities. Programs funded within this MDEP include sports, fitness and aquatics, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS), recreation centers, libraries, outdoor recreation, skill development, bowling (16 lanes or less); Direct Common FMWR Support Services (essential command and control and risk management programs for property, funds and personnel) for Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR); and, as designated by Congress, Category C FMWR activities at Remote and Isolated sites. These programs (1) enable Readiness by building upon physical, emotional, social and psychological coping skills; and (2) foster self-reliance and morale by offering positive discretionary activities to mitigate aberrant behaviors. MDEP funds opportunities for Soldiers to reintegrate and Families to reconstitute between deployments, supports survivors and enables rehabilitation for Soldiers through individual skill development and team participation. This MDEP does not fund Rotational Forces and/or Forward Deployed sites.

3 Transparency in MDEP QDPC
Baseline (APF) Authorizations for Manpower IAW annual QDPC CEAC rate Drivers: ASIP, RPLANS (sq.ft.), Hours of Operations, etc. Baseline (APF) Requirements for contracts, equipment, supplies, TTSE “Command Requirements” POM Identifies Critical Funding Requirements, which are less than Command Requirements (% of Requirement Funded) IMCOM Directorate Funding Targets IAW Aggregate Garrison % of Requirement Funded May be > Than < Than Or = previous FY MIS is enabler of analysis and planning in order to optimize resources and operations across the Enterprise

253A: Physical Fitness $45,574K $42,478K $16,754K ($97,895) 1.31% 253B: Intramural Sports $12,078K $10,647K $7,344K ($1,473K) 184.7% 253C: Library Services $15,449K $ 13,042K $ 5,609K ($1,865K) 389.9% 253D: Aquatics Programs $12,218K $12,169K $2,951K $175,190 54.8% 253E: Community Recreation Programs $12,635K $15,147K $3,624K $390,253 6.88% 253F: Outdoor Recreation Programs $19,818K $36,338K $20,742K $22,920K 40.62% 253G: Automotive Skills Programs $6,545K $10,448K $2,563K $4,302K 35.3% 253H: Arts and Crafts Programs $2,245K $3,951K $995,222 $903,628 18.9% 253J: Leisure Travel Programs $2,099K $3,954K $1,737K $3,435K 14.5% 253K: Entertainment Programs $1,270K $1,225K $497,768 $184,720 28.6% 253L: Common Support Functions $62,426K $142,971K $48,743K ($3,781K) (3.35%) 254: Business Programs $6,804K $104,905K $58,362K $30,135K 12.87% Recreation Planning (JN/JP/JQ) $4,184K $3,430K $9,919K ($2,070K) (-29.3%) Total $203,345K $400,704K $179,840K $53,159K

5 MDEP QDPC 3-Year Trend by SSP
Program Area FY15 # of Loc FY15 UFM FY15 NIBD FY16 UFM FY16 NIBD FY17 UFM FY17 NIBD FY17 # Physical Fitness 213 $48,925K $898,189 $49,760K $967,243 $45,574K ($97,895) 223 Intramurals (HH,JA) 74 $13,801K ($836,831) $10,340K ($4,372K) $12,078K ($1,473K) 70 Library Programs 71 $18,345K $83,742 $19,190K $112,724 $15,449K ($1,865K) 67 Aquatics (HJ,JF) 116 $10,952K ($1,255K) $11,161K ($1,128K) $12,218K $175,190 105 Recreation Centers (HC,WZ) 68 $11,816K $123,941 $9,384K ($3,220K) $12,635K $390,253 Outdoor Recreation $13,836K $11,281K $11,673K $9,840K $19,818K $22,920K Auto Skills 63 $4,207K $1,020K $3,898K ($40,240) $6,545K $4,302K 58 Arts and Crafts 40 $1,978K $237,472 $1,819K $91,354 $2,245K $903,628 38 Leisure Travel 47 $722,517 $2,719K $1,026K $1,865K $2,099K $3,435K 54 Entertainment 16 $1,299K ($370,048) $948,373 ($826,356) $1,270K $184,720 13 Recreation Planning (JN/JP/JQ) $3,275K ($6,964K) $3,339K ($5,369K) $4,184K ($2,070K) Business Programs $4,001K $25,105K $2,069K $24,214K $6,804K $30,135K Common FMWR Support $42,011K ($1,577K) $14,333K ($59,804K) $62,426K ($3,781K) TOTAL 778 $176,318K $27,297K $139,914K ($39,701K) $203,345K $53,159K 764 Year of Execution decrements impact revenue generation which funds Soldier Programs and Capital Reinvestment. Additionally, impacts Garrison ability to effectively plan and strategically execute programs which results in poor budgeting.

6 MDEP QDPC Considerations for Way Ahead
NEAR TERM CAT A – right size requirement to community demand CAT B and C – cost controls, revenue generation, consolidation Overhead – apply maximum standard; if NIBD is below standard, must readdress expenses (labor) NIBD - Must pay attention; sustain/grow income; in taking care of Soldiers, Garrisons can generate NIBD FAR TERM CAT A – monitor/adjust requirements IAW demand, seek efficiencies CAT B and C – recurring R/As to monitor/adjust costs/revenue, consolidation, possibly closure Overhead – seek efficiencies; if NIBD is below standard, must readdress expenses (labor) NIBD - sustain/grow income

7 MWR-Innovation

8 MWR-Innovation Objective: Rationalize the Current Portfolio of Offerings by Analyzing Current Programs and Developing a Better Understanding of the Customer Worksteps Outline Step 1a: Establish Project Management Protocols & Governance Step 1b: Create a Project Roadmap Step 2a: Develop MWR Program Rationalization Model Step 2b: Conduct Qualitative and Quantitative People Research Step 3a: Determine Preliminary Program Recommendations

9 Proposed MWR-I Approach
Understand Today Imagine Ideal End-State Take Action Operations & Financial Analysis Action Planning 2a 4a Short-Term Actions Scale & Implement / Define Organization & Funding Model 1 3a 3b Initial Roadmap Determine Preliminary Program Decisions Establish a Vision & Final Roadmap 2b 4b Long-Term Innovations People Research New/Improved Solution Development Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

10 Category A and B Performance Metrics
and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) (DRAFT)

11 Performance Metrics Category A Physical Fitness Facilities (HB)
Financial Standards: Break event in the aggregate 85% of Total Expense paid with APF Physical Fitness Facilities (HB) NIBD = or greater than 0% (Breakeven) Labor = or less than 58%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 41%* *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per visit Cost per hour of operation Cost per sqft *Cost per sqft per hour of operation Participation per hour Capacity % Customer satisfaction

12 Performance Metrics Category A Libraries(HA)
NIBD = or greater than 0% (Breakeven) Labor = or less than 66%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 33%* *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per visit annual circ per capita 1000 Cost per hour of operation e-circ per capita Cost per sqft Cost per sqft per hour of operation IT queue wait time # of wireless resource users Participation per hour # of computer resource users % ASIP population with library account # of wireless resource users Capacity % Customer satisfaction

13 Performance Metrics Category B Auto Skills(JC)
Financial Standards: Break event in the aggregate 65% of Total Expense paid with APF Auto Skills(JC) NIBD = or greater than 0%* Labor = or less than 72%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 18%* COG’s = or less than 69% *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per visit Revenue per bay Cost per hour of operation Revenue per hour Cost per bay *Cost per bay per hour of operation Participation per hour Customer satisfaction

14 Performance Metrics Category B Arts and Crafts (JB)
NIBD = or greater than 0%* Labor = or less than 65%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 13%* COG’s = or less than 46% *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per visit Cost per hour of operation Revenue per hour Participation per hour Customer satisfaction

15 Performance Metrics Category B RV/Campgrounds(JK)
NIBD = or greater than 65%* Labor = or less than 20%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 10%* Ancillary Sales COG’s F&B(14) = or less than 35% Convenience Items(27) = or less than 55% Gen Merch (37 or 39) = or less than 75% *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per pad/site Revenue per pad/site Occupancy rate % Customer satisfaction

16 Performance Metrics Category C RV/Campgrounds(KK)
NIBD = or greater than 65%* Labor = or less than 20%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 10%* Ancillary Sales COG’s F&B(14) = or less than 35% Convenience Items(27) = or less than 55% Gen Merch (37 or 39) = or less than 75% *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per pad/site Revenue per pad/site Occupancy rate % Customer satisfaction

17 Performance Metrics Category C Rec Lodging (LF)
NIBD = or greater than 35%* Labor = or less than 35%* Other Operating Exp = or less than 25%* Ancillary Sales COG’s F&B(14) = or less than 35% Convenience Items(27) = or less than 55% Gen Merch (37 or 39) = or less than 75% *% of Total Rev KPI’s Cost per unit Revenue per unit Occupancy rate % Customer satisfaction

18 Community Recreation Building the Bench

19 Community Recreation Career Plan
“Back to Basics” FOCUS Modify ACTEDS 51 Link to CP29 Focus on competencies Current and future leaders Build Strong Rec Leaders Way forward, “progression platform” that incentivizes and enables advancement in the workforce. Knowledge and Skills Competencies Experience, Education & Training Develop and Strengthen Employee Recreation Professional Community Recreation Plan Framework Career Progression

20 Advanced Recreation Management
New Course Problem: Current Recreation Manager/CRD courses focus too much on soft skills and not enough on functional training. Way Ahead: Rec Steering group identified the problem provided broad categories of subject material. CIM querying DFMWRs and CRDs on course topics to round out course topics. Will involve garrison staff in building out of topics and practical exercises. Intent is to provide functional training that improves ability and skill set of the next CRD


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