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Computers and Business, Finance, and Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "Computers and Business, Finance, and Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computers and Business, Finance, and Marketing
Week 11

2 Topics Advertising International business Marketing Job force
Telework Employee monitoring Manufacturing International business Industrial development Retail Banking and Finance Stock market

3 Retail Kiosks Point-of-sale terminals Debit cards Social computing
Electronic data interchange Online Purchasing

4 Banking and Finance Cashless society Phone transfers ATM Debit card
On-line sales and banking

5 Stock Market Share tracking Wireless transactions on trading floor
Online trading

6 Manufacturing Robotics Multimedia Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing
Just-in-time manufacturing Virtual reality

7 Advertising and Marketing
Television Radio Print Internet

8 Goals of Technology Increase productivity
Reduce resources needed to complete tasks Improve standard of living Improve efficiency Increase reliability

9 Usual Result of Technological Advances
Cost of product goes down Market expands Jobs are created new types more workers of each type

10 Society and Changing Technology
Higher standard of living Better services Better goods Potential for higher incomes Production of goods is more knowledge based

11 Changing Nature of Work
Elimination of jobs De-skilling of jobs Creation of jobs Reduced work hours More leisure Increased need for training

12 Computer vs Other Technologies
Eliminate wider variety of jobs Eliminate more high skilled jobs Pace of improvement in speed and capacity is much faster Continual retraining

13 Job Creation Programmers (SE) Computer repair Trainers Cable guy
Network guy Telemarketers Webpage Design/Maint

14 Income and Productivity?
Hourly wages dropped Work less to do same thing Productivity increases Efficiency increases Lower wages? Increase business? Lower costs?

15 Jobs of the Future Knowledge of some type of computer technolgy
Fewer jobs for people with lower skills and education Pay level high - highly skilled low - no skill Make transition to new technolgy

16 Computers and Job Hunting
Fastest growing occupations through 2016 computer scientists computer engineers systems analysts network specialists

17 Growth in Employment IT personnel Computer operators
Computer technicians Systems analysts Programmers Database administrators

18 Finding that Job Job-search service on Internet Regional info Advice
Interview help Resume help

19 Telework Work away from normal office Utilize Email FTP
Video conferencing Remote desktop

20 Benefits to company Reduced overhead Skill retention
Increased productivity Reduced absenteeism Improved morale

21 Benefits to Employees No commute time/costs Reduced clothing costs
Reduced child care costs Greater freedom Decreased distractions Flexible location

22 Benefits to Everyone Reduction of traffic
Reduction of costs of transportation infrastructure Reduction of environmental damage

23 Telework Job Attributes
Large degree of autonomy Intrinsically satisfying Routine communications Agreed job specs and time tables Involve travel Require quiet time to think

24 Problems Isolation No direction from supervisor Low morale
Work too little or too much Reduced opportunities for advancement Reduction in important inter-office communication

25 Changing Business Structures
Trend towards smaller businesses and independent consultants Company loyalty and identification decreases Decreased need for middle management due to better tools

26 Employee Monitoring Creation of new ways to monitor
Old ways are more efficient

27 Employee Monitoring Methods
Electronic - details of performance (keystrokes, time spent) Physical surveillance Customer service telephone work Access to info (files, ,)

28 Health Issues Radiation (less today) Wrist problems
Repetitive Strain Injury Blurred vision

29 Responses to Health Issues
Ergonometric solutions Role of management in supervision Legal issues - lawsuits

30 E-Commerce Major model alteration of provision of goods and services
Customer driven and controlled Aimed at cutting costs Improved quality of goods and services Increased speed of service delivery

31 New Methodology to.. Address the needs of organizations
Identify requirements of merchants Elevate the desires of customers

32 Buying and Selling Information Products Services

33 Applications Communications on demand Remote banking
Procurement and purchasing Online marketing and advertising Expanded remote shopping

34 Common Business Services
Security Authentication Electronic payments Online directories Online catalogs Data storage backups The Cloud

35 Message and Information Exchange
FTP Electronic data interchange Electronic funds transfer Transaction capture Delivery tracking

36 Pillars of E-Commerce Support
Universal Access Public Policy Legal Issues Privacy Issues Technical Standards

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