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Chapter 15: The West Between the Wars

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1 Chapter 15: The West Between the Wars
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2 Lesson 1: Instability After WWI

3 Uneasy Peace, Uncertain Security
Problems from the Treaty of _________________ U.S. did not join _________________________ Why? No European entanglements Without U.S. the L of N was weak When Germany could not pay _______________ France sent troops into the ____________________ (Germany’s main industrial center) in 1923

4 Inflation in Germany Germany paid for salaries by printing ______________ – led to inflation Ex: In 1914 – 4.2 marks = 1 U.S. Dollar In – ____________________ marks = 1 U.S. Dollar _______________ Plan – Named after American Banker Reduced ______________________ Granted $_______________ million loan to Germany Led to heavy U.S. investment in Europe

5 Treaty of Locarno New European Diplomacy
Gustav Streseman (German Foreign minister) and Aristide Briand (French Foreign minister) sign Treaty of Locarno in1925 Guarantee Germany’s borders with _____________ and ________________________ ___________________________ Pact ____________ nations pledge to “renounce war as an instrument of national policy”

6 The Great Depression 2 Factors led to the Great Depression…
Series of economic downturns in the economies of individual _______________ in _______________ U.S. ______________________Crash October 1929 U.S. businesses expanded too fast People bought stocks on credit = inflated prices of stocks Banks were not guaranteed = no __________in place yet ______________________ prices fell Europe in depression due to ________________

7 Response to Depression
1932 – ______________ year of the depression High ________________________ Gov’ts raised _____________ to exclude foreign goods from home markets. (Made things worse) Effects of GD… Increased _______________ influence in economy Masses followed political leaders who offered a way out of the Great Depression in return for ________________________ power

8 Germany _____________________ Germany ends in 1918 with defeat in WWI
Created the _______________ Republic – a democratic gov’t Economic problems led to extreme _______________ problems Unemployment 4.38 million by Dec. 1930 Led to increase of “_________________” parties

9 France Also financially unstable
Jun 1936 ______________________ formed A coalition of ______________ parties Communists ________________________ Radicals Called for French ______________________ Gave workers right to collectively bargain ____________ hour work week in industrial jobs ______________________________________

10 Great Britain British _______________ Party could not solve economic problems and fell from power ______________________ gov’t takes over Used traditional policies like balanced budget and protective ______________ to help economy Did NOT implement __________________ economics which encouraged ________________ spending (going into debt if necessary)

11 The United States Hard hit by Great Depression
___________________________ won 1932 Presidential Election Establishes ___________________ ______________ – Works Progress Administration (1935) – workers built bridges, roads, post offices Instituted new legislation that began the U.S. ____________________ system 1935 – _______________________________ Act – old age pensions and unemployment insurance

12 Arts Political, ______________, and Social Uncertainty
Responses to horrors of _________________ “The World does not make sense, so why should art” __________________ – artists obsessed with idea that life has no purpose Dada – Dadaism ___________________ – artistic movement portraying the unconscious to show the greater reality that exists beyond the world of physical appearances.

13 Science 1927- German physicist Werner Heisenberg’s _________________________ principle Suggested that all ____________________ laws are based on uncertainty Opposed to _____________________ physics which said all phenomena could be completely defined and predicted

14 Lesson 2: The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes

15 The Rise of Dictators By 1939 France & GB were _________________
Spain, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany – _____________________________________ ___________________ State – gov’t controls political, social, economic, intellectual & cultural lives of citizens Encourage centralized state power Conquer __________ & ________________ of citizens Single leader Single _______________________ Individual freedoms _____________ important that collective good

16 Fascism in Italy __________________________ – 1920s, set up fascist movement in Italy Crated League of Combat or Fascio di Combattimento ; “________________________” Fascism glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central gov’t led by a _______________________ Mussolini becomes __________________in 1922 “___________________” = the leader 1926- all other ________________________outlawed OVRA – Italian secret police formed= “The _________ Shirts”

17 How Fascist State gains/keeps control
Media – ________________________ Youth – Fascist __________________ groups Attitudes – nationalistic, __________________, ______________________ citizens Family – traditional roles to ______________ fascist ideals

18 Lateran Accords February recognize sovereign independence of ___________________ in Italy Catholic Church urged Italians to support the Italian ___________________________

19 Russia becomes USSR _____________ (Lenin’s Bolsheviks) win Russian ______________ War Russia experiences ______________ & industrial collapse at the end of WWI Lenin’s New Economic Policy: ______________ NEP = New Economic Policy (similar to old capitalistic system) Small business/farmers could be _____________ owned Heavy industry, banking, mines controlled by the __________________________ gov’t

20 The Soviet Union 1922 – Formally created Union of Soviet __________________ Republics – USSR – Soviet Union NEP helped soviet economy Lenin only wanted the NEP to be a temporary change from regular ________________________ economic policies

21 By 1926 Stalin establishes a ___________________
1924 – Lenin dies Struggle for power b/w members of the ________________ (soviet policy-making body) Rivalry b/w ______________________ and Joseph Stalin Trotsky – Commissar of _____________ Stalin – Party General ________________________ By 1926 Stalin establishes a ___________________ COMMUNISIM STARTS! Trotsky pushed out of the communist party & flees to ______________________ Trotsky is ___________________ in Mexico in 1940 Stalin???

22 Stalin ends _________________
Launches first _________ Year Plan in 1928 Purpose: Transform Russia overnight from an agricultural to an ____________________ country Focused on production of __________________ and __________________________ goods Ex.: B/w 1928 & 1937 steel production increased from 4 million to 18 million tons per year

23 Costs of Stalin’s Programs -
Social & political costs of 5 year plans were extreme # of workers ____________________________ Investment in housing went ___________________ = miserable living conditions for workers With rapid industrialization came rapid collectivization of __________________________ which eliminated ______________________ farms Those who opposed Stalin’s plans were sent to forced labor camps (_______________) in Siberia or _________________ During the Great Purge __________ million were sent to labor camps

24 Eastern Europe _________________________ governments formed in Eastern Europe at this time as well Little tradition of political democracy in the area led to defeat of _____________________ systems.

25 Spain Political ____________________ fails as well
General _______________________ revolted against the democratic government in 1936 Led the __________________ party against the republican party Foreign intervention in Spanish Civil War ___________ & Germany supported Franco’s forces Franco captures Madrid in 1939 and establishes a _________________ dictatorship that lasted until his death in _________________

26 Lesson 3: Hitler & Nazi Germany

27 Adolf Hitler… 1889 born in __________________; moved to ____________ Poor behavior & Failure in school – left at age ___ Developed ideology of nationalism & _______________________________ Wanted to be an ____________ & traveled to Vienna to attend art school was _________________________ by art academy Served four years in _______ on the western front

28 Nazism 1919 – joined the German ______________ Party
1921 – took over party, re-named it National ___________________ German Workers’ Party NSDAP = ______________ for short In two years Hitler’s party had… 55,000 members 15,000 joined the party _________________ AKA – SS, storm troops, or __________________________ started an armed uprising against the gov’t in Munich; known as the __________________ Putsch Quickly put down Hitler arrested & sentenced to prison for 8 months Wrote Mein Kampf,“___________________________”

29 Mein Kampf Links German nationalism, strong anti-Semitism, & ________________________ together through Social __________________________ Emphasized right of “superior” nations to Lebensraum “________________” through expansion Right of “superior” individuals gain ______________ over the masses Develop an _______________ racial state that would dominate Europe & possibly the world

30 Rise of Nazism Hitler realized in __________ he would have to take over gov’t by attaining _____________ not through ____________________ Goal: overthrow the Weimar Republic 1929 – released from prison & expanded the Nazi party to over ____________ people in three years Largest party in _____________ (parliament) due to… _________________ problems Unemployment promised a new Germany Appealed to _____________________& militarism

31 Nazis Take Control 1930 – German President Paul _______________
Reichstag had very little power Hitler had backing of the powerful, rich, & _______ Landowners, factory owners, officers, & bureaucrats 1933 – Hindenburg allowed Hitler to become _____________ & allowed him to create a new gov’t : ___________ Act Passed by Reichstag… Gave gov’t _________ years to ignore _________________ Hitler no longer needed President or Parliament He became a dictator appointed by the ________________

32 The Nazi State, 1933 - 1939 All ____________________ under his control
Purged civil service of _______________ elements & Jews - all ________________ abolished, except Nazi Set up prisons called “___________________” for all who opposed him & the Nazi Party 1934 – Hindenburg died; office of ______________ Abolished Hitler became sole ruler of Germany Known as __________________________ “Leader”

33 How was Hitler able to establish a Totalitarian State?
Mass ____________________________ Evoke Enthusiasm & Excitement _________________: make people instrument of policies Youth programs Party Meetings Nuremberg Party ______________ held every September Ended __________________ & put people to work Use ___________________ to maintain control

34 The State & Terror Schutzstaffeln – The SS – “Guard Squadrons”
Led by ______________________________ Hitler’s __________________________ Controlled secret police forces & regular police Were the _____________________ squads Ran concentration camps & ________________ camps Based upon 2 principles: terror & ____________ Instruments of representation & _________________ Goal: further the “Aryan Master Race”

35 Nuremberg Laws… Anyone with even one Jewish ________________ was defined as a Jew All Jews were stripped of their German ________________ and ____________________ No ______________ b/t Jews & German citizens All Jews required to wear the yellow Star of David & carry an ___________________________

36 Kristallnacht Night of _______________ Glass – Nov. 9, 1938
__________________ & Jewish businesses burned &/or destroyed 30,000 Jewish males arrested & sent to ___________ New laws for Jews… Barred from all ___________________ buildings Schools, hospitals, etc. Prohibited from owning, managing, or working in a _________________________ Encouraged to ________________ (leave) Germany

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