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Week 24: 3/6/18 Perfecto-mania

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Presentation on theme: "Week 24: 3/6/18 Perfecto-mania"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 24: 3/6/18 Perfecto-mania
*Check out new & improved agenda Week 24: 3/6/18 Perfecto-mania What is perfect? Why is perfect? Does it match my perfect dress? Writing prompt: What does perfect take? Group activity: structures of perfect Punctuation in poems Vote with your feet: The question of utopias Lit circle group meeting 1

2 House on Mango Street imitations:
Imitation strategies Questions Followed “format” Same topic, my experiences Reread  Obseravations, notes Structure, paragraphs Word choice elements Long enough? Similar enough? Does reader understand? Rhythm? Poem or prose? Tone- casual enough? Tone- cheesy?

3 Poetry anthology update:
What has been amazing to you about poetry? VARIETY! Types of poems, ways to build them. Design changes meaning (font, line breaks) Tools (elements) = better poems Imitation= unexpected and cool results Poetry ≠ prose Peer feedback = helpful! Poetry is interesting, creative  Also, Poetry is confusing! Revision is hard Google form results How many poems would you be willing to illustrate? What seems fair? Lottery system? Or those who REALLY want illustrations have priority? And for how many of your poems? Cover submissions—bring in Tuesday! We will either take a blind vote in class, or I will post them on the blog and we will vote via Google form. Reflection questions for introduction. Another…I know… Google form. Thank you! Thank you for patience with revision/editing process

4 thinking prompt- 15 mins What Does Perfect Take?
What exactly does it take to create a perfect world? What elements of society, character traits, intentions, or governmental systems do you think would help pput human nature in check? We’re not superheroes. In thousands of years we still haven’t pulled off one happy culture of altruistic, honest, fair people. Many have tried! So, what would it take to build a pretty good world, and keep it pretty good, for whoever was living in it? Maybe think governmental guidelines, personal traits, physical spaces. You’ve got from here to the moon as room for your ideas. Ready, set, go!

5 In your Perfect groups, Assemble your ideas
Reduce, rephrase, recycle. What half-dozen key elements are required to build a Pretty Good World for those living in it?

6 Miss Skinner has a poem to share.
Your job this week: editing for portfolio: punctuation (and capitalization, and spelling)

7 More Perfect: A Question of Utopias
Vote with your feet!

8 Group meeting 1- take your books!
Each group needs 1 die, 1 paper, 1 pencil, and 4 thinkers!

9 Paper pass Mango Imitations
Writing prompt Group work: 2:00-2:10 Punctuation in poems mini-lesson. Peer editing poems. Share with me by Friday. I want to be able to talk to you on Tuesday if necessary. 2:45 3:00 Walk across the floor act: Group meeting 1: Homework: Also, collect some of your observations. Google form action. Poetry portfolio reflection questions. Compile them into a list at the front. Send home with plot diagram information. Homework is to come back with book mapped out: what do you expect climax to be? How do you expect resolution to go?

10 Next week topics: Draw comparisons between our world and the world of the novel. Who is a static character? Who is a dynamic character? Why? Go locate a real-world “dystopian” example. One example of a government or society that tried REALLY hard to Plot. Is this a character-development based plot, or an action-based predetermined- sequence-of-events plot? Think from the writer’s shoes. How did he/she decide what was coming next? What determines the story’s events? Is it the need for the characters to slowly develop or change? (What difficulty/new idea/person can I add to make him/her change?) OR Did the author decide how story was going to end, and plan out story’s major events before writing the novel? Is plot primary? Or are the characters primary?

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