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1 Fields

2 There are two types of forces we encounter in everyday life
Contact Forces Non-contact forces

3 Types of Forces CONTACT FORCES: forces where objects have to be in "contact" with something in order to have an effect on it. NON- CONTACT FORCES: forces where objects do NOT have to be in "contact" with something in order to have an effect on it.

4 Non-contact forces How can objects exert forces without being in contact Michael Faraday, proposed the concept of a field A field is a property of space in which an object influences the space around it

5 There are three types of fields

6 TERMINOLOGY FIELD: a region of space in which an effect of a force is felt. FIELD LINES: these are drawn around objects that have fields around them. They are represented by arrows pointing directly toward / away from the center of the object. Example: GRAVITATIONAL FIELD LINES AROUND EARTH

7 Last chapter we discussed the concept of a gravitational field as a region in which gravitational force can be experienced. This field intensity (g) will change depending on location.

8 The exact same thing can be said for an “electric field”.
It is a region in which an “electrostatic force” can be experienced. This electric field intensity will also change depending on location.


ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY: the electric field intensity at a point is the quotient of the electric force on a charge and the magnitude of the charge located at the point.


12 Try the following Page #’s 11, 12, 13, 14

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