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Bird Bowl Field Trip 2018-2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Bird Bowl Field Trip 2018-2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bird Bowl Field Trip

2 Date, Timeline & Specifics
November 9th at Bird Bowl (Bird Bowl Bowling Center SW 40th Street Miami, Florida 33165) Departure: Approximately – 9:30 AM, Return: Approximately – 1:15-1:30 PM All sixth grade students will meet in the auditorium and all attending students will gather/move to buses that have been designated in advance. We will have approximately 1-2 teachers per bus and 2-3 chaperones per bus. The lists are still forthcoming as we collect all the pertinent monies/forms. Ms. Stroleny has approved the field trip. The purpose of the field trip is both a team-building, social activity for students, as well as an opportunity to experience a rewarding activity for hard work invested throughout the year, thus far.

3 Date, Timeline & Specifics Pt 2
Chaperones please endeavor to be present by 8:30 AM on school campus, to assist us with all the necessary organization. If a chaperone is unable to attend, please inform Mr. Gonzalez or Ms. Rios as quickly as possible in order to assist in the securing of a replacement. Our primary purpose as guardians is to ensure and promote the safety and well-being of all students. Buses will be labeled with numbers 1-8 and classes will be assigned and posted prior to the field trip date, informing students of which bus they will be riding to and from the event on. Students will be subdivided into 43 lanes at Bird Bowl.

4 Date, Timeline & Specifics Pt 3
The field trip required a field trip form, signed by the parent. The field trip costs a non-refundable 9 dollars USD. Each bus crew will obtain copies of all the student/class rosters assigned to that bus. A copy of each student’s field trip form will also be provided. The bus crew, lead by each teacher will count and confirm that all students are present after each boarding of the bus. **This is crucial.** Students are expected to behave themselves accordingly on the bus. No behavior that can impair the driver’s ability to safely conduct the vehicle should transpire. Students should move in lines whenever possible and should avoid traveling through parking lot. Instead they should line up next to the Bird Bowl wall.

5 General Comportment All participating students are G.W. Carver ambassadors and representatives. They should behave properly at all times and should refrain from large/wide-scale disruptions, horseplay, moving alone from the group or any uniform/ID violations. Each student must have an ID in order to participate in the field trip. Parent chaperones should also have their temporary Raptor ID with them. Students must have their uniform. (Ms. Castro) – Students should wear school uniforms and should refrain from wearing casual attire, open- toed shoes, jeans or any other inappropriate dress. Students that misbehave should be noted upon return to the school campus.

6 At Bird Bowl Students will arrive at Bird Bowl at approximately 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM. They will have 1.5 hours to bowl. Students will be routed 8 to each lane. Regular cafeteria lunch purchases will not be provided. However, students with free lunch will have lunches supplied to them during the trip. The cafeteria at Bird Bowl may not be open. Students will have the option to bring lunch and eat it upon return or to eat snacks from the vending machines. (This is what was done last year). Students will have between minutes to have their lunch and then will be supplied with a short period of time (approximately 30 minutes) within the arcade.

7 Observing the Students
Monitor students as they bowl and note any injuries for accident reports. Serious injuries mandate a call to the school and/or the parents. Students are not permitted to move beyond the limited number of assigned bowling lanes. Students are not allowed to travel outside the Bird Bowl facility. Please monitor all pertinent security exits. (Some teachers/chaperones will be present at the front door. Some will be present at the end of the rented lanes. Some should float, especially within the arcade.) Non-school Bird Bowl guests may be present within the building. Monitoring students is essential to ensure that they are not interacting with strangers.

8 Observing the Students Pt 2
The arcade is extremely busy when full and students. Monitoring them will be difficult. Routine bathroom checks will need to be conducted in order to ensure student safety. At approximately 12:45 PM to 1:00 PM, we will depart Bird Bowl. Bus groups should begin congregating beforehand, at approximately 12:15 to 12:30 to ensure that all students are ready to depart. Students must not enter the arcade ticket exchange line after the call to depart has been made. **Please ensure that a thorough roster check is conducted upon return to the buses, when departing Bird Bowl.**

9 Arrival at Carver Students will disembark the buses. Please ensure that they take all their belongings. **Students might not be able to reclaim lost items.** All bus groups will congregate in the G.W. Carver Middle School auditorium. Classes will remain in the auditorium until all buses arrive. Students will be expected to comport themselves appropriately during this time. Students will be provided time to eat their lunches if they brought a bag, during this time.

10 THANK YOU! Questions, Comments?
Thank you teachers for making this another successful activity for the students we care so much about! Thank you parents/chaperones for helping us create a special experience for your children! Please feel free to contact us if any problems occur! Mr. Jose Gonzalez: (305) 606 – 9667 Ms. Liliana Rios Cristancho: (305) 281 – 6412 THANK YOU!

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