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2018 Marketing Info Slides (8/17/17) MERCHANDISING

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Presentation on theme: "2018 Marketing Info Slides (8/17/17) MERCHANDISING"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018 Marketing Info Slides (8/17/17) MERCHANDISING

2 Merch./POS- ‘17 Scorecard
Quantity, versatility, savings (retain quality look) Area Rating Note Permanent (Racks) * Near tripled #, improved cost, look Tactical (Corrugate) √+ * Near tripled #, hold PET/Glass, improved cost Soft POS * Tighter quantities, added “New Look” (June/July) Dealer Enhancers * Doubled Gift Cards, 400 Umbrellas Co-Op * Added Multi-fit Glides, Big Bottle, Cold Topper Commun./Timing * Succinct, useful, timely (except Racks- China savings) Look/Design * High quality, stand out (dimensional) Function * durable, modular, multi-fit Use/Participation * most ordered (pacing sensible w/ inventory) Note- Natl. Accts. Program adds 10k pieces

3 T “New Look” POS- Brand (In VMI) Cooler Cling Shelf Talker Dangler
Rack Header- Mobile/Narrow Case Card- Corrugate, Bookend Front Back T Dangler Shelf Strip

4 “New Look”- Flavored Sparkling (In VMI)
Cooler Cling Shelf Talker Rack Overwrap- Mobile/Narrow (4 panel- w/ Flavored on reverse Case Card- Corrugate, Bookend Shelf Strip

5 “New Look” POS- Fruit Infusion (In VMI)
Shelf Talker Rack Overwrap- Mobile/Narrow (4 panel- w/ Flavored on reverse Shelf Strip

6 Merchandising- ’18 Outlook MANY evolutions, more Cold
Continue strong quantities Discuss: allocation process, up Distributor CoOp Area Action/Item Permanent * Racks- evolve look, adapt for Multipack * Add one just for Multipacks * Continue with Big Bottle Tactical (Corrugate) * Evolve (Add “New Look”, hold Multipk) (L Bookend) * 2 side visual, opt. hutch/top for loose * New “Banner Stand” Cold * Mobile Cooler (bottle shape) * OAC “Fins”, Tray, frosted Cooler Valence Soft POS * “New Look” 100% (prior POS phased out) * “Maxi” shelf strip (based on Case hanger) * Shelf Backdrop (bottles standout), Dividers

7 Rack evolution- New look Adapt Mobile Rack for Multipacks
’18 General Merchandising- Permanents Rack evolution- New look Adapt Mobile Rack for Multipacks Add Display Rack for Multipacks Continue with Big Bottle Hold Multi pk Evolve New Evolve

8 Corrugate evolution (New Look, more premium)
’18 Merchandising- Tactical Corrugate evolution (New Look, more premium) Work for multipacks (330 6pk, 500 4pk, 375 flav spark) Evolve L Bookends (die-cut bottle, inside print) New “Banner Stand” and “Table Hutch” “Trim Corrugate” hold Flavors, Multipack New (30 cs+) Banner Stand Evolve Fit Multi pks Die Cut, 2 side Print Note- Clear Island Riser, Base Wrap for discussion

9 Cold: start with New Look Cooler refurbs
’18 Merchandising Concepts- Cold, Soft POS Cold: start with New Look Cooler refurbs “Turn VOSS bottle into a single visi cooler” Open Air “Fins”, Tray (x-promo prep food) Cold Door- Frosted Cling/Valence Soft POS: seen the maxi-shelf strip Shelf dividers, “Shelf Backdrop” Frosted Cling Shelf Backdrop OAC FINS, Tray (prep food) Bottle Visi Cooler Refurb Shelf Dividers Maxi Shelf Strip

10 Planned Tent- Retail Region
’18 Merchandising- Event/Trade Show Materials Cover Indoor/Outdoor Planned Tent- Retail Region Other Items (eg- Banner, Cold Barrel, Color Changing Bottle)

11 GPS Tracking (avail for equipment) Lower priced- only works in store
’18 Merchandising- Look at GPS Tech GPS Tracking (avail for equipment) Lower priced- only works in store Higher cost- remote locations (poss. For Racks, Big Bottles, Visi)

12 Timetable- ‘18 Merchandising
Should be Current Racks, Corrugates to cover Jan./Feb. Also some Display Banner, Table Hutch for 1Q use Will adjust based on how Holiday ‘17 goes Category Quantity And Order Materials at Field/Distrib. In Market Evolved Racks Mid Nov. Mid Feb. March Evolved Corrugates Early Dec. New Display Rack Big Bottle Table Hutch New Display Banner


14 Continue merchandise with other Programs
‘18 Fruit Infusions Toolbox Still Bearing Fruit New POS on VMI In toolbox Co-Op Cross-Promo Offers “Spend $5 on Fresh Fruit, Get $1 Off VOSS Gift With Purchase “Infuser”, 3D Bottle Demos Continue merchandise with other Programs

15 Activation Mgmt.- ShelvSpace

16 + “Display Tracker” App- ‘17 Scorecard
Very good 6 mo., strong tool, near all Using, pretty smooth Area Rating Note Timing √+ * In time for “31 Days”, upped wks to 38 Functionality * Upped # of pics, added Coolers User Friendly * Training * Use of Gallery, easier pic share Accuracy √ (now) * Fixed Weekly data Reporting * Added Sub-Region Usage * 15 heavy, 12 frequent, 2-3 light/non +

17 + + “Tracker” App- BY ‘17/’18 Outlook Several areas for development
By Regional Sales and National Accts. Item Area/Nature Timeframe * Expand to Year Round Expand 1Q ‘18 * RMs/TDMs- more Selling Tool Evolve 2Q ‘18 * Add Select Distributor Use * Track equipment (Racks) * Natl. Accts.- check Planograms * Natl. Accts- ID key locations * Add more Chains (w/ Author.) Add 4Q ‘17 * More data/pic sharing Communic. * Add select Store Data Enrich + + (only scratched surface)

18 VMI

19 VMI Site Remodeling- ‘17 Scorecard
Well received, pretty smooth, PLENTY of use, delivered goals Area Rating Note Timing * Key User parts on time (early Jan.) Look √+ * clean, better organized, more secure Functionality * No reload, OOS/maxes flagged (Search so-so) User Friendly * Especially w/ 22 New Users Communic./Training * Document, Webinar, Video Accuracy * Near “real time” Reporting √- * OK for User, Lagging (for Admins), NTI Mgrs Usage * X Orders, x Users (of x)

20 VMI Site- BY ‘17/’18 Outlook
Finish, add, enhance a few things Item Area/Nature Timeframe * Filterable Reports (for Admin/Mgr) Expand 4Q ’17- 1Q ‘18 * Exportable Reports to XL Evolve 3Q ‘17 * Add Shipping/Tracking Info Add 4Q ‘17 * Add Address Book (personal, shared) 1Q ‘18 * Better use of NOTE section For “Usage” Field Use 3Q ‘18 * Reduce over-order (sub-region alloc.) Commun., Alloc. * Orders- Edit/Delete/Copy Training * Current/New features to Use * Improve Search (key word/results) Enhance * Add Side Navigation Bar Hold (eval.) - * Check items classified/named right Check (indicate Field relayed, if more backend)

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