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America’s solution to the Great Depression

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1 America’s solution to the Great Depression
The New Deal America’s solution to the Great Depression

2 Politics FDR elected in 1932
Landslide victory over Hoover Began to develop a set of programs to alleviate problems of Depression The New Deal Many programs created in the first hundred days of presidency

3 Notable New Deal Programs
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Government paid farmers to leave some ground unseeded Lower production and raise demand and prices Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Put young men (18 to 25) to work building roads, parks, and other projects

4 Other Notable New Deal Programs
Works Progress Administration (WPA) Created as many jobs as possible as quickly as possible More than 8 million workers got jobs between 1935 and 1943 Social Security Act Old age insurance for retirees 65 and older and spouses Unemployment compensation system Aid to families with dependent children and disabled members

5 Culture Motion Pictures Popular films included:
Gone With the Wind Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Wizard of Oz Advertisements and news shown before films in the cinema

6 Culture Radio FDR’s Fireside Chats Soap Operas Children’s programs
The Lone Ranger

7 Culture Music Art Literature Swing music by Big Bands Folk music
Duke Ellington Benny Goodman Glenn Miller Folk music Woody Guthrie Art Photography Dorthea Lange Murals Honoring workers building up the nation Literature The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck Depression and Dust Bowl era


9 Clips of New Deal Culture

10 Clips of New Deal Culture

11 Clips of New Deal Culture

12 Clips of New Deal Culture

13 Exit Ticket 1. List three New Deal programs and their abbreviations.
2. How did the Radio revolutionize culture in the 1930s? Explain in at least two sentences. 3. Compare and contrast pre-Depression American society and New Deal society in terms of cultural and social changes. Two sentences for similarities and two sentences for differences will suffice.

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