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Created July 2016..

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1 Created July 2016.


3 FLAVA’S AUDIENCE Flava reaches 203,500* people aged 10+ across a week
111,600* are aged 15-29 More than twice as likely to be living with parents/siblings/extended family (50%) Three quarters of Flava listeners live in households of 4+ people More likely to eat takeaway foods or eat on the run, they’re 40% more likely to have ordered a takeaway home delivery Flava listeners are more likely to be students, with a quarter planning on studying at degree level or higher in the next 12 months Of the listeners who are not students, 60% are in paid employment. They want to get to the top of their career, and accept that they need to do more formal study to get there Friends are important to them – they have busy social lives, and are a third more likely to spend most of their spare time with friends. They enjoy group activities such as sports, nightclubbing, concerts and fitness classes Average household income is $104,460 (5% more than the New Zealand average of $99,864) Gaming is a big part of their lives – nearly half are gaming while waiting/doing other things, and a fifth watch people play online or love to watch the best players game Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused SOURCE: GfK RAM, Commercial Radio Stations, Total NZ 4/2017, AP 10+ Sun-Sat 12mn-12mn, Cumulative Audience


5 The top 10 shopping centres for Flava listeners are:
AN IMAGE-CONSCIOUS GROUP Fashion and image are a big part of their lives. They spend a lot of money on clothes, and are twice as likely to keep up with the latest fashions. They enjoy going clothes shopping, it’s a favourite pastime and they like their clothes to be noticed by others. Three quarters say they prefer to dress casually, and they buy well-known brand names as quality is important. They’re mostly happy wearing overseas imported clothes – more than half of listeners aren’t worried about buying clothes/shoes made outside New Zealand The top 10 shopping centres for Flava listeners are: Sylvia Park (36,000) Queen Street (25,000) Westfield Manukau (22,000) Britomart (19,000) Botany Town Centre (19,000) Westfield Albany 17,000 Westfield St Lukes (17,000) Albany Mega Centre (17,000) LynnMall (15,000) Manukau Super Centre (15,000) 46% (85,000) OF FLAVA LISTENERS HAVE VISITED AT LEAST ONE OF THESE CENTRES IN THE LAST MONTH This image-conscious group are 32% more likely to use an Apple IPhone, with 6 out of 10 using it for texting rather than talking. They’re 31% more likely to own a fitness tracker or smartwatch, and have to have the latest gadgets Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

Flava listeners are: Twice as likely to shop at Cotton On 43% more likely to shop at Hallenstein’s 28% more likely to shop at Glassons Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused


Flava listeners often eat on the run – they’ll buy takeaway food to eat at home and like hot/spicy food They’re more likely than all New Zealanders to think that it’s more important to be happy than healthy, and one in five Flava listeners try to dine out at least once a week (when at home they love trying new recipes) Flava households spend… $304,000 each week on soft drinks (incl. energy drinks) $2,663,000 on ready-to-eat food SOFT DRINKS Unsurprisingly for a younger audience that aren’t concerned about diet, they are heavy soft drink consumers, especially energy drinks. Their favourite brand is V, followed by Red Bull and Lift Plus The top 5 soft drinks (in order) are: Coke, L&P, Sprite, Fanta and Bundaberg ALCOHOL For those aged 18+, RTDs are extremely popular – however Flava listeners worry about what they’re drinking, and how much they spend, with many cutting down or trying to only drink at weekends Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

9 MCDONALD’S IS NO.1 Whereas Fish and Chips are the favourite takeaway for New Zealanders, they’re knocked into 2nd place for Flava listeners 53% have bought/eaten McDonald’s in the past month and they’re 37% more likely than the 15+ population to eat there Flava listeners are 77% more likely to be high frequency McDonald’s visitors (visiting 3+ times in the past month) Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused


11 Half a million have three or more games machines
ONLINE GAMING - FLAVA LISTENERS SPEND OVER 4 HOURS WEEKLY 1,249,000 New Zealanders have a games machine in their household, with Playstation being the favoured brand Half a million have three or more games machines 19% of Flava listeners either watch people play video games online or love to see the best players game Flava’s young, digitally-focussed audience are spending a long time online gaming - an average of 4 hours 22 minutes each week As well as using games machines, playing games on mobiles is a favoured pastime of Flava listeners 89,000 listeners have played games on their mobile phone in the past month. Flava listeners are 32% more likely than all New Zealanders to use an iPhone – 70,000 listeners own one Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

12 Gamers are 41% more likely to be Flava listeners
RADIO IS THE FAVOURED TRADITIONAL MEDIA FOR GAMERS* Social media, messaging and watching short online videos are the favoured media for gamers, however the top traditional media is broadcast radio, reaching nearly three quarters of Gamers *across a week Gamers are 41% more likely to be Flava listeners Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused *”Gamers” – 751,000 New Zealanders who lose themselves for hours/days while gaming


14 BEAUTY PRODUCTS Flava’s female listeners are more likely to get their beauty ideas from celebrities. They talk about products with their friends, and more than a quarter will buy after sampling a beauty product sample Their favourite cosmetics brands are Maybelline, Revlon, MAC, L’Oreal, Thin Lizzy, Australis, The Body Shop and Clinique (43% of female Flava listeners have bought/used these brands in the past three months) Flava households spend $725,000 each week on personal care items (i.e. cosmetics, beauty products, perfumes, deodorants) Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

15 BEAUTY PRODUCTS Flava’s female listeners are more likely to buy their skincare, haircare, cosmetics or perfume from department stores, online shops or beauty salons than the average Kiwi female. Their favoured stores for buying beauty products are Farmers, followed by K-Mart, The Warehouse and Smith and Caughey’s Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused. Base: females


SPORTS ADDICTS 72,000 Flava listeners have shopped at a sports store in the last month Their favourite was Rebel Sports – 39,000 (21% of listeners) go each month Flava listeners are more likely to go to the gym at least twice a week, and they enjoy playing a lot of sport 35,000 listeners (19%) own a fitness tracker or smart watch One in four listeners drink protein shakes (they’re two times more likely than the average Kiwi to drink them at least once a month). Half of Flava listeners drink sports drinks, particularly during/after exercise – their favourite is Powerade (34% of listeners) followed by Gatorade (13%) Flava reaches 8% of Powerade/ Gatorade/ Mizone drinkers SPORTS STORES VISITED LAST MONTH FLAVA LISTENERS Rebel Sports 39,000 Kathmandu 21,000 Nike 19,000 Adidas Store 15,000 Stirling Sports 11,000 Foot Locker 10,000 Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

Flava listeners are more likely than all New Zealanders to indulge in sporting activities, particularly going to the gym, swimming and running Nearly a quarter plan on joining a gym or working out in the next 12 months – 43,000 listeners (27,000 in Auckland) *Where Index against all people 10+ is > 120 for Flava listeners Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused


Flava listeners are keen viewers of online video content. Between 6pm and midnight, 63% listeners say they are watching TV/Video online Multi-screening is popular with Flava listeners, with 66% saying that whilst watching TV they are either online or texting friends 45% of Flava listeners have a subscription to Netflix (compared to 33% of the rest of New Zealanders) Across the day, Flava listeners are more likely than all people to be watching TV/video online, with nearly half watching between 8-10pm on weekdays Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

21 MUSIC/VIDEO FANS 30% of listeners have attended a live music concert in the past year, and a quarter are planning to attend concerts in the next 6 months Flava listeners are 45% more likely to be regularly using music/audio apps on their mobile These heavy mobile users are spending 50% more time on their mobiles each week than all New Zealanders Flava households are spending $328,000 each week on concert/theatre/cinema tickets Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused


23 70,400* MAIN GROCERY BUYERS Flava listeners in the past month:
68% (125,000) have shopped at Countdown 54% (99,000) have shopped at Pak ‘N Save 48% (87,000) have shopped at New World Whereas Thursday is usually seen as the traditional shopping day, for Flava listeners the favourite day for doing the main grocery shop is Saturday, followed by Tuesday - Flava listeners are more likely to do their shopping in the evenings Flava’s weekend grocery shoppers are more likely to be in paid employment and have a higher household income Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused Source: GfK RAM, Commercial Radio Stations, Total NZ 1/2018, AP 10+ Sun-Sat 12mn-12mn, Cumulative Audience

TOP-UP SHOPPERS – ESPECIALLY AT THE DAIRY When it comes to choosing their supermarket, Flava listeners rank a good range of international foods and organic foods as being more important to them when compared to all people. They’re also 40% more likely to rate regular sampling/tasting opportunities IMPORTANT FACTORS WHEN CHOOSING A SUPERMARKET FLAVA LISTENERS I can always find what I am looking for 136,000 Their fresh produce, meat and fish is of highest quality 130,000 They have the lowest prices/specials 129,000 My supermarket is always clean and tidy 125,000 Being close to my home 124,000 Prompt service at the checkouts 123,000 Flava listeners are more likely to buy products with appealing packages. They couldn’t do without the dairy and often use it to do top-up shops inbetween main shops, or for snacks Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 – Q Jan TV/Online fused

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