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Preliminary Examination Tom Danielson University of Wisconsin

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1 Investigation of QCD Evolution through Jets with the ZEUS Detector at HERA
Preliminary Examination Tom Danielson University of Wisconsin 13 December 2004 Main point: Title page

2 Outline Framework for QCD Methods for investigation Present Status
Deep Inelastic Scattering and proton structure Quark-parton model Color charge and QCD QCD Evolutions (DGLAP and BFKL) Methods for investigation HERA accelerator ZEUS detector Jets and jet finding Multiple jets Present Status H1 and ZEUS Multijet results Comparison between data and leading order Monte Carlo Conclusions and future plans Main point: Structure for talk to follow

3 Classification of Particles
Hadrons: particles that interact strongly Bound states of structure-less particles (quarks) Quark-parton model Quark properties: mass, electric charge, spin Quarks treated as point-like, non-interacting Notes: Hadrons are particles that undergo strong interaction. Quarks come from SU(3) classification of particles. According to QPM, hadrons are composed only of quark bound states. Important to mention: Missing from quark properties is “color,” which we get to later on. Important to say something like, “Initially, the important quark properties were thought to be…”

4 Size of proton ~ 1 fm HERA can probe to ~ 0.001 fm
Parton Studies Main objective: Study structure of particles Scattering via probe exchange Photon → Electric charge W, Z Bosons → Weak charge Wavelength Special case: Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) High energy lepton transfers momentum to nucleon via probe Q: related to momentum of probe Main point: Study aims to improve on parton studies Notes: Higher Q translates to shorter wavelength, allows probing to smaller distances (leading in to DIS) probe lepton Size of proton ~ 1 fm HERA can probe to ~ fm

5 DIS Kinematics Main point: these are the Lorentz invariant variables most important to DIS studies

6 DIS Cross Section Express cross section in terms of DIS kinematics and proton structure F2, FL, F3 → proton structure functions F2 → interaction between transversely polarized photon and partons FL → interaction between longitudinally polarized photon and partons xBjF3 → parity violating term from weak interaction Main point: DIS cross section depends both on proton structure and kinematic variables

7 Quark-Parton Model Proton contains only valence quarks
Partons considered point-like particles Structure functions describing individual particles’ momenta distribution depend only on xBj No Q2 dependence (Bjorken scaling): fi(x) → Parton density functions (PDF’s) Must be experimentally determined Main point: with only valence quarks, proton structure should not depend on Q-squared Note: PDF’s extracted using full QCD fits and evolution, not just part of the parton model.

8 QCD and Colored Gluons Problems with Quark-Parton Model
Statistics for Fermion D++ D++ comprised of 3 u quarks Violation of Exclusion principle under QPM Sum rule for F2 If QPM correct: Value of integral shown to be ~0.5 by experiment Quarks carry roughly half proton momentum Single quarks never observed Quantum Chromodynamics: gluons with color quantum number D++ quark composition: uRuBuG Mediator of strong force → gluon Gluons carry roughly half proton momentum Observed particles “colorless” → color conservation Isolated quarks not observed → Confinement Main point: Experimental observation of 2+ charged particle just one example of why QPM thought to be naïve. Notes: Be sure to mention why this particle is seen as a violation.

9 QCD and Scaling Violation
Quark-parton model: F2 independent of Q2 QCD: F2 depends on Q2 Slope of F2 vs. Q2 depends on xBj x > ~.25: F2 decreases as Q2 increases x < ~.25: F2 increases with Q2 Prediction of QCD validated scaling violation Main point: Evidence for QCD is seen in scaling violation at HERA Notes: it’s important to know why this inflection point is crucial for QCD

10 Perturbative QCD (pQCD)
Splitting functions give probability quark or gluon to split into parton pair Leading Order quark and gluon splitting diagrams shown pQCD–perturbative series summed over terms in expansion of as Methods of summation: next slide Main point: with inclusion of gluons, structure functions gain Q-squared dependence S photon quark lepton gluon

11 BFKL and DGLAP Evolutions
QCD evolution: Done by summing over diagrams DGLAP: Sum over diagrams contributing ln(Q2) terms Widely used BFKL: Sum over diagrams contributing ln(1/xBj) terms Splitting Functions Main Point: DGLAP gives prediction of PDF’s, but makes approximations that might be invalid for certain kinematic regions Notes: Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi = DGLAP Balidsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov = BFKL Evolution with this approximation valid only where diagrams not summed over provide negligible contributions. g and q are the PDF’s f_i previously mentioned.

12 BFKL-DGLAP Applicability
BFKL and DGLAP apply in different kinematic regions DGLAP: high Q2, xBj Approximations do not include ln(1/xBj) BFKL: low Q2, xBj Aim to study the ranges of validity Limiting case of large gluon density Main point: Approximations made by the two different evolutions limit their range of applicability to certain kinematic regions Non-perturbative region

13 Parton Energy and kT Ordering
DGLAP: ordering in both kT and x BFKL: Strong ordering in x, but not ordered in kT Differences Expect more partons with higher kt in forward region with BFKL than with DGLAP DGLAP: Scattered partons correlated in Energy, azimuthal and polar angles BFKL: Scattered partons not necessarily strongly correlated Main point: A convenient way to test the applicability of these two evolutions is to make use of the fact that they make different predictions of the energy and kt ordering of the jets. Important point to express: k_t = transverse momentum w.r.t. the proton trajectory

14 Jets Colored partons produced in hard scatter → “Parton level”
Colorless hadrons form through hadronization → “Hadron level” Collimated “spray” of particles → Jets Particle showers observed as energy deposits in detectors → “Detector level” Produced Observed Main point: Hard scattered partons for jets that deposit particle showers in detector

15 HERA Collider at DESY 920 GeV protons 27.5 GeV e- or e+
318 GeV CMS Energy Equivalent to ~50 TeV fixed target 220 Bunches Not all filled Beam Currents Proton: 140 mA Electron: 58 mA Instantaneous Luminosity 1.8 x 1031cm-2s-1 H1 ZEUS Main Point: HERA sufficient for study Synchrotron radiation is lin. pol. in plane of acceleration. Fixed target: ECM=S=2E1m2 Colliding Beam: ECM = S=4E1E2 Sigma_BH = Bethe-Heitler cross section (cross section for ep->ep gamma) DESY Hamburg, Germany

16 HERA Luminosity 1992 – 2000 total integrated luminosity: 193 pb-1
Main point: Luminosity achieved at HERA gives good statistics for study ZEUS Luminosities (pb-1) # events (106) Year HERA ZEUS on-tape Physics e-: 93-94, 98-99 27.37 18.77 32.01 e+: 94-97, 99-00 165.87 124.54 147.55

17 ZEUS Detector Main point: This is the detector

18 ZEUS Calorimeter Main point: The calorimeter gives good angular coverage. Energy resolutions affect uncertainties. How it works: Particles interact with DU, resulting particles picked up by scintillator, light from scintillator goes through WLS’s and light guides to PMT’s Pseudorapidity rocks because changes in eta are invariant under Lorentz boosts along the beam direction. Pseudorapidity  Rapidity if we can neglect the mass Alternating layers of depleted uranium and scintillator Energy resolutions in test beam Electromagnetic: 18% / √E Hadronic: 35% / √E 99.7% solid angle coverage (-3.5 < h< 4.0)

19 Central Tracking Detector (CTD)
p View Along Beam Pipe Side View Drift chamber inside 1.43 T solenoid Measures event vertex Vertex resolution longitudinal (z): 4mm transverse (x-y): 1mm Main point: CTD gives good vertex finding resolution

20 10 MHz crossing rate, 100 kHz Background rate, 10Hz physics rate
ZEUS Trigger 10 MHz crossing rate, 100 kHz Background rate, 10Hz physics rate First level: Use data subset: 10 MHz → 500 Hz Dedicated custom hardware Pipelined without deadtime Global and regional energy sums Isolated m and e+ recognition Track and vertex information Second level: Use all data: 500 Hz → 100 Hz Calorimeter timing cuts E – pz < 55 GeV Energy, momentum conservation Vertex information Simple physics filters Commodity transputers Third level: Use full reconstruction information: 100 Hz → < 10 Hz Processor farm Full event information Refined jet and electron finding Complete tracking algorithms Advanced physics filters Main point: ZEUS trigger essential for eliminating background events Important feature: all events in the detector are passed in to the FLT, so there’s in principle no event that doesn’t go through the triggers.

21 ZEUS DIS Event Main point: features of DIS observable in detectors. Jets show up as a spray of particles

22 Kinematic Reconstruction
Four measured quantities: EH, gH, E‘e, qe Three reconstruction methods used: Double angle, Electron method, Jaquet-Blondel Methods have different resolutions over different kinematic regions gH qe Variable Double angle method (gH,qe) Electron method (E’e,qe) Jaquet-Blondel (EH,gH) Q2 x y Main point: Many different ways to reconstruct the important variables Note: although I use all three, I don’t necessarily use all three for each variable, but overall, I use them all.

23 ZEUS Data Reconstruction
Use reconstruction methods that minimize resolution and systematic errors in different kinematic regions Double Angle (DA) method Resolution worse than electron method at low xBj, Q2 Resolution comparable to electron method at higher xBj, Q2 Electron (EL) method Good resolution in general Underestimates slightly at higher xBj, Q2 DA DA EL EL Main point: different methods for reconstructing kinematic variables are appropriate for different phase space regions. Notes: The plots here are reconstructed data vs. the hadron “true” values of MC

24 Single Jets and Dijets Leading order: one hard scattered parton Dijets
Single jet event Leading order diagrams O(a0s) Dijets Leading-Order diagrams O(a1s) Direct coupling to gluon Boson-Gluon Fusion (BGF) QCD Compton Main point: Dijets provide direct examination of QCD effects. Notes: The primary advantage of using events with at least two jets is that quark-gluon coupling carries a factor of alpha_s. Multijets then allow for examination at higher orders of alpha_s, which is crucial for this study, as both BFKL and DGLAP are perturbative expansions in alpha_s.

25 Multiple Jets Trijet: Advantages of using multiple jets
Radiated gluons from dijets Correction to leading-order dijet Leading Order: O(a2s) Advantages of using multiple jets Account for corrections beyond leading order dijet Further in pQCD perturbation series

26 Jet Finding: Cone Algorithm
Maximize ET of hadrons in cone of fixed size Construct seeds from energy deposits in cells Move cone until stable position found Decide whether to merge overlapping cones Issues Overlapping Seed – Energy threshold Infrared unsafe – s → ∞ as seed threshold → 0 For the jet: Notes: Important to say for IR unsafe: sigma = Cross section calculated at NNLO (but since NLO not introduced, just say “at higher orders in pQCD”) R

27 Jet Finding – kt Algorithm
kt: In ep transverse momentum with respect to beam line For every object i and every pair of objects i, j calculate di = (ET,i)2 → Distance to beam line in momentum space dij = min{E2T,i,E2T,j}[(Dh)2 + (Df)2] → Distance between objects Combine all di, dij into set Calculate min{di,dij} for each object and pair of objects If minimum of set corresponds to di → Object for di taken as jet If minimum of set corresponds to dij → Combine objects i and j Advantages No seed required and no overlapping jets Suitable for beyond-NLO pQCD calculations Main point: the kt algorithm provides the best method for finding jets because there are no issues with seeds or overlapping jets, and it’s IR safe

28 Dijet Event at ZEUS jet jet remnant e jet jet Two “back to back” jets
Main point: Visual aid for seeing dijet in detector jet jet Two “back to back” jets

29 Breit Frame Select a frame to optimize jet finding Single jet event
Struck quark rebounds with equal and opposite momentum Zero transverse energy (ET) Dijet event Jets balanced in ET Requiring minimum jet ET, Breit selects multijet events “Brick wall” frame similar to ee→qq Main point: Breit frame is the best frame for finding jets in a multijet study Commonly referred to as the “Brick wall” frame

30 Leading Order Monte Carlo
Simulate events to leading order (O(as) for dijets) Leading Order Matrix elements Parton showering Hadronization ARIADNE v4.08 Color Dipole Model (CDM) Gluons emitted from color field between quark-antiquark pairs Gluons not necessarily kt ordered (BFKL-like) Supplemented with boson-gluon fusion processes LEPTO v6.5.1 Matrix Element + Parton Shower (MEPS) Parton cascade: approximate higher orders in LO calc Decreasing virtuality (q2) as cascade progresses Radiated gluons kt-ordered (DGLAP-based) Both use Lund String Model to simulate hadronization CDM Main point: LO MC’s exhibiting both BFKL and DGLAP-like behavior are available MEPS

31 Next-to-Leading-Order (NLO) Calculations
Programs for DIS DISENT MEPJET DISASTER++ NLOJET Soft gluon emission One loop correction Inclusion of single gluon emission in dijet final state Only terms of up to O(a2s) included for dijet calculations Exact calculation: does not include approx. for higher orders NLO calculations include One-loop corrections for virtual particles Correction for 3rd parton in final state (soft/collinear gluon emissions) Corrections do not include Parton showering Hadronization Corrections taken from Leading Order MC Uncertainties Renormalization scale: scale for evaluating as Indicates size of contributions from higher order diagrams. Factorization scale: scale at which parton densities are evaluated Main point: Calculations available for higher orders in alpha-s Notes: In order for this to be complete, I need to be ready to explain two things: 1. How we compare to data, given that corrections do not include parton showering or hadronization 2. How the programs for DIS differ from each other

32 Present ZEUS Multijet Results
ZEUS inclusive dijet and trijet measurements well understood and modeled Multijet cross sections vs. NLO calculations Dijet: UW PhD student D. Chapin (2001) Trijet: UW PhD student L. Li, defends Jan 12, 2005 DGLAP NLO dijet and trijet calculations describe data well in general Examine if agreement extends to “BFKL” kinematic regions Trijet Dijet Main point: In general, DGLAP-based NLO jet cross-section predictions describe the data well. Notes: Differential cross sections plotted as function of Q^2

33 ZEUS Inclusive Jets Start with event cross section where at least one jet required Former UW PhD student S. Lammers, graduated 2004 Low xBj disagreement between data and DISENT Examine low xBj contribution from multijet events Main point: Disagreement between data and NLO cross sections evident at low Bjorken-x Notes: Differential cross section plotted as a function of x for inclusive sample (i.e. selection QPM suppression and multijets not applied). One thing that might be asked: if we do see a departure from DGLAP, does that mean the issue is settled? The answer is no, for a few reasons. First, when selection for QPM suppression and multijets was applied, the agreement between data and DISENT actually improved, when it was expected to worsen. Second, the uncertainty scale of the DISENT calculation became larger with higher eta and lower x, thus obscuring any results. Hadronization correction factor taken from Ariadne

34 BFKL/DGLAP vs. Jet Angles
Examine jet f and ET at low xBj and low Q2 xBj < 10-2 Q2 < 150 GeV2 DGLAP: Jet ET and angles strongly correlated “Back to back” in f kt ordering of scattered partons: jets with highest ET should have similar h BFKL: Jet ET and angles not strongly correlated More jets with high ET expected in forward region than with DGLAP Main point: Well-defined strategy for studying BFKL begins with revisit of H1 measurement, but also includes jet pseudorapidity studies.

35 H1 Inclusive Dijet Events
f correlation of two most energetic jets in multijet events H1 data: Jet ET > 7 GeV Compare to DGLAP for NLO O(as2) and NLO O(as3) O(as2): Data not described O(as3): Agreement at high xBj Still excess at low Q2 and xBj Excess events with small f separation of highest ET jets Main Point: Studies examining the phi correlation of the two highest energetic jets in a multijet event show kinematic range where DGLAP might not be applicable. Notes: S is the ratio of events where the phi separation of the two most energetic jets is less than 120 degrees to the total number of events NLO: O(as3) DESY–03–160 October 2003 NLO: O(as2)

36 Data: 1998-2000 electron and positron: 82.2 pb-1
ZEUS DIS Data Sample Data: electron and positron: 82.2 pb-1 Remove background |z vertex| < 50 cm Eliminate beam gas events 40 < E – pz < 60 GeV Eliminate cosmic, beam gas events Select DIS 10 < Q2DA < 5000 GeV2 Improve precision yjb > 0.04 Requires minimum hadron energy yel < 0.6 Electron energy > 10 GeV cos(gh) < 0.7 Breit Frame jet finding (E – pz)e < 54 GeV Electron E, p conservation hmax > 2.5 Eliminate diffractive events Notes: 82.2 is non-prescaled luminosity. For prescale, it’s about inverse picobarns Gamma_h cut due to low number of forward cells in Breit frame

37 Dijet and BFKL Analysis Sample
Inclusive dijets E1,2T,Breit > 5 GeV Well-resolved jets -1 < hLab < 2.5 Jet h in well-understood region Mass dijet system > 25 GeV NLO calculations Above plus BFKL Dijets: Low x, Q2 Q2DA < 150 GeV2 10-4 < xDA < 10-2 Notes: Invariant mass of dijet system implemented as an attempt to reproduce Liang, Nils’ control plots. Probably not going to be used in the final analysis.

38 Dijet Data vs. LEPTO MC First look: Inclusive dijets
ET in Breit Frame of 2 highest ET jets Ordered in ET Area normalized h in lab frame of 2 highest ET jets Ordered in h Reasonable agreement overall Events Events ET2Bre ET1Bre Main point: For non-BFKL kinematic range, LEPTO describes the data well Events Events h2Lab h1Lab

39 Dijet Data vs. ARIADNE MC
First look: inclusive dijets ET in Breit Frame of 2 highest ET jets Ordered in ET Area normalized h in lab frame of 2 highest ET jets Ordered in h Need to investigate discrepancies with ARIADNE Events Events ET2Bre ET1Bre Main point: Although previously observed, the disagreement between ARIADNE and data needs investigation. (Private note: removing the requirement for the invariant mass of the dijet system removes this discrepancy) Events Events h2Lab h1Lab

40 Summary QCD evolution studies with ZEUS at HERA
Good understanding of inclusive multijet events at ZEUS DGLAP NLO discrepancy with event cross sections with at least one jet, jet azimuthal separation at low xBj, Q2 Reasonable agreement between ZEUS inclusive dijet sample and LEPTO Disagreement between ZEUS inclusive dijet sample and ARIADNE needs investigation Main point: I’ve got the lumi, the data well in hand, new angles of attack, and some initial data-MC comparisons.

41 Plans Examine f separation of two most energetic jets in multijet events, compare to DGLAP NLO, other calculations See if H1 result consistent with higher statistics and other models H1 luminosity 21 pb-1 from 96/97 ZEUS 98-00: 82.2 pb-1 Examine kinematics and variables that enhance differences between BFKL and DGLAP. Focus on jet pseudorapidities Main point: We can improve on the H1 measurement from a luminosity standpoint, but more importantly, we can add a new angle by examining jet pseudorapidities

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