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Divide and Conquer! Africa’s ethnic and cultural diversity provides a perfect opportunity for Europeans to pit Africans against each other.

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3 Divide and Conquer! Africa’s ethnic and cultural diversity provides a perfect opportunity for Europeans to pit Africans against each other.

4 Technology and Trade Overcome barriers
How did Europeans overcome these challenges: Disease (Malaria): Difficult Rivers: Lack of rivers: Fierce Warriors: Organized African Societies:

5 Malaria Deadly disease. Spread by mosquitoes. Hot/tropical areas.
The death rate for European explorers, soldiers, and traders in West Africa in the 1700s was 50%.

6 Quinine is made from a plant that grows in South America.

7 Steam Boats early 1800s

8 Railroads Early 1800s

9 The Maxim Gun 1884

10 Whatever happens, we have got The Maxim gun, and they have not
Whatever happens, we have got The Maxim gun, and they have not. -Hilaire Belloc, 1898

11 Maji Maji Rebellion 1905 15 Europeans killed


13 The Battle of Omdurman: 1898, Sudan
8,000 British troops 52,000 Sudanese Troops 47 British soldiers killed 10,000+ Sudanese Killed


15 What is Social Darwinism?

16 Social Darwinism Natural selection: Darwin’s theory to explain evolution in nature. The fittest, strongest species survive and reproduce, others die off. Social Darwinism: Darwin’s theory applied to social groups and races.

17 Social Darwinism Not scientific. It is a theory. It is how many Europeans saw the world. It is how many Europeans explained the sudden success of their nations and armies. What is Jared Diamond’s counter-theory?

18 After 1884

19 The Industrial Revolution
1845: The Pneumatic tire is invented. Europeans want Rubber! Central Africa has a lot of rubber trees.


21 King Leopold II of Belgium wants an Empire

22 The Congo Free State The Berlin Conference gives control of Congo to King Leopold II The entire state becomes the personal property of Leopold II. (Not a colony of Belgium)

23 The Congo Free State “The Belgian Congo”
The Capital of Congo Free State is Leopoldville. It is the size of all of Western Europe

24 Leopold’s Colonization
1888 established a private army called the “Force Publique” to put down rebellions and force people to work Build a railroad to transport goods and people from the interior Administer the colony Produce rubber (who is the work force?) What do you need to accomplish this?

25 Money!! Ironically, Leopold spent all his money acquiring the Congo
So how is he going to get it?

26 By working the native peoples

27 We had to go further and further into the forest to find rubber vines, to go without food, and our women had to give up cultivating the fields and gardens. Then we starved. Wild beasts killed some of us…and others got lost or died from exposure of starvation.

28 In about 20 years 10 million people died and the population of the Congo fell by about 50 percent Many causes: executions, killed resisting, separation of wives and husbands, exhaustion from overwork and famine (not enough time or land to farm)

29 But between 1888 and 1905 rubber production
Increased 16,800%!


31 What do these two cartoons mean?


33 European Motives For Colonization European Nationalism
Source for Raw Materials Missionary Activity Industrial Revolution European Motives For Colonization Markets for Manufactured Goods Military & Naval Bases Social Darwinism European Racism Places to Dump Unwanted/ Excess Popul. Humanitarian Reasons Soc. & Eco. Opportunities “White Man’s Burden”

34 Technology and Trade Overcome barriers
Disease (Malaria): Quinine Organized Societies: Slavery, Control of Trade Fierce Warriors: The Maxim Gun Difficult Rivers: Steam Boats Lack of rivers: Trains



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