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Trilogy of Risk PowerPoint – Tips on how to use it

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Presentation on theme: "Trilogy of Risk PowerPoint – Tips on how to use it"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trilogy of Risk PowerPoint – Tips on how to use it
This PowerPoint contains: Background to the work of the Task and Finish group Information on the leaflet and poster Questions that may prompt discussion A space for contact details A space to put links to the poster and leaflet The PowerPoint can be adapted to be proportionate and relevant to your audience and you may consider doing a straight presentation or introducing group discussion etc. Please do not alter the basic information as this is what is contained in the poster and leaflet. An introductory video has been produced which you may also like to include in your presentation.

2 Trilogy of Risk Raising Awareness
Alcohol/Drug Misuse  Domestic Abuse  Mental ill-health 

3 Why do we use the term Trilogy of Risk?
Research evidence shows that mental health difficulties, substance misuse problems and domestic abuse affect a significant proportion of the adult population (including young adults) Many of these adults are parents, carers or are living with others who may be vulnerable. It is important to stress the potential impact of these factors on parenting or caring capacity

4 What is the Risk? These three issues can be very harmful when found alone but when two or more of these issues come together in the home the risks can increase significantly Living in homes where these issues are present can be harmful to the health and wellbeing of those who are already vulnerable particularly children

5 What is the Risk? It is also important to note that other issues may also be present that increase vulnerability – e.g. poor housing, financial problems, physical ill-health, learning disabilities, anti-social behaviour Protective Factors – the presence of protective factors (such as the active involvement of other family or wider support networks in care and protection) is critical in helping to reduce risk and to offset the potential for negative impact

6 Why are we raising awareness now?
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults Boards have undertaken case reviews after the death or serious harm to a child or adult and the learning from these reviews has highlighted how we need to understand that risk is increased when these issues are found together and strengthen working practice to tackle this more effectively

7 What have we done? Produced a poster Produced a leaflet
This is a complex area of work and we need to raise the awareness of all workers who may come across individuals who are struggling with one or more of these issues. We want to prompt thinking about the potential for increased risk – whether you work primarily with adults or children. So we have: Produced a poster Produced a leaflet Made an Introductory video Put together this PowerPoint

8 Key Messages Know it Spot it Share it Remember

9 Know it! Alcohol/Drug Misuse Domestic Abuse Mental ill-health
If any of these are present: Risks of harm and impact could be higher for children and vulnerable adults Ability to parent/care could be lower Have you ever been in a situation where these issues are present? What did you see? What did you hear? What are the verbal and non-verbal signs? What do you think the impact may be?


11 Spot it! Trust your instincts Ask open questions and listen
Be curious: things are not always as they first appear People may minimise and deny their difficulties Where one risk factor is identified, always look for others Gather other relevant information – for example, children in the family, adults with additional needs, financial and social factors Look for evidence of other forms of abuse Ask: Is anyone else worried? Are they attending their appointments? Who else is helping them? Is anyone else working with or supporting the family? REMEMBER – Only ask questions if it is safe to do so for yourself and others What might you find difficult in these situations?


13 Share it! Do not be afraid to ask for advice – it is OK not to know all the answers Seek advice and support from your manager / supervisor Contact other practitioners involved with family members Consider a referral to social care or early help Signpost / refer to specialist services if appropriate You are not expected to be the expert on the ‘Trilogy of Risk’ Information from your perspective is important and can add to the bigger picture If appropriate in your job find out what resources are available Child and Adult Abuse concerns must be referred on to Social Care


15 Remember! If you see something, do something
Know your organisation’s procedures Write down your concerns Be persistent – check the progress of your concerns Check: is anyone else working with or worried about this family or individuals? Trust is key – vulnerable people need to feel safe, respected and listened to Familiarise yourself with the Child and Adult Protection procedures Who is the Safeguarding lead in my organisation?


17 Within the Organisation
Who to contact? Within the Organisation Other Contacts

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