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Summer 2 Mad about Minibeasts!

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1 Summer 2 Mad about Minibeasts!
Personal Social Emotional Development Communication and Language Objectives Play group games with rules Resolve minor disagreements through listening to each other and coming up with a fair solution. Confident to speak to class/group Talk about things they are good at/things they don’t find easy. Know some ways to manage feelings and begin to use these to maintain control Listen to each others suggestions and plan how to achieve outcomes without adult help. Activities Talk about our favourite minibeast Discuss what we would like to learn in our topic Follow instruction in learning- e.g. PE Zoo Lab visit- listening to new information/discussions afterwards/asking questions/show understanding Activities Taking part in whole school performance/play Understanding Yoga and why we do it- how does it help us to be healthy? Sharing/turn taking activities in continuous provision e.g. bug bingo/minibeast snap/Snakes and ladders. Discussions about different feelings and how we can control emotions such as anger, sadness, excitement etc. Ugly Bug Ball Zoo Lab visit Rushton Primary Early Years Topic Web Objectives Listen for sustained time to stories or someone talking to a small or large group and ask sensible questions after listening. Able to carry out instructions with several parts. Present and explain ideas to others using complete sentences or questions. Use a wider range of vocabulary which include specific words relating to a topic. Physical Development Objectives Hops and skips confidently in time to music Demonstrate good control of body when using large or small apparatus Handle tools for writing effectively and use correct grip. Begin to write on lines and control letter size. Know about and can make healthy choices in relation to eating and exercise. Activities Make a healthy smoothie Move like minibeasts Forest schools/outdoor learning activities Taking part in Soccer lions/PE sessions Weekly Yoga- cosmic Kids Take part in Sports Day- competitive games. Dress/undress independently when getting ready for soccer lions/forest schools/PE sessions Discussions about how to keep healthy and what we need to do. Expressive Art and Design Summer 2 Mad about Minibeasts! Objectives Develop their own ideas through selecting and using materials and working on processes that interest them. Sing songs, make music and dance and experiment with ways of changing them. Talk about ideas and processes which have led them to make music, designs images or products. Talk about features of their own and others work, recognising the differences between them and strengths of each. Activities Role Play area- minibeast investigation area Making puppets from story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. Design /Make a bug house/hotel Act out the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. Innovating the song ‘Incy Wincy Spider’. Ugly Bug ball- dancing Maths Activities Understanding of the World Objectives Estimate a number of objects and check quantity by counting up to 10. Solve problems that involve combining groups of 2,5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups. Count reliably with numbers to 20 and then begin to count beyond. Estimate, measure, weigh order and compare objects and talk about properties, position and time. Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money. Literacy Objectives Talk about past and present in their own lives Talk about differences between themselves and others and among families, communities and traditions Know properties of some materials and can suggest some of the purposes they are used for. Know environment is influenced by human activity. Find out about and use a range of everyday technology. Adding money/playing shop Ladybird doubling/halving activities Estimate the amount of legs on a minibeast Solving problems and counting in 2’s,5’s and 10’s. Measure distance- snail races Counting to 100- learning big numbers 3D shape games- properties. Activities Magic Carpet- visit places all over the world and compare. Find out about minibeasts-online/reading information books Minibeast adventure clips- write about what we have found out Exploring materials- What do we use plastic/wood/rock etc for? Going on a Bug Hunt Pond Dipping at school pond Objectives Use phonics knowledge to read and write words and sentences- begin to read words of more than one syllable. Read tricky words and HFW’s in phonics. Describe main events in stories they have read Use key features of narrative in their writing. Activities Formation weekly Phonics and GR phase 1,3,4, 5. Story map- ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. Posters- How to care for/keep minibeasts safe Thank you Letters- Zoo Lab Minibeast themed stories Writing parts of a story. YR Writing to Mrs Mellor- what I am good at/what I need help with in Year 1. Invitations to the Ugly Bug Ball.

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