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Chapter 1: The Science of Biology

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1 Chapter 1: The Science of Biology
1-1 What is Science?

2 Science is an organized way
of using evidence to learn about the natural world.

3 The goal of science is to investigate
and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural world, and to use those explanations to make predictions.

4 Scientific thinking begins with OBSERVATIONS –
The process of gathering information about events using the senses (usually sight or hearing).

5 This information is called DATA.

6 QUANTITATIVE data is expressed using numbers obtained by measuring or counting.

7 QUALITATIVE data is descriptive and involve
characteristics that can’t usually be counted.

8 Scientists use data to make INFERENCES, or logical interpretations based on
prior knowledge or experience.

9 Inferences are conclusions or deductions…
and should not be confused with opinions.

10 Opinions are beliefs or judgments of the mind
that should be left out when collecting data.

11 Practice making Inferences…

12 A theory develops when an ______________is
tested or supported many times. HYPOTHESIS

13 Theories are well-tested explanations that unify a broad range of observations.

14 …they are not “the truth” and can be revised
or replaced as new evidence is uncovered.

15 1-2: How Scientists Work:
The Scientific Method!

16 Step 1: State a problem or ask a question that is based on an observation

17 Step 2: Form an HYPOTHESIS or make a guess at the solution.

18 Writing a 3-Part Hypothesis
“IF…” (idea, reason, or cause) fertilizers have nutrients that help plants grow, “AND…”(test-identifies the independent variable) we grow some seeds with fertilizer and some seeds without fertilizer, “THEN…” (prediction of data-dependent variable) the seeds grown with fertilizer will grow more than the seeds grown without fertilizer.

19 …only ONE variable should be changed at a time.
Step 3: Set up a controlled experiment: …only ONE variable should be changed at a time.

20 The variable that deliberately changed is the manipulated or independent variable.

21 The variable that is observed or changes in response to the independent variable is the
responding or dependent variable.

22 The control measures the variable’s effect.

23 The experimental group is the group being
measured in the experiment.

24 Uncontrolled variables will alter
the results of an experiment.

25 Step 4. Collect Data. Step 5. Analyze data using. graphs. and charts
Step 4. Collect Data. Step 5. Analyze data using graphs and charts. Step 6. Draw conclusions. - evaluate your hypothesis - look for uncontrolled variables - accuracy & precision of data

26 Biology is the science…
1-3: Studying Life Biology is the science… …that seeks to understand the living world.


28 What do these… …have in common?

29 All living things on Earth share 8 characteristics!

30 All living things are composed of units called cells.

31 All living things obtain and use materials
and energy.

32 All living things grow and develop

33 All living things are based
on a universal genetic code

34 respond to their environment
All living things respond to their environment All living things respond to their environment


36 A stimulus is a signal to which an organism responds

37 All living things reproduce
…asexual (I parent) …sexual (2 parents)

38 a stable internal environment
All living things maintain a stable internal environment This is called homeostasis

39 Taken as a group, living things change over time.
This is called evolution.

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