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Kayson Max & Spencer Sevison

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1 Kayson Max & Spencer Sevison
Group 8 Kayson Max & Spencer Sevison

2 Impact of western Imperialism
Marco Polo traveled from Italy to Asia and traded his European goods. He also brought the stories. Egypt was “westernizing” and had borrowed heavily from France and England. Less Native Hawaiians

3 Impact of Totalitarianism
The autocratic regimes in Russia, Germany and Austria, were all overthrown and replaced by republics Italy and Germany became Fascist states.

4 Connections Treaty of Versailles Broken Europe

5 4 consequences of WWII Divided Korea Unified Vietnam
France was Liberated Traumatized soldiers

6 Key events of the cold war
1945-defeat of Germany and Japan Feb Stalin gives speech Mar. 10, 1946-Truman makes demand

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