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Sustainable Agriculture

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Agriculture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture refers to agricultural production that can be maintained without harming the environment.

2 3 Main Goals Environmental protection Farm profitability
Prosperous farming communities

3 When is Agriculture Sustainable?
Maintains a diverse ecosystem Reduces environmental impacts Minimizes pest problems It has to be profitable

4 Examples of Sustainable Practices
Recycling crop waste and livestock manure Growing legume crops and forages such as clover or lucerne that form symbioses with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Industrial production of fertilisers by the Haber Process uses hydrogen, which is currently derived from natural gas, (but this hydrogen could instead be made by electrolysis of water using electricity (perhaps from solar cells or windmills) or Genetically modified (non-legume) crops to form nitrogen-fixing symbioses or fix nitrogen without microbial symbionts.

5 •Fertiliser Use -Fertiliser Code of Practice -Nutrient Budgeting -Nitrification Inhibitors •Soils - Contour/Direct Drill - Cultivation - Standoff Pads •Shelter - Plant natural shelterbelts - Increases biodiversity



8 Not a good look Cattle die after drinking at contaminated lake
February 22nd 2009 Nine cattle die after drinking water at contaminated Lake Forsyth in Canterbury.

9 Managing Soil Minimum cultivation No cultivation on wet soils
Careful use of fertilisers Ploughing in crop residues Crop rotation Avoid soil erosion (wind and water)

10 Soil Cultivation Minimum tillage Direct drilling

11 Soil Erosion on Hill Country

12 Clean Streams

13 Riparian Stream Planting

14 Ground Water Pollution

15 Water for Irrigation – Central Plains Water Scheme Canterbury


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