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Lord Of The Flies By William Golding
A is for Airplane The story starts when the children awaken on a deserted island from an airplane crash. They try to figure out how it could have crashed, if any of the few grown-ups are there with them, and who survived and who didn’t. Piggy says he had seen flames on a part of the airplane, while Ralph believes they were attacked. Only one part of the plane cabin was left on the island & the rest washed away into the sea.
B is for Beast Everyone on the island was afraid of the “beast” that was there with them. In the end, they realize that the beast is just the boars that they are hunting so they can get food. For a long time the little boys & even older ones were kind of freaked out by the thought of the beast, but after they ate & left the head of the sow for the beast, they turned a little bit crazy.
C is for Conch Shell In the very beginning of the book, Piggy and Ralph discover a conch shell. Piggy told Ralph to blow into it, and it made a very long, loud sound. That was what they used to call all of the children to the same spot so they could see who all got out of the crash. When they called assembly’s to talk to each other, you had to hold the conch shell to have the right to speak.
D is for Death The boys left on the deserted island experienced three human deaths, and quite a few deaths of boars, which it took them a long time to find and kill. The first death of a boy happened the day after they landed. Towards the end of the book, Simon was beaten by the crowd of boys who were becoming slightly mad in the head. Then a boy shoved a big amount of rocks over a cliff and killed Piggy.
E is for Embarrassment A lot of embarrassment was felt during these times of being stuck on the deserted island. Those who I think felt it the most were Piggy & Simon. Piggy was always picked on for his weight and glasses. Simon was picked on for being shy, quiet, and basically a loner. Also when they went to the restroom, everyone felt it a little bit because they didn’t want anyone to see them or anything.
F is for Fire Ralph automatically realized that if they wanted to be rescued, that you would need fire to attract attention from ships so they could come and help. It always was difficult to keep the fire going because after some time, the boys became lazy and they started going off on another and splitting up into little cliques. Ralph constantly went on about the fire, though, because he used his sense to get help.
G is for Guard When Jack turned against Ralph at the end of the book, the hunter in him caused him to want more than a few guards to watch ‘his’ part of the island. Mainly the guards were people who volunteered, but two were forced to be guards. Sam and Eric, the twins, or Samneric, had to watch guard. And while they did, they were both tied to a tree and basically held hostage.
H is for Hunting After some time, the boys begin to go a little loony tunes because they’ve been on the island for so long. Jack started hating on Ralph & saying he was going to go hunt for food & hunt for the beast to get them meat. He indeed killed pigs and got them meat, but they weren’t sure if the beast was still out there to be hunted or what.
I is for Island When the boys landed after the plane crash, they discovered that they were most likely on an island. Two or three boys went to search to make completely sure, and when they reached the top of the mountain on it, they found that they were right. They had been deserted on there with no grown-ups, no help, and no guidance.
J is for Jack Jack was the main hunter of the group. He was bloodthirsty and craving for meat, so he was the main one that got meat, though he usually needed help. He was very cruel to Ralph and tried to overtake him, and at times he tried to steal Ralph’s fire to have a feast. He caused many fights and mishaps, but he was always in the center when they killed.. Even the two boys.
K is for Killing It took a while for a lot of the boys to start becoming a little crazy.. But eventually they did. Jack and the boys sang songs while they killed boars, and whenever they sang it without killing a boar, one of the innocent boys ended up dead. This happened twice, and the day after, nothing was ever said. The boys had become bloodthirsty and out of their mind.
L is for Lord of the Flies
The lord of the flies was a name that Simon made up for the boar that the boys had killed. He was one of the first to start going mad, and he had mirages that the pig’s head was talking to him, telling him to leave, or that he’d die. The pig’s head had flies swarming all around it, and its blood was turning black and it scared Simon, so he ran back to the site where everybody else was to tell them about it.
M is for Madness The type of madness this is describing is like a type of mania. The kind that means someone is going crazy or out of their minds. All of the boys basically ended up going mad. They were seeing mirages and killing like crazy. I would say that the two that went the most crazy were Simon and Jack. Jack was always bloodthirsty and the madness made him violent. Simon was stuck in his own head, silently going mad.
N is for Neglect I think that many people suffered from neglect in this story. The boys should’ve stuck together throughout the whole time on the island, but they ended up turning against each other and leaving many people alone. The little boys, especially, needed to have an older boy watch over them at all times to make sure they weren’t hurt. It would’ve been a good idea to always walk around with at least 1 other person.
O is for Ocean The island the boys landed on was sitting in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The boys usually used water from a small creek and little bathing hole they made in the forest of the island, but liked to play out in the sand beside the ocean.
P is for Piggy Piggy is one of the main characters that always follows behind Ralph, who was voted chief of the island. A chunky boy with glasses, he wasn’t well liked, but he was the only boy on the island that could truly think. He had intelligence and brains, but the only person that listened to him was Ralph, and even that took a while. He was helpful at some times, & let the boys use his specs for fire, but ended up killed by the boys that went slightly loony.
Q is for Queer There were many very queer people that were left on the deserted island. Whenever one little boy named Percival was asked his name, or any other question, he would answer automatically saying his name and street address. Simon was also considered very queer for his lonely attitude. No one liked Piggy, so that made him the same. Jack was also very queer, mainly at the end of the book.
R is for Ralph Ralph was the first boy to wake up on the island. He was voted to take charge, which he did. He called assembly’s, used the conch shell to have the main power to talk, gave ideas for what they needed to do to get rescued (and accepted ideas from others), and tried his hardest to stay strong until they could somehow find away out of where they were.
S is for Simon Simon was the first boy to actually start going mad, though he did have sense and bravery. The others didn’t like him for some reason, and they left him with the sow’s head to see if the beast would come. He started going crazy and ran to where the other boys were, screaming about the pig, and the boys savagely started their “killing pigs” dance, and killed him with spears. His body washed out to the sea.
T is for Terror Terror was a common feeling throughout all of the boys on the island, though the big one’s wouldn’t show it. The little boys always screamed out in fear of the “beast”, and others were afraid they would never get rescued, like Ralph and Piggy. Some boys were confident that they knew every part of the island, but they found they didn’t, and they were afraid of what could be out there.
U is for Union Many boys didn’t try to become that close, but some did. After a while, Ralph and Piggy were good friends. Another pair of boys that had survived were twins, Sam and Eric. But everybody called them Samneric. It was hard to become united and peaceful when everybody was going crazy to get food, keep a fire going, get rescued, and fight each other for little things.
V is for Vengeance The feeling of vengeance was constantly in the air on this deserted island. Jack and Ralph wanted so badly, more than anything (besides Ralph wanting to get rescued) to get revenge on each other as much as possible. I feel that Jack wanted to hurt and beat up someone more than Ralph did, because he was constantly bloodthirsty and singing his killing song.
W is for War This book was written during the time of a war, and we know that because Ralph and the boys were all discussing it. Ralph said his dad was in it and that he’d help get them. In the end, though, it seemed as if the boys had had their own war on the island because most of them were savages that joined Jack’s ‘tribe’ and fire spread everywhere. They fought and fought until they were rescued.
X is for Excited The boys often got excited, especially at the assembly meetings. They enjoyed cutting up and playing together, and just laughing and having a good time. They were definitely excited when they caught their first pig, and every time they did in the future. They liked to dance and sing to express their emotion, and their war song went: “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! ”
Y is for Yearning The boys often yearned to go home. They usually cried in the night, calling out in their sleep. They had nightmares and sobbed uncontrollably. They were unable to do anything, which made things even worse on everyone. Ralph constantly yearned, and that’s why he was always, always trying to keep a fire burning for rescue to go home.
Z is for Zoo I would say it seemed like life on the island was constantly zoo-like. The boys were wild and began acting like animals, or savages. Also, there were wild pigs on the island, and the boys went crazy when they went to hunt them. It was most likely never calm there, and people were constantly acting up.
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