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Presentation on theme: "Plastics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plastics

2 Energy Sources Non-renewable
-Ancient remains of plants and animals that took millions of years to form. -Limited supply -Fossil fuels Ex: Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal -Sources of pollution: CO2, CO, SO2, Lead, Arsenic, NO2 Renewable Infinite supply Little to no pollution Examples: Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Biomass, Hydroelectric


4 Acid Rain pH below 6 Results from the burning of fossil fuels (Oil, Natural gas, Coal). Gases produced (NOx, SO2) combine with water vapor and form Nitric or Sulfuric Acid. This will fall as rain. Harms plants and aquatic organisms by changing the soil and water pH. Reduction in the amount since CAA 1990 amendment.

- Acid rain has a pH 5.6 and below



8 Primary Pollutants Secondary Pollutants Sources Natural Stationary CO CO2 SO2 NO NO2 Most hydrocarbons Most suspended particles SO3 HNO3 H2SO4 H2O2 O3 PANs Most and salts NO3 Mobile SO4 2

9 Ozone (O3) In the Stratosphere, O3 filters harmful UV light= good for organisms. In the Troposphere, excess O3 is created by the burning of fossil fuels= bad. Depletion in stratosphere caused by Chloroflurocarbons. 1 Cl atom can break apart 100,000 O3

10 Greenhouse Effect Natural heating of the earth’s surface with greenhouse gases (H2O, CO2, CH4…)

11 Global Warming The planet’s temperature is slowly increasing as a result of excess CO2 Some scientists predict that: 1. Polar ice caps will melt and cause flooding. 2. Severe storms will become more common. 3. Serious droughts will occur.

12 How do we stop it? Reduce combustion of fossil fuels. Drive less cars.
No Coal, Oil, or Natural gas power plants. Reduce your personal electricity consumption. Recycle manufactured materials. Write your congressman, Protest!

13 Invasive Species: Non-Native Species enter an ecosystem
Invasive Species, Alien Species, Non-Native Species are all the same. Compete with native species and WIN! Makes native species endangered or extinct.

14 Water Loss Lost by human consumption: Results in Salinization and
Drinking Water for giant cities Irrigation for crops Industry use and pollution Farm Pollution Results in Salinization and Desertification. Loss of Biodiversity

15 Monoculture Growing of one variety of plant.
Loss of organic nutrients that would be recycled. Run-Off pollutes drinking water and aquatic ecosystems with fertilizer and pesticides. Loss of natural habitat = loss of biodiversity = extinct species

16 Deforestation Cut trees down for lumber, agriculture, and human settlements. Destroys habitat for organisms- #1 cause for species becoming endangered Removes CO2 absorbing trees that stop global warming. Results in massive soil erosion.

17 E-waste(Technological Waste)
Electronic trash builds up. Leaching of heavy metals and carcinogenic chemicals into the water and air. Use up non-renewable resources.

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