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End point Patients >75 y with renal insufficiency

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1 Cardiovascular history of MI patients with and without renal insufficiency
End point Patients >75 y with renal insufficiency Patients <70 y with renal insufficiency Patients with normal GFR Previous MI (%) 24.5 19 17 Previous PCI (%) 30.5 20 16 Previous CABG (%) 21 12 7 Peripheral vascular disease (%) 26 14 Previous stroke/TIA (%) 10 5 Congestive heart failure (%) 8.5 2 TIA=transient ischemic attack Schannwell C et al. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2005.

2 30-day mortality post-MI in patients with and without renal insufficiency
End point Patients with moderate renal insufficiency Patients with mild renal insufficiency Patients with normal GFR Mortality (%) 5.4 3.1 0.9 Schannwell C et al. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2005.

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