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2 4.- HYDRIDES A class of chemical compounds in which hydrogen is combined with another element.

3 4.- HYDRIDES We will distinguish three subgroups within this type of compounds: Volatile hydrides Non-metallic hydrides Metallic hydrides

4 4.- HYDRIDES We will distinguish three subgroups within this type of compounds: Non-metallic hydrides Metallic hydrides Volatile hydrides

5 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides (+ n) (-1) Me Hn
Hydrides are combinations of a metal with hydrogen. Hydrogen has oxidation number -1; the metal has a positive oxidation number. (+ n) (-1) Me Hn Three types of nomenclatures: 4.1.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) 4.1.a. Multiplicative Prefixes nomenclature 4.1.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system)

6 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides
4.1.a. MULTIPLICATIVE PREFIXES NOMENCLATURE Hydrides are combinations of a metal with hydrogen. Hydrogen has oxidation number -1; the metal has a positive oxidation number. The name of the ELEMENT is placed first. Then the word HYDRIDE is written. It is preceded by the prefix mono-,di-, tri-, tetra-, etc ..., which indicates the number of hydrogens in the molecule. (the prefix is deleted if there is no doubt),

7 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides

8 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides Rubidium hydride BaH2
4.1.a. MULTIPLICATIVE PREFIXES NOMENCLATURE Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride BaH2 Copper monohydride CoH2 Copper dihydride CoH3 Lead tetrahydride NiH2 Tin dihydride NiH3 Calcium hydride CdH2

9 4.- HIDRYDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides
4.1.a. MULTIPLICATIVE PREFIXES NOMENCLATURE Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride RbH BaH2 Barium hydride Copper monohydride CuH CoH2 Cobalt dihydride Copper dihydride CuH2 CoH3 Cobalt trihydride Lead tetrahydride PbH4 NiH2 Nickel dihydride Tin dihydride SnH2 NiH3 Nickel trihydride Calcium hydride CaH2 CdH2 Cadmiun hydride

10 4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos

11 4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos
4.1.a. NOMENCLATURA CON PREFIJOS MULTIPLICADORES REALIZA: FORMULA: NOMBRA: Hidruro de rubidio BaH2 Monohidruro de cobre CoH2 Dihidruro de cobre CoH3 Tetrahidruro de plomo NiH2 Dihidruro de estaño NiH3 Hidruro de calcio CdH2

12 4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos
4.1.a. NOMENCLATURA CON PREFIJOS MULTIPLICADORES SOLUCIONARIO Hidruro de rubidio RbH BaH2 Hidruro de bario Monohidruro de cobre CuH CoH2 Dihidruro de cobalto Dihidruro de cobre CuH2 CoH3 Trihidruro de cobalto Tetrahidruro de plomo PbH4 NiH2 Dihidruro de níquel Dihidruro de estaño SnH2 NiH3 Trihidruro de níquel Hidruro de calcio CaH2 CdH2 Hidruro de cadmio

13 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides
4.1.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Roman numerals) HYDRIDE Roman numerals in parentheses only if there are two or more possibilities SODIUM HYDRIDE Na H NaH IRON(III) HYDRIDE Fe H FeH3 IRON(II) HYDRIDE FeH2

14 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides
4.1.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Roman numerals) HYDRIDE Roman numerals in parentheses only if there are two or more possibilities Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride BaH2 Copper(I) hydride CoH2 Copper(II) hydride CoH3 Lead (IV) hydride NiH2 Tin(II) hydride NiH3 Calcium hydride CdH2

15 4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides
4.1.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Roman numerals) HYDRIDE Roman numerals in parentheses only if there are two or more possibilities Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride RbH BaH2 Barium hydride Copper(I) hydride CuH CoH2 Cobalt(II) hydride Copper(II) hydride CuH2 CoH3 Cobalt(III) hydride Lead (IV) hydride PbH4 NiH2 Nickel(II) hydride Tin(II) hydride SnH2 NiH3 Nickel(III) hydride Calcium hydride CaH2 CdH2 Cadmiun hydride

16 4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos
4.1.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Sistema Stock)

17 4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos
4.1.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Sistema Stock)

18 4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos
4.1.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Sistema Stock)

19 (Ewens-Basset system)
4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides 4.1.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Arabic numerals+) HYDRIDE Arabic numerals in parentheses only if there are two or more possibilities SODIUM HYDRIDE Na H NaH IRON(3+) HYDRIDE Fe H FeH3 IRON(2+) HYDRIDE FeH2

20 (Ewens-Basset system)
4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides 4.1.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Arabic numerals+) HYDRIDE Arabic numerals in parentheses only if there are two or more possibilities Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride BaH2 Copper(1+) hydride CoH2 Copper(2+) hydride CoH3 Lead (4+) hydride NiH2 Tin hydride NiH3 Calcium hydride CdH2

21 (Ewens-Basset system)
4.- HYDRIDES 4.1.- Metallic hydrides 4.1.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Arabic numerals+) HYDRIDE Arabic numerals in parentheses only if there are two or more possibilities Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride RbH BaH2 Barium hydride Copper(1+) hydride CuH CoH2 Cobalt(2+) hydride Copper(2+) hydride CuH2 CoH3 Cobalt(3+) hydride Lead (4+) hydride PbH4 NiH2 Nickel(2+) hydride Tin hydride SnH2 NiH3 Nickel(3+) hydride Calcium hydride CaH2 CdH2 Cadmiun hydride

22 (Sistema Ewens-Basset)
4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos 4.1.c. Nomenclatura del número de carga (Sistema Ewens-Basset)

23 (Sistema Ewens-Basset)
4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos 4.1.c. Nomenclatura del número de carga (Sistema Ewens-Basset)

24 (Sistema Ewens-Basset)
4.- HIDRUROS 4.1.- Hidruros metálicos 4.1.c. Nomenclatura del número de carga (Sistema Ewens-Basset)

25 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
Hydrides are combinations of a nonmetal with hydrogen. Hydrogen has oxidation number +1 and the metal has a negative oxidation number. (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe There are eight non-metallic hydrides. When they are in aquous solution they behave as acids and they must be named as such

26 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
4.2.a. MULTIPLICATIVE PREFIXES NOMENCLATURE (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe Write HYDROGEN and then the name of the non-metal with the suffix -IDE. A preffix for the number of hydrogens is not necessary as there is only one single possibility. HF Hydrogen fluoride HCl Hydrogen chloride H2S Hydrogen sulfide H2Te Hydrogen telluride Be careful H2O is “water”

27 4.- HIDRUROS 4.2.- Hidruros no metálios

28 4.- HIDRUROS 4.2.- Hidruros no metálios

29 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
IN WATER (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe (aq) In aqueous solution the name is hydro-NONMETAL-ic acid

30 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
IN WATER (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe (aq) In aqueous solution the name is hydro-NONMETAL-ic acid Name the following non-metallic hydrides when they are in aqueous solution

31 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
IN WATER (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe (aq) In aqueous solution the name is hydro-NONMETAL-ic acid

32 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
IN WATER (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe (aq) In aqueous solution the name is hydro-NONMETAL-ic acid

33 4.- HIDRUROS 4.2.- Hidruros no metálios EN AGUA

34 4.- HIDRUROS 4.2.- Hidruros no metálios EN AGUA

35 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides
4.2.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system) (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe Write HYDROGEN and then the name of the non-metal with the suffix -IDE. No oxidation number is necessary as there is only one single possibility. HF Hydrogen fluoride HCl Hydrogen chloride H2S Hydrogen sulfide H2Te Hydrogen telluride Be careful H2O is “water”

36 4.- HIDRUROS 4.2.- Hidruros no metálios (Sistema Stock)
4.2.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Sistema Stock)

37 4.2.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Stock)
4.- HIDRUROS 4.2.- Hidruros no metálios 4.2.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Stock)

38 (Ewens-Basset system)
4.- HYDRIDES 4.2.- Non-metallic hydrides 4.2.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) (+ 1) (-n) Hn NoMe Write HYDROGEN and then the name of the non-metal with the suffix -IDE. No arabic number is necessary as there is only one single possibility. HF Hydrogen fluoride HCl Hydrogen chloride H2S Hydrogen sulfide H2Te Hydrogen telluride Be careful H2O is “water”

39 4.- HYDRIDES 4.3.- Volatile hydrides
They are combinations other elements with hydrogen. These elements are: - From group IIIA: B. - From group IVA: C, Si. - From group VA: N, P, As, Sb. Their solutions in water do not have an acidic character. 4.1.a. MULTIPLICATIVE PREFIXES NOMENCLATURE

40 4.- HYDRIDES 4.3.- Volatile hydrides
4.3.a. MULTIPLICATIVE PREFIXES NOMENCLATURE NoMem Hn (+n) (-1) DI TRI TETRA NO-METAL HYDRIDE Name and formule BH Boron trihydride B2H Diboron hexahydride NH Nitrogen trihydride PH Phosphorus trihydride AsH Arsenic trihydride SbH Antimoni trihydride CH Carbon tetrahydride SiH Silicon tetrahydride

41 4.- HIDRUROS 4.3.- Hidruros volátiles
4.3.a. NOMENCLATURa de los prefijos multiplicadores NoMem Hn (+n) (-1) DI TRI TETRA HIDRURO DE NO METAL FÓRMULA Y NOMBRE BH Trihidruro de boro B2H Hexahidruro de diboro NH Trihidruro de nitrógeno PH Trihidruro de fósforo AsH Trihidruro de arsénico SbH Trihidruro de antimonio CH Tetrahidruro de carbono SiH Tetrahidruro de silicio

42 4.- HYDRIDES 4.3.- Volatile hydrides
4.3.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Roman numerals) HIDRYDE Like in 4.1.b. Oxidation number nomenclature (Stock system) of metallic hydrides Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride RbH BaH2 Barium hydride Copper(I) hydride CuH CoH2 Cobalt(II) hydride Copper(II) hydride CuH2 CoH3 Cobalt(III) hydride Lead (IV) hydride PbH4 NiH2 Nickel(II) hydride Tin hydride SnH2 NiH3 Nickel(III) hydride Calcium hydride CaH2 CdH2 Cadmiun hydride

43 4.- HIDRUROS 4.3.- Hidruros volátiles
4.3.b. Nomenclatura de los números de oxidación (Sistema Stock) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn

44 (Ewens-Basset system)
4.- HYDRIDES 4.3.- Volatile hydrides 4.2.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn METAL (Ox. Num. In Arabic numerals) HIDRYDE Like in 4.1.c. Charge number nomenclature (Ewens-Basset system) of metallic hydrides Decide the formule: Say the name: Rubidium hydride RbH BaH2 Barium hydride Copper(1+) hydride CuH CoH2 Cobalt(2+) hydride Copper(2+) hydride CuH2 CoH3 Cobalt(3+) hydride Lead (4+) hydride PbH4 NiH2 Nickel(2+) hydride Tin hydride SnH2 NiH3 Nickel(3+) hydride Calcium hydride CaH2 CdH2 Cadmiun hydride

45 (Sistema Ewens-Basset)
4.- HIDRUROS 4.3.- Hidruros volátiles 4.3.c. Nomenclatura de los números de carga (Sistema Ewens-Basset) (+ n) (-I) Me Hn

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