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Workshop 2: Going For Goals Children’s Services - SEAL Team

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 2: Going For Goals Children’s Services - SEAL Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 2: Going For Goals Children’s Services - SEAL Team
Presentation to Primary School SEAL Title (if relevant) Workshop 2: Going For Goals Presented by Children’s Services - SEAL Team If using an image in the background fill the area as shown, leaving a cream strip at the bottom for the Serco logo. Headings to be set all in lower case as is the new company style, using a large font to follow the same style used in the new company brochure.

2 THEME 4 Going for Goals

3 Assembly - Keep going You can do it

4 Going For Goals This theme focuses primarily on the key aspect of motivation, with a subsidiary focus on self awareness. It gives an important opportunity for all children's abilities, qualities and strengths to be valued. Motivation Self awareness

5 Going for Goals Notice and celebrate children (and adults) who are:
Taking responsibility-for their successes and when things go wrong Waiting for what they want; persistence (keeping going) Showing resilience-bouncing back or maintaining effort through a difficult experience or after a mistake or failure Setting and achieving goals

6 Going for Goals The theme is structured around the following key strands: Knowing myself Setting a realistic goal Planning to reach a goal Persistence Making choices Evaluation and review

7 Foundation Stage – key vocabulary
Learn Tomorrow Now Succeed Today Proud Finish Future Before Goal After Target

8 Early Foundation Stage Learning Opportunities
Circle games and Rounds Understanding myself Setting a realistic goal Activities When I was a baby I could……: displays photographs Organising the day Questions for reflection and enquiry Review

9 Later Foundation Stage Learning Opportunities
Circle games and Rounds Co-operation Games, all change Games file Knowing myself My goal is………. Keeping going Activities Photographs of children's strengths Display with individual goals Goals for self directed activities Organising the day


11 Key vocabulary – Year 1 and 2
Goal Consequences Achieve Achievement Steps Impulsive Distracted Distractions Persistent Persistence Boredom Frustrated Frustration Bored

12 Learning opportunities Years 1
Circle games and rounds Setting our goals Just because……… The problem solving process Activities How we learn: The miracle learner: Ready to learn challenge resource sheet ..\..\going for goals\Doc6.doc Thought showers Problem solving situations Story – I know we learn in different ways Learning opportunities Years 1


14 Resources – Year 1 Poster – Peaceful problem solving
Working together self-review checklists Music for different moods (CDROM) Photocards – determined

15 Learning opportunities Year 2
Circle Games There’s a chair on my right: Knowing how I learn best You cant eat an elephant in one bite Persistence Putting it all together Going for a goal Activities – learning tasks seeing hearing doing: Origami resources reflection and enquiry: talking drawing spider diagrams: planning a goal: ongoing activities: Story Daisy and Rehana

16 Photocards

17 Resources – Year 2 Poster – problem solving process
Working together self review checklist Photocards “determined” The ladder Resources – Year 2

18 Intended learning outcomes
I know we learn in different ways I can choose a realistic goal I can tell you how I learn best I can say what I want to happen when there is a problem I can break a goal down into small steps I can recognise when I become bored and frustrated I can tell you why things have been successful Intended learning outcomes

19 Key vocabulary – Years 3 and 4
goal target obstacle barrier responsibility responsible perseverance boredom frustration respect encouragement

20 Learning opportunities - Year 3
Circle games and rounds; can we do it? Rocket launch the tangled web, co-operation jigsaws, round Knowing how we are clever Scaling Foil frustrations – beat boredom Taking responsibility Going for a goal Weighing up the consequences Activities: How am I clever? Using scaling: using pupils learning strengths: setting a class goal: Invite a visitor: lucky dip: planning a goal: questions for reflection and enquiry: Story: Daisy and Rehana Learning opportunities - Year 3


22 Resources – Year 3 and 4 Working together self review checklist
Photocards childrens learning

23 Learning opportunities Year 4
Circle Games and rounds :Find the pair Knowing myself Feelings and learning Barriers to reaching learning goals Evaluation and review Perseverance Planning to meet a goal Activities: describing a learning experience: My learning map: Graphs helps me learn stops me learning: Barriers that I can change Barriers that I cant change: Research a role model: Class book of records: Questions for reflection and enquiry: Language to encourage: Poems: The Race:

24 Learning maps

25 Key vocabulary – Years 5 + 6
Goal Target Obstacle Perseverance Excuses Admiration Consequences Key vocabulary – Years 5 + 6

26 Photocards – disappointment Working together self-review checklists
Resources Year 5 and 6 Feelings Detective Photocards – disappointment Working together self-review checklists

27 Learning opportunities Year 5
Circle games: Rounds: Good Try Effective learners Role models Planning to reach a goal Hall of Fame and Roll of Honour Applying what we have learned Activities: Thought showers on someone they admire: teaching each other something new: planning to teach: creating a class hall of fame: review what they have learned: Questions for reflection and enquiry: Reviewing: Story: The fourth son

28 Learning opportunities Year 6
Circle games: Rounds: Through the hoop: Ladder to success I would but………. Excuses, excuses making wise choices Activity - Martin Luthers speech, “I have a dream” identifying own dreams: ladder of steps to achieve: overcoming obstacles: persistence: Thought shower excuses: A round tuit: Questions for reflection and enquiry: Story: Paramjeet

29 Overcoming obstacles to success

30 Intended Learning outcomes
I know the skills and attributes of an effective learner I can try to develop these skills I can recognise and celebrate my own achievements I can set myself a goal or challenge I can apply what I have learned I can tell you what I need to do next I can make a long term plan and break it down into smaller, achievable goals in my personal life or in my behaviour I can try again even when I have been unsuccessful

31 Staffroom activities a Key areas Motivation
Knowing and understanding ourselves as a learner Problem solving and making wise choices Solution-focussed approaches Activities Types of motivation Qualities of teaching that enhance internal motivation Keeping going when things get tough Encouraging autonomy Knowing ourselves as a learner Qualities of a good learner Problem-solving strategy a

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