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Icy Satellites – Status and Science

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1 Icy Satellites – Status and Science
C. J. Hansen, A. Hendrix 6 January 2005

2 Icy Satellite Science Objectives
UVIS Icy Satellite Science Objectives are to Investigate: Surface age and evolution UV albedo maps Surface composition and chemistry Reflection spectra Tenuous atmospheres / exospheres Emission spectra, occultations

3 Since our last meeting…
Cassini has had moderate-distance flybys: Iapetus Oct x 106 km Tethys Oct ,000 km Dione Dec ~75,000 km Iapetus Dec ,000 km

4 Phoebe The Phoebe data set is complete (Cassini won’t be close to Phoebe ever again) All three science objectives can be addressed with our data set Considerable progress has been made in all three areas Results have been presented at COSPAR, DPS, and AGU High level results documented in UVIS team Science paper Next on our list is a dedicated Phoebe paper (to submit to Icarus, Amanda Hendrix will be first author) Most important finding: Evidence of water ice on Phoebe’s surface makes the outer solar system the most likely place of Phoebe’s origin

5 Example: Phoebe UV Albedo Map
Similar geometry Time: C/A-01:22 Range: 31,300 km Phase angle: 83° Lat/Long: 21°S, 349°W Blue/green=reflected solar Red=background Ly-a (IPH)

6 Composition: Phoebe’s Disk-Integrated FUV reflectance spectrum
H2O, CO2 frosts contribute to Phoebe’s FUV spectrum; other (dark) materials unknown at this time - similar to C ring non-ice material

7 ISS_000PH_HIRESC Note brightness difference between
high and low latitudes

8 Phoebe’s spectral variations with latitude

9 No Emissions Detected above Background
A gas (oxygen) detection threshold of <2 x 1013 cm-2 is based on a minimum 2-sigma detectable level of 10 counts above background, instrument sensitivity at nm of 3.4 cts/kR-sec, integration time of ~ 10 hours, and solar wind values for the electron density and temperature at Saturn.

10 Phoebe UVIS Results - so far
Average FUV spectrum Consistent with presence of CO2, H2O frosts Phoebe is VERY dark <1650 Å; blocks IPH Lack of emission features No Chiron-like activity Dissociative excitation of sublimated / sputtered H2O by solar wind is not a significant process (in contrast to Europa) Latitudinal variation in reflectance spectrum More H2O frost in S. polar region than at mid-latitudes

11 Iapetus Distant Iapetus observations collected for longitudinal, phase coverage (Most of the mission is required to fill in complete coverage) Some observations were lost due to s/c pointing errors Close Iapetus flyby on December 31 124,000 km distance Big science question – Why is one hemisphere of Iapetus so much darker than the other? Geometric albedo range (visible): – 0.6 Competing hypotheses: endogenic vs. exogenic origin We can weigh in on this by comparing our spectra of both sides of Iapetus to Phoebe and Hyperion


13 Main Models for Albedo Dichotomy
Pros Cons Refs Geologic resurfacing Infill of dark crater floors; clean edge (?) Hemispheric pattern Smith et al. 1982 Accretion from Phoebe Hemispheric pattern Color Soter 1974 As above + volatization Hemispheric pattern; color? The math Cruikshank et al. 1983; Squyres et al., 1984; Bell et al. 1985; Buratti and Mosher, 1995 Accretion from Titan or Hyperion Pattern and spectra Low albedo Matthews 1992; Vilas et al. 1996; Jarvis et al. 2000; Owen et al. 2001 Meteoritic erosion Low density (1.2gm/cc) Cook and Franklin 1970; Wilson and Sagan, 1995, 1996 Accretion of D-type material from outer retrograde satellites Hemispheric pattern and spectra Sufficient source; Phoebe not red Cruikshank et al. 1983; Buratti et al. 2002, 2004; Black et al., 2004 (general exogenic)

14 Iapetus: October 15, 2004 Range=1,222,000 km Radius=730 km

15 Need much less H2O, more dark material to fit this
Iapetus spectrum, compared to Phoebe a=88°

16 Iapetus UVIS Results - so far (October)
FUV spectrum of southern hemisphere region Distant, sub-pixel observation Both dark, light terrains in pixel Reflected solar features do not appear as in Phoebe spectrum May be due to lower spatial resolution, small size of body May have overall slightly bluer spectrum than Phoebe; less steep at longer wavelengths Less H2O More dark material Must wait for closer Iapetus observations to make more definitive statements


18 Sub-S/C location map

Duration=00:57 AD=8.5 mrad Sub S/C=(29, 070), LT=14.4 =51o Disk map; Cassini Regio (subsolar point Ts≈125 K) (1)

20 Iapetus Bright-Dark Comparison

21 ISS_00CIA_GLOBMAPC001_PRIME (2004-366T14:00 UTC; 00:30 hrs)
Trigger # Telemetry Rate S&ER3 (24) number footprints number of images total Data Volume (predict) Mb 2+3x3 NAC clr mosaic km alt.; 740 m/pxl; d_IA=1950 pxl; 78 deg phase; sub-S/C lat/lon = +54/50; sun illuminates surface from left 2 NAC shutters per footprint (except #1 and2): 220 ms (bright) and 1.5 sec (dark terrain) WAC 4-color context (Vio, Grn, Ir1, Ir3)

22 ISS_00CIA_COMPD001_VIMS (2004-366T19:00 UTC; 02:00 hrs)
Trigger # Telemetry Rate S&ER3 (24) number footprints number of images total Data Volume (predict) Mb 1x1 NAC color mosaic km alt.; 705 m/pxl; d_IA=2050 pxl; 94 deg phase; sub-S/C lat/lon = +64/24; sun illuminates surface from left 10 NAC color frames + 3 polarizers Center of ftprt over dark terrain ==> long exp times selected Highest resolution color of BC flyby

23 More Iapetus in Nominal Tour
Planned Cassini flybys at Iapetus (selection)* Date min. altitude best ISS pixel scale visible hemisphere** Jul ,500,000 km km/pxl CR, southern bright terrain, SP Oct ,110,000 km km/pxl anti-Saturn side (western CR), SP 31Dec04/ 01Jan ,500 km m/pxl northern CR, high northern latitudes Nov ,000 km km/pxl eastern and central CR, north. bright terrain Jan ,000 km km/pxl eastern CR and trans. zone, "moat" partially Apr ,000 km km/pxl leading side, SP Sep ~1,270 km# ~12 m/pxl CR (high phase), trailing side (low phase) *...Included are all flybys in 2004 and all flybys below 106 km altitude until June 2008. **...CR = Cassini Regio (dark material hemisphere); SP = south pole. #...10 Sep 2007: targeted flyby altitude not fixed yet; might be between ~1000 and ~1400 km.

24 Dione Close flyby on 15 December 2004
Range: 72,912 km Phase Angle: ~800 UVIS was riding along on three observations Collected first observation (GLOCOL) Got FUV data but not EUV Range: 159,395 km (7 pixels) Phase: 340 Partial collection of second observation (REGMAP), remainder lost due to error in how the SSR was configured Next close Dione flyby is in Rev 16 (Oct. 2005) Big science question for Dione post-Voyager was “What is the nature of the bright streaks?”

25 The nature of Dione’s streaks
Voyager Cassini

26 UVIS Dione UV Albedo (GLOCOLOR)

27 Dione REGMAP

28 Tethys Only fairly distant spectra so far, but significantly different than Phoebe Upcoming, relatively close flybys: Rev 4; ,975 km Rev 7; ,990 km Rev 15; 33,295 km Rev 45; 97,131 km Rev 47; 16,166 km Rev 49; 48,324 km

29 Tethys: October 28, 2004 Range=255,000 km Radius=530 km

30 Tethys is ~10x brighter than Phoebe at similar phase angle
Need much more H2O, less dark material to fit this Tethys spectrum, compared to Phoebe a=50° Model uses smaller H2O grain size

31 Tethys UVIS Results - so far
4 pixels on body Reflected solar features do not appear as in Phoebe spectrum May be due to larger amount of H2O ice - very dark Tethys is ~10x brighter than Phoebe at similar phase angles H2O is more dominant in Tethys spectrum than in Phoebe spectra H2O grains may be smaller than on Phoebe - related to E-ring??

32 In the next 6 months… First data from Mimas (range = 215,291 km) and Rhea (range = 144,171 km) in Rev 00C, right after completion of the Huygens Probe mission and playback (January 15) We’ll get our first look at Enceladus in Rev 00C, at a range of 247,000 km (January 15) Major upcoming close Enceladus flybys: Rev 3; closest approach = 1179 km; February 17 But this is right after T3 so major pointing uncertainties We will get stellar occultation of lambda Sco Rev 4; targeted flyby, closest approach = 500 km; March 9

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