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Accountability Court Certification and Peer Review

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1 Accountability Court Certification and Peer Review
August 5, 2016

2 Why Certify? Required by statute to receive state funding
Adult drug and Mental Health, existing DUI and FTC in development – FY18 funding Improve court functioning and outcomes Based on state standards and best practices developed from national research

3 Certification Application
The application is designed to follow the Georgia Standards for Accountability Courts The next several slides cover each section in depth. The section being discussed will be yellow Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

4 Key Components The key components are taken from national research on best practices There are ten that guide Georgia’s Standards and the certification application Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

5 Adopted Standards Benchmarks
The Standards Benchmarks flow from the key components and provide a more specific goal The numbering matches the Georgia Standards for easy reference Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

6 Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice
This box shows whether the Standard Benchmark is required or considered a best practice Your court should focus on mandatory requirements but strive to meet best practices Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

7 Certification Requirements
The Certification Requirements prescribe what your court should be doing to meet the associated standard You should be able to show that your court meets the requirement or is working towards it Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

8 Suggested Location The Suggested Location provides an option where forms, lists, or documents from the Requirement might be kept In most instances, your court can keep the information stored in another location Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

9 Documentation Use the Documentation section to mark whether or not your court meets the Requirement If you mark Yes, please attach supporting documentation and list an appropriate page number Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

10 Documentation If your court does not meet the Requirement, mark No and attach an explanation or a plan for meeting the Requirement in the future Again, please include an attachment title and page number Key Components Adopted Standards Certification Requirement Suggested Location, if any Documentation Mandatory Requirement OR Best Practice Key Component #1: Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing. Adopted Standards Benchmark 1.1 Each drug court shall establish an accountability court team to create a work plan for the court. The work plan shall “address the operational, coordination, resource, information management, and evaluation needs” of the court. Certification Requirement 1.1: Ensure both the names and organizational affiliation of the drug court advisory committee, or those persons who are responsible for the ongoing planning of the problem-solving court, clearly listed. (May be constituted by representatives of the Accountability Court team, although it is recommended to include community partners and evaluation expertise.) Policy and Procedure Manual, Work Plan Does your court meet this requirement? □ Yes □ No Is there an attachment(s) to support this requirement? □ Yes □ No Title(s) of the attachment(s) __________________ Relevant Page Number(s) ____________________

11 Application Notes Not meeting a requirement will not automatically disqualify you from funding Complete entire Application; Attachments should be clearly marked and easily identified Work with team to complete the Application

12 Submitting Your Application
Formstack submission just like grant applications and CACJ Program Report. Failure to submit the Application on time will compromise the ability to review your submission and provide timely recommendations

13 Certification Reviews
CACJ staff first reviews applications, takes notes, and scores Presents findings to the Standards and Certification Committee for review Based on score: Provisional Certification, 3 – 6 months Full Certification, 2 years

14 Certification Results
First mailed to presiding judge; then ed to coordinator and judge Contains certification status and targeted feedback If provisional, instructions for resubmitting.

15 Certification Timeline
New, adjusted timeline to follow fiscal year Should interfere less with grant applications and data reporting Applications will be released in late November/early December

16 Peer Review Similar to certification…
Required by statute (every 3 years) Improves court processes and participant outcomes Implemented in place of central/state reviews Colleagues and subject matter experts

17 Peer Review Two day site visit Peer Team Observe staffing
Observe court hearings Interview team members Participant Focus Group Exit Interview Peer Team Judge, Coordinator, Treatment Representative from similar court

18 Peer Review Process CACJ staff will reach out to coordinators to begin scheduling site visit Some flexibility – but these have to get done Mostly business as usual on site, however, peers are taking two full days away from court…

19 Peer Review Process Site completes cover page, schedule, and best practices survey Survey results guide interviews

20 Team Member Interviews
Interviews are private and reporting is anonymous One team member interviewed at a time, by full peer panel RELAX!

21 Participant Focus Group
Sample of 8-10 participants (can be fewer) Mix of phases Don’t just pick your favorites  Like interviews, anonymous reporting

22 Exit Interview Usually 30-45 minutes at the end of visit
As many team members that can return Provide immediate feedback and allow for discussion

23 Peer Review Report CACJ staff and peer team complete report over next several weeks Send draft to site for review – provide feedback Once finalized, yours to keep. See you in three years!

24 Questions? Josh Becker

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