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Published bySabina Norris Modified over 6 years ago
National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Program
Election Commission of India has initiated a special drive to cleanse the Electoral Roll and make it error free from multiple entries of single person, wrong photograph and information, repeated EPIC no. etc. by launching the Programme “National Electoral Rolls Purification & Authentication Programme (NERPAP)” on
Objectives of NERPAP To make the Electoral Roll free from errors
Linking and authentication of EPIC data of electors with Aadhar data of UIDAI. Voluntary disclosure by the electors concerned of multiple entries pertaining to them and disposal of such cases within 15 days by the concerned EROs under intimation to the concerned electors. Corrections of errors or any relevant entry pertaining to electors within 15 days on production of cogent documentary evidence. Improvement of image quality, wherever requested by following the due procedure. Obtaining and feeding in the ER database, the mobile and address of the electors so that periodic information of poll day, revision schedule, deletion/correction notice etc. and other facilitation services can be provided to them.
Special feature of NERPAP
To collect Aadhaar Card No. from citizen Helping citizen to avail online facility to feed their Aadhaar Card No. in the National Voter Service Portal by utilizing so that Aadhaar data can be linked with EPIC data. Helping citizen to avail online facility for deletion of their duplicate entry by utilizing National Voter Service Portal. Helping citizen to apply also in the ECI prescribed hard copy (copy enclosed) to the concerned BLO / TDR/ Sub-Collectors.
Online collection of Aadhaar
To facilitate online collection of Aadhaar number and also application for addition/deletion or correction, National Voters Service portal (NVSP) has already been launched on 25th January, Link to this portal has already been provided in the Official website of CEO i.e.
Aadhaar-Link with EPIC
The Electoral database with EPIC has few duplicates which needed to be removed. De-Duplication will be effective, if it is done using a unique identity Aadhaar is a randomly generated 12-digit unique identity for every Indian individual ,with Bio-metric features –Enables identification for every resident Indian After capturing Biometrics, EID is issued till Aadhaar no. is generated centrally
Linking of UID- Aadhaar with electoral database is an effective way of de-duplication
Aadhaar has the provision of change of address & updating photographs periodically ,hence linkage will help in keeping Electoral database up to date. NPR( National Population Register) has unique family linked TIN No. for every citizen,& Aadhaar is in tagged with NPR. Electoral Roll services in future can be managed by using Aadhaar linkage.
Electoral Details –Search options
Manual search of Electoral rolls Using Electoral roll copy available at Polling stations with BLO Using Electoral roll copy available at DEO,ERO,AERO office Using online search of Electoral Rolls Using the search facility through CEO, Odisha web site Using the national search facility through NVSP/ECI web site
Methods of Aadhaar & Contact Info Collection. Through the National voters Services portal(NVSP) using web services of ECI Web site. Through SMS ECILINK <space> EPICNO <space> Aadhaar no to 166/51969
BY SMS Send SMS to 51969 Format of message : ECILINK<space>EPICNO<space>Aadhaar no Example : ECILINK RXL Send to You will receive confirmation message :- Your request for linking Aadhaar number with Electoral Roll Database has been Successfully registered
Collection of Details by electoral machinery:-
•BLO will collect the Aadhaar and contact details from Electors by door to door verification in a hard copy •In the format prescribed for getting the details •Along with the details Xerox copy of Aadhaar and EPIC •BLO will also collect forms given by electors for •Deletion of multiple entries (Form-7) •Deletion of dead voters (Form-7) •Correction of electors details (Form-8) •Change of address details (Form-8) •Photo up dation, if requested (Form-8)
EROs / AEROs Role The EROs / AEROs will also facilitate the elector to furnish their details online through •Voter Facilitation Centres, •Citizen Service Centres •Authorised internet browsing centres .
Matching common fields-Aadhaar vs E.Roll
UID Data-Fields EPIC Data –Fields Citizen Name Electors Name Gender Gender Age/DOB Age/DOB Door No./Flat No Door No./Flat No Area/Locality—Area/Village/Locality/Polling Centre name Town/City/Village---Polling center/Area/Village/Block/Town District District Aadhaar photograph---EPIC photograph
Programme Schedule for NERPAP
S. N. Items Time lines 1 Awareness building Throughout the period from (on-going) 2 BLO's in place By (Completed) 3 Formation of BLG's By (Completed) 4 Training and Capacity Building of Election related officers (Completed) 5 First Special Camp 12th April, 2015 (Completed) 6 Second round training-sensitisation by BLO 13th May / 14th May 7 Second Special Camp 7.1 Meeting with political parties on Second Special Camp and door to door survey 7.2 Briefing of print and electronic media on Second Special Camp and door to door survey 7.3 17th May 2015 7.4 Field visit programme by Sub Collectors/ Tehasildars/ Dy. Collectors/BDOs covering all the Booth/routes in the ACs. * 17th May 2015 8 Door-to-Door Survey 18th May to 20th June 2015 9 Third Special Camp 9.1 Meeting with political parties 9.2 Briefing of print and electronic media 9.3 21st June, 2015 9.4 10 Last Special Camp 10.1 Meeting with political parties on Last Special Camp 10.2 10.3 26th July, 2015 10.4 11 Special hearing minimum two days in a week at ERO / AERO office in the afternoon From 13th April onwards till completion of the process (on- going)
Arrangements for Special Camps
Ensured opening of polling stations -proper intimation to BLOs Ensured availability of BLOs and BLAG –with proper intimation Availability of electoral roll and other forms A laptop or computer for facilitating electronic search of rolls ,if possible If connectivity is available, facility for using online search and online enrolment. Printer for giving acknowledgement and filled in duplicate copy of forms for future tracking and reference At least two days before itself the special camp publicity / awareness campaign was conducted in the polling stations localities.
Duties of BLO during Door to Door Survey
BLO will carry with him following documents Copy of electoral roll Existing BLO register All types of statutory forms : 6 ,7 ,8,8A. ASD lists New format for collection of AADHAAR and electors data He/ She will collect & fill AADHAAR data and Electors data in the new format. BLO will fill only the corrected information of all the fields. Collection of Mobile No is mandatory. id shall be collected if available Collect photo graphs of non-photo electors and of the Electors having poor quality photographs.
In case of corrections/ changes required BLO will ensure collection of the following forms from the electors Form-7- Application for deletion of names from the Electoral Roll of the Voters who have either shifted location or died, or have multiple entries in Electoral Roll. Form-8- Application for correction of error if any in electors data in the electoral roll. Form-8-A- Application for transposition of Electors name within the Assembly Constituency. BLO will also accept application for new addition in Form-6 in deserving cases. If, Enrolments for Aadhaar card is done, but card has not been issued by UIDAI, or misplaced. For this case, acknowledgement slip given at the time of enrolment can be utilised for checking Aadhaar card on the website of UIDAI by feeding EID number / acknowledgement no and thus PDF Aadhaar card can be generated and printed. Note: For details please refer guidelines issued vide this office letter no dated 4th May, 2015.
New format for collection of ADHAR and electors data
Campaign for Voluntary Disclosure of Multiple Entries by Voters
Massive campaign for voluntary disclosure by the voters regarding multiple entries and authentication of records will be taken up for creating awareness among voters. For this, the voter can search the duplicate entries under” search your name in the voter list” option of CEO’s website or “Search your name in the electoral roll” option of National Voters Service Portal of ECI. In case the voter finds repeated entries or need corrections, he can make voluntary disclosure through an application in the prescribed Form No.7/ Form No.8 before ERO. To facilitate this, the voter can approach the Voter Sahayata Kendra. Facilitation for easy correction shall be made at Voter Sahayata Kendra level in the shortest possible period (maximum 15 days).
Feeding and Seeding : Key Terms
Feeding Aadhaar: when Aadhaar is fed through organic ( by any person) or inorganic ( data base comparison) mode Seeding Aadhaar: when it is almost certain to the ERO/AERO through mechanism available in the NVSP that the fed Aadhaar Linking of Aadhaar with the Electoral data by using Organic& Inorganic methods
Purification of Electoral Roll
Removing multiple entries-by voluntary disclosure of multiple entries by an elector Removing non resident electors Correcting the existing entries in electors details Updating photo of electors with latest good quality image if requested by the elector
SVEEP PLAN 3600 publicity campaign mounted by DEOs
Involvement of electronic, print, outdoor and other media as medium and formats for dissemination of the programme for voter awareness. Inter personal communication by DEO and other officials to people or to media Inter personal communication through field workers and direct contact programme. Dissemination in partnership with different organization / institution. Use of prominent places for dissemination of information. Discussion and meetings by DEO with all stakeholders / agencies for co-operation.
SVEEP PLAN Campaign at every Polling Station through BLO’s
•Aims and objectives of NERPAP should be explained •Electoral Rolls will be read out • Through public meeting, • Distribution of pamphlets, • Pasting of posters. •Electronic roll search facility also to be put in place BLO’s and Booth awareness Groups(BAG’s) to be sensitized • The method of reading roll and finding entries in rolls should be explained • The facilities / arrangements made should be clearly explained to electors • The electors should be guided properly Publicity campaign suiting to local needs through • Print Media, • Electronic Channels, Radio, • Internet and SMS • Details to be made available in CEO/DEO websites Piggybacking on major Government programmes Award for
Posters at all District Election Officer,
•Electoral Registration Officer, •Assistant Electoral Registration Officer and •Booth Level Officer offices •at service department office Notice boards •at least at 10 prominent public places in an A/C •at special camp venues Pamphlets to be distributed •at reception counters of DEO,ERO/AERO offices. •Supply through Newspaper distribution points •Supply through milk distribution agents •Through auto campaign vehicles at public places •at Special camp venues
Campaign Plan At public centres like bus terminus, market parking place etc. Publicity vans Driving through market places and busy public places Display in transport buses, Display in Transport lorries Newspaper advertisement
Scrolling in TV channels
Before special camp days scrolling in TV Channels
SMS to Electors SMS to Electors to their mobile numbers (available currently in data base) Before special camp days Mobile Service Providers has been requested at state level
TV Spots and Radio Jingles
Available in Chief Electoral Officer’s web site DEOs/ EROs are requested to download the same and display in all meetings of SHGs, Block level etc.
Publicity display Display in transport buses Display in Autos
Newspaper advertisement
Seeding of Aadhaar by EROs
Seeding of Aadhaar will be done through a Software provided by ECI. ERO shall take final decision with regard to seeding of Aadhaar number fed by electors / entered on NVS portal. Before seeding of Aadhaar, the ERO will make thorough comparison between details and image of elector available in the EPIC database and details and image available in UAIDAI database.
Seeding of Aadhaar by EROs (Contd.)
This will enable the concerned ERO to access and see photo and details from Aadhaar database through a web service provided by UIDAI Thereafter, ERO will compare it with EPIC database and take final decision as per the procedure and seed the Aadhaar with EPIC.
ERO -Actions if details are totally different, ERO can reject
On rejection SMS/ will be sent to voter for information If there is minor difference in name and date of birth or ERO has some doubt, then ERO can schedule a hearing /SMS to voter will be immediately sent intimating date of hearing and detail of inquiry to voter. The name and mobile number of ERO will be added to SMS/ automatically by the server. The details of transactions will be reflected in MIS for monitoring by DEO/CEO and ECI.
Sensitization of Benefits to Electors
One time correction of electors particulars Continuous information of all electoral services directly to the elector Voter Slip can be sent electronically during election Separate account for each voter and no changes without informing the elector Masking of Elector’s data with biometric tagging Quick tracking facility to the Electors Improved EPIC services to electors
Role and Responsibility of Partner Departments and Social Organizations
To sensitize and motivate electors to join NERPAP To take part in electors education and mobilization To facilitate effective conduct of Special camps To support, facilitate and share efforts of BLOs
Name of District Total population %of Aadhaar coverage Total 18+ Population Total Electors Aadhaar % issued to electors Number of Aadhaar number fed % to total electors Number of Aadhaar number seeded number of mobile number fed Number of ID fed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Review & monitoring of Programme
Review and Monitoring S.N. Review & monitoring of Programme Remarks i. Fortnightly review by District Collector at District Head Quarters All Sub-Divisions with Sub-Collectors & Tahasildars ii Fortnightly review by District Collector / ADM at Sub-Division level One Sub-Division at a time with Sub-Collectors, Tahasildars, BDOs & Additional Tahasildars iii Fortnightly review by Dy. Commissioner of BMC, CMC and Executive Officer, Municipality & NAC At the ULB level. iv Weekly review by Sub-Collector/Block & Tahasil level One Block / Tahasil at a time with Supervisors v Weekly review at Supervisor level With BLOs
From 13th April onwards till completion of the process
Important timelines i Second Special Camp on 17th May, 2015 ii Door to Door survey 18th May to 20th June, 2015 iii Third Special Camp on 21st June, 2015 iv Last Special Camp on 26th July, 2015 v Special hearing minimum two days in a week at ERO / AERO office in the afternoon From 13th April onwards till completion of the process
Field Visits S.N Field Visitors Visiting Days i Sub-Collector
2 days in a week (visiting minimum 10 booths in a week) ii Commissioner of BMC, CMC and Executive Officer, Municipality & NAC 2 days in a week (visiting minimum 15 booths in a week) iii Tahasildar 3 days in week (visiting minimum 15 booths in a week) iv BDOs 3 days in a week (visiting minimum 20 booths in a week) v Deputy Collector 2 days in a week (visiting minimum 20 booths in a week) vi Supervisor 3 days in a week (visiting minimum 15 booths in a week)
Booth level Special Awareness Meetings [by Booth level Awareness Groups (BAGs)]
S.L Date Remarks 1 23rd May, 2015 Block Staff, Panchayat Staff, Panchayat Members, ULB Members, Anganwadi workers, SHGs, NSS / NYK volunteers etc. will join for the programme. 2 6th June, 2015 3 20th June, 2015
Format-2: Review Meetings
Sl. No. Name of the District Month Number of review meetings held 2nd round training of BLOs organised (Y/N) Meeting with political parties organised (Y/N) Press meet organised (Y/N) No. of BLAs appointed by PPs (Y/N) Number of BAGs organised Booth level awareness meetings held No. of booths visited during field visits Remarks Fortnightly review by Collectors at Dist. H.Q Fortnightly review by Collectors / ADMs at Sub-Divi. level Weekly review by Sub-Collector at Block, Tahasil level (No) April May June July August * Y: Yes * N: No * BAG : Booth Level Awareness Group * PPs: Political Parties
Enrolment of Aadhar Cards (for new as well as rejected cases) at Permanent Enrolment Centres (PECs) and Implementation of NERPAP in the State. (A) Convening of meetings at your level with the officials of ECIL and Census office before 15th May, In the meeting the following points are to be discussed: Publicity Programme (for this Rs.1000/- has been given to each village by Census office). Village-wise and date-wise programme (two days for each village within 30th June) at Permanent Enrolment Centres (PECs). (B) Convening of meetings at Tahasil level in each Tahasil at the level of Sub-collectors / Tahasildars between 16th May and 18th May, In the meeting the following points are to be finalised: Publicity Programme (for this Rs.1000/- has been given to each Village by census office). Village-wise and date-wise programme (two days for each village within 30th June). Responsibilities of concerned Supervisors to organise such special drive for enrolment under AADHAR through PECs. Responsibilities of BLOs to inform the villagers during the door to door campaign for enrolment through PECs. Preparation of leaflets to be distributed to citizens who have not been enrolled or whose cards have been rejected. Special awareness meeting (by BAGs) at booth level on 23rd May, 6th June and 20th June for motivating the people to come for enrolment at PEC.
NERPAP : Enrolment under UIDAI
Case 1: Enrolment for Aadhaar cards is done, but cards are not distributed by post offices. In this case, District Collectors may have meetings with nearest Postal Department Officers for timely distribution of cards, and field level staff of blocks and Tahasils may facilitate for such distribution. Case 2: Enrolments for Aadhaar card is done, but card has not been issued by UIDAI, or misplaced. In this case acknowledgement slip given at the time of enrolment can be utilised for checking Aadhaar card on the website of UIDAI by feeding EID number / acknowledgement no and thus PDF Aadhaar card can be generated and printed. Case 3: Enrolment of Aadhaar card is done, but card has not been issued due to rejection. In such case, fresh enrolment is to be done at Permanent Enrolment Centres (PEC). Case 4: No enrolment has been done In such cases, citizens are to be asked to come to PEC for enrolment.
Duties of BLO during Door to Door survey
BLO will carry with him following documents Copy of electoral roll Existing BLO register All types of statutory forms : 6 ,7 ,8,8A. ASD lists New format for collection of ADHAR and electors data He/ She will collect & fill AADHAR data and Electors data in the new format. BLO will fill only the corrected information of all the fields. Collection of Mobile No is mandatory. id shall be collected if available Collect photo graphs of non-photo electors and Electors having poor photo In case of corrections/ changes required BLO will ensure collection of the following forms from the electors Form-7- Application for deletion of names from the Electoral Roll of the Voters who have either shifted location or died, or have multiple entries in Electoral Roll. Form-8- Application for correction of error if any in electors data in the electoral roll. Form-8-A- Application for transposition of Electors name within the Assembly Constituency. BLO will also accept application for new addition in Form-6 in deserving cases. Note : For details please guidelines issued vide this office letter no 6096 dated 04 05 2015.
Summary of activity during Door to Door survey
NERPAP Linking of Aadhaar Correction of errors Deletion of duplicate entry EPIC 100% EPIC coverage 100% photo coverage AADHAAR 100% Aadhaar coverage
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