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Bluffs School 1:1 Digital Conversion Orientation for Parents August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Bluffs School 1:1 Digital Conversion Orientation for Parents August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bluffs School 1:1 Digital Conversion Orientation for Parents August 2015

2 Why ? We want to provide students with the necessary skills to compete in the 21st century world. A major part of the world is digital and being able to navigate all things electronically.

3 It’s not new It’s a way… Students experience a huge gap between their everyday lives and activities when they walk into a classroom. They now use paper, pencils, listen to one person lecture them, read dated textbooks, then memorize for a test. Engaging these students and making education relevant is critical...for our schools to continue to effectively and fully prepare the citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

4 Expectations Carry in provided case at all times Charge nightly
Notify teacher or administrator when problem occurs Do not walk around with computer open Do not leave unattended (charger and laptop) Avoid eating and drinking near laptop Careful when using around young children and pets Property of Scott-Morgan CUSD #2, entrusted to the student to benefit education.

5 Training & Orientation
Students receive training on the use of the laptop Students receive training on Internet safety

6 Safety guidelines for students
1. Never give out personal information 2. Never use parents’ credit card online 3. Never share passwords with anyone 4. Never arrange a face-to-face meeting 5. Don’t open if you don’t know who sent it 6. Don’t click on banner adds or pop-up ads on websites 7. Never use bad language or send threatening

7 Internet Usage Students use the Internet only for educational research and activities Teachers monitor student Internet use in class Students are not allowed “free time” to surf the Internet

8 School internet filtering
Server-based filtering software Filtering software installed on school web server Filters web sites based on content-keywords Can block specific web sites upon request

9 Guidelines for home Parents should set and enforce rules for home Internet use Have computer in a common room (not in the bedroom with the door closed) Time limit on Internet, instant messaging, social networking sites, online gaming, etc. Parents should ask and know student’s personal username and password

10 Home Internet safety Suggestions concerning e-mail
Parents should have access to students’ Threatening should never be sent Attachments bring danger of viruses Spam=Junk mail=Don’t reply

11 Required Use Policy Students will make available all messages or files upon administrator or teacher request Just like a textbook or a locker, Scott-Morgan CUSD #2 owns the laptop. Students are permitted to use it for educational advancement Administrators have capability to remotely view student computers

12 Required Use Policy Prohibited access: Bypassing the filter
Using another student’s username or password Sharing passwords Downloading or installing Tampering with the hardware

13 Required Use Policy Personal communications prohibited:* Chat rooms
Instant messaging Social networking sites Hosting personal web pages *Unless school-approved, teacher supervised

14 Required Use Policy Inappropriate materials:
Materials that are unacceptable in a school setting Pornographic, obscene, graphically violent, vulgar Music, sounds, language, videos or other materials Do not download or transfer through an external drive

15 Required Use Policy Keeping your laptop damage free:
Do not leave a laptop unattended. Keep food and drinks away from laptop. Laptop may not be used during school lunch. Do not leave your laptop in a vehicle.

16 Student Responsibility
If the machine is dropped (Lenovo voids warranty) If the laptop/charger was “stolen” because it was left UNATTENDED If damage is due to not following the Required Use Policy

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