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LSCS -Montgomery College

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1 LSCS -Montgomery College
Welcome to the PTA Program Information Session

2 Information Video You can be Me

3 What is the role of the PTA?
Physical therapist assistants (PTAs) work as part of a team to provide physical therapy services under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist. PTAs implement selected components of patient/client interventions (treatment), obtain data related to the interventions provided, and make modifications in selected interventions either to progress the patient/client as directed by the physical therapist or to ensure patient/client safety and comfort. PTAs assist the physical therapist in the treatment of individuals of all ages, from newborns to the very oldest, who have medical problems or other health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives. APTA Website 2017

4 What Does a PTA Do? PTA may help “manage conditions such as back and neck injuries, sprains/strains and fractures, arthritis, burns, amputations, stroke, multiple sclerosis, birth defects, injuries related to work and sports, and others”. APTA 2017

5 Where Does a PTA Work? Hospitals/Outpatient clinics
Rehabilitation facilities Skilled nursing care facilities Home Care Education/Schools Hospices Industry Fitness centers/sports settings

6 Texas PTA Salaries based on BLS National Survey Career One Stop Salary Finder 2017/ Physical Therapist Assistants

7 Associate Degree of Applied Science
Accredited by CAPTE 5 semesters (Summer too!) Admission is competitive Need 40 hrs of observation time (prior to application deadline) PSB Admission testing between March and May. Please check all dates and deadlines on the website. Due in May. (Check for deadline on the website) A A S

8 Application Requirements
Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or *higher Eligible to enroll in College Level Math. Earn a passing grade in ENGL 1301, and PSYC 2301 Earn C or better in PTHA 1201 Earn C or better w/in the past 7 years in BIOL 2401 All transcripts from any other university and have it evaluated prior to the deadline by LSCS. Please send transcripts from all colleges attended for credit outside the Lonestar system to student services for evaluation.

9 Improving Your Admission Chances
Complete as many non-PTHA course within the degree as possible with A’s or B’s. Re-take BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 if you received a C or less. Turn in all paperwork on-time. This includes the observation form, score sheet, employer letters if you are a PT tech., proof of licensure if necessary.

10 Notice of Potential Ineligibility for License 1
An individual who has been convicted of an offense may be ineligible for issuance of an occupational license upon completion of the educational program. Licensing authorities that issue an occupational license to an individual who completes the educational program issue guidelines stating the reasons a particular crime is considered to relate to a particular occupational license and any other criterion that affects the decisions of the licensing authority. A state licensing authority that issues guidelines files those guidelines with the secretary of state for publication in the Texas Register. Local or county licensing authorities that issue an occupational license to an individual who completes the educational program issue guidelines related to criminal history and post the guidelines at the courthouse of the county in which the licensing authority is located or publish them in a newspaper having countrywide circulation in that county. Applicants should contact their respective local or county licensing authority for more details.  An individual may request a criminal history evaluation letter regarding the personal eligibility for a license issued by a licensing authority as required by Texas Occupation Code § For PT/PTA this is done through the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners All applicants to and enrollees are encouraged to review all applicable eligibility requirements related to the respective occupational license. Questions related to eligibility requirements should be directed to the applicable licensing authority. Footnotes Tex. Occ. Code Ann. § Occupational license” means a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization required by law or rule that must be obtained by an individual to engage in a particular business or occupation. Tex. Occ. Code Ann. § “Licensing authority” means a state agency or political subdivision that issues an occupational license. Tex. Occ. Code Ann. §

11 PTA Technical Courses Assessment skills
Rehabilitation and patient care skills Physical agents Therapeutic exercise Documentation Clinicals are full-time (2 wks + 16 wks) The typical schedule runs M-TH 9:00-3:30, Fridays are reserved for study groups. All clinicals are 40 hours/week and can be 7 days a week.

12 PTA Approximate Program Cost
See Worksheet Check Course Catalog for indistrict and out of district tuition rates. Immunization Titers, Background Checks, CPR and Drug Screens *International Students

13 School vs. Work 1st Semester –10 work hours 2nd Semester –0 work hours
3rd Semester –40 work hours when classes are not held. 4th Semester –10 work hours 5th Semester –20 work hours Data was collected utilizing actual student acheivment rates. The majority of the students measured had completed all Non-PTHA coursework prior to program admission.

14 Expected Student Outcome
Graduate students who are well-trained, pass the licensure examination and provide quality care to the people of Texas, under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. As of July 2018, 92% of the students in the Class of 2017 had passed the national boards on their first attempt.

15 Thank You! For more information please contact Program Director,
Renee Pruitt B120T

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