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General Systems ICU & Burns

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1 General Systems ICU & Burns
Edmonton, Alberta Delirium Collaborative

2 Background GSICU & Burns
ICU- Mean Length of stay 5.0 days; Mean age 57 years; Mortality per admissions 16%; Mean APACHE II  20.4 Burns – Mean Length of stay 6.0 days; Mean age 47 years; Mortality per admission 1% Delirium incidence approximately 30%-40% Recognized need to better identify and intervene We have a high incidence of delirium in our unit due to the acuity & types of patients we deal with More detailed time line for presentation

3 Aim Improve care of the critically ill patients at risk for delirium through the implementation of standardized screening and identification of prevention and management strategies in GSICU and Burns unit. Goals/Objectives—Decrease Delirium by: Develop and deliver education and support for staff regarding delirium awareness, prevention, and management within 12 months. Implement processes to screen 100% of all ICU patients for delirium within 6 months or less. Identify and Implement standardized delirium prevention interventions in all ICU patients within 12 months or less. Implement standardized interventions for the management of delirium within 12 months or less. Implement strategies to support families of patients with delirium within 18 months or less EM protocol adapted from Salt Lake Protocol Examples of phamacologic tx: Quetiapine, Haloperidol & Olanzapine per MD order set.---ID pt psych history Examples of non pharm tx: Orient and reorient patient at least once every shift • Have day, date, and time visible to the patient • Ensure proper day / night cycling; if possible have patient facing window • Ensure that patient has restful sleep - Minimize noise during sleep times (22:00 to 06:00) - Minimize nursing and medical interventions (22:00 to 06:00) - Provide ear plugs - Single private rooms - Relaxation techniques, i.e. music • Promote mobilization • Daily SBTs to assess for possible extubation • Minimize sedation; try to avoid use of continuous infusions, if possible—sedation vacation • Correct any metabolic disturbances • Treat for substance withdrawal, including smoking • Treat any underlying infections • Cognitive stimulation – talk to the patient, have the patient involved in their own car Hearing aids and glasses should be placed on patients who are awake • Involve family and anyone familiar to the patient in their care Cognitive stimulation Orientation/ reorientation Bringing in hearing aids and glasses, if needed Bringing in objects from home that are familiar to patient—see “All About Me”

4 Team Members Registered Nurses Physicians Respiratory Therapists
Pharmacists Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Dieticians Social Workers Nursing Attendants Unit Clerks Biomedical Technologist Spiritual Care Critical Care Research Group Quality Improvement Families/Support persons

5 Results - GSICU

6 Results - GSICU

7 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative
Results - Burns 9-Nov-18 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative

8 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative
Results- Burns 9-Nov-18 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative

9 Changes Tested ICDSC tool tested using paper & electronic versions
Delirium score added to physician report at rounds Delirium score added to charge nurse report at shift report Delirium standardized order protocol About Me patient information by family

10 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative
ICDSC 9-Nov-18 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative

11 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative
Protocol 9-Nov-18 Delirium and Med Rec Collaborative

12 Lessons Learned Change is hard Peer pressure works
Things will seem worse for a while before they look better Dedicated individual to teach assessment is best Mobilizing effective intervention Nurses can interpret avoiding sedation to mean avoiding analgesic

13 Next Steps Build on interest – encourage focused sleep and noise interventions by night staff Focused education on pain interventions Create capacity in bedside staff to be experts Reassess routines, especially night routines Family education and information

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