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Anglesea Futures Community Conversations

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Presentation on theme: "Anglesea Futures Community Conversations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglesea Futures Community Conversations

2 Anglesea Futures Community Conversations
Welcome Todays engagement is part of an ongoing conversation called Anglesea Futures Community Conversation as a result of the closure of the coal mine and power station in 2015. We are seeking your ideas for the future land uses in the study area to the north of Anglesea, including the former Coal Mine and Power Station. This is part of the preparation of a Land Use Plan for the area. Please enter to: Walk through ‘open house’ displays about the project and how you can have your say Listen to and ask questions of presenters

3 Study Area Map

4 Community Engagement Anglesea Futures Community Conversation Series
Planning the future land use is just one element in managing and planning the future of the study area. The main forums for community engagement are: Anglesea Futures Community Conversation Series Coordinated by: DELWP, Surf Coast Shire, Parks Victoria Commenced in August 2015. A community conversation forum for community discussion on a range of issues: Heath Land Use Plan River Alcoa Community Consultation Network Coordinated by Alcoa A community engagement forum to discuss environment, health & safety, operations, rehabilitation and closure of the mine site and power station

5 Community Conversations Timeline for 2017
The Government is engaging with the community to inform its final decision on the future land uses. Meanwhile, Alcoa are also engaging with the community, which will inform its preference to be submitted to Government. Anglesea Futures Community Conversations

6 What Has Happened So Far
Anglesea Futures Community Conversations (AFCC) Alcoa ceased operations 1st AFCC meeting 3rd AFCC meeting -Anglesea River Anglesea River water flow 6th AFCC meeting –management options 7th AFCC meeting –River management options for 2016/17 Information stalls about AFCC August 2015 September 2015 November 2015 January 2016 March 2016 April 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 November 2016 January 2017 March/Apr 2017 2nd AFCC meeting -community expectations 4th AFCC meeting -Anglesea River Flow Impact Assessment 5th AFCC meeting -Anglesea River management options Anglesea River Management Options Study and Acid Sulfate Soil Study finalised 8th AFCC meeting –Process for 2017 Vision and Principles Discussion

7 Roles and Responsibilities
The main organisations and government bodies leading the key issues are: Crown Land Administration DELWP Fire DELWP Parks Victoria CFA Anglesea Heath DELWP Parks Victoria Alcoa Municipal Planning Surf Coast Shire Council Water and River Management DELWP Southern Rural Water Barwon Water Corangamite CMA Former operator of the Power Station and Coal Mine Licence holder Land owner Lease holder Alcoa Land Use Planning DELWP Surf Coast Shire Council Parks Victoria Earth Resources Regulation Branch DEDJTR Responsible for the regulation of mines in Victoria which includes mine closure and rehabilitation. Environmental Regulation EPA Sets regulatory standards to manage environmental contamination at the power station and the licensed asbestos landfill

8 What else is happening During the preparation of a land use plan for the study area, other activities are also occurring. These may provide you with further opportunities for you to share your views. These include: Vicroads are engaging on Country Roads – Barwon You can share your priorities for freight, tourism, road maintenance and road safety through the engagement website: Alcoa who are engaging on their Mine Closure Concept Plan

9 Anglesea River Management
Short-term Anglesea River Management Barwon Water pumped water from an existing Alcoa water storage pond between early December and late March. The trial was successful with water levels maintained at 1.3m AHD over summer and water quality within agreed parameters. The water storage pond is now being emptied for cleaning and will be refilled for next summer with 106ML of water from the Anglesea River under a Take & Use licence. The short-term option will continue to operate until a long-term management solution is developed. The release of Alcoa’s mine closure plan later in 2017 will inform an appropriate long-term option for the management of the Anglesea River. Latest CCMA water quality data for the Anglesea River (taken from Great Ocean Road Bridge, 9 June 2017) Top Bottom SEPP Objectives Water level (m AHD) 1.39 - n/a pH 4.5 6.8 6.4 – 7.7 Temp (°C) 17.9 12.8 Dissolved Oxygen (%) 86 70 Salinity (ppt) 29.4 35.5 The Anglesea River EstuaryWatch group meet once a month. They conduct water quality monitoring at five locations along the length of the estuary and record a series of observations at the mouth of the Anglesea River.

10 Transfer of the Anglesea Heath to the National Park
The Victorian Government has committed to incorporating the Anglesea Heath into the adjacent Great Otway National Park. More than 6,510 hectares of Anglesea Heath will be added to the national park later this year thanks to the early surrender of land by Alcoa. It is proposed that the legislation to incorporate the Heath into the National Park was introduced into Parliament on the 6 June 2017.

11 What is a Land Use Plan A Land Use Plan is a high level strategic document that sets land uses for different areas. It can consider whether different types of broad land uses are appropriate for an area, i.e. recreation, community, residential, retail, industrial, public reserves etc. A Land Use Plan informs future decisions on activities, management, protection and any development on the land. Its implementation can include detail design and approvals to realise the preferred land use. Example of a Land Use Plan (not current study area) A Land Use Plan can include: Vision and principles Description of land uses A map of future land uses Implementation actions Example CURRENT LAND USE Example PROPOSED LAND USE

12 Preparation and Implementation of the Land Use Plan
Inputs Informs Anglesea Futures (community feedback & submissions) Existing data Masterplan for Crown Land Vision and Guiding Principles Technical information and constraints Anglesea Futures Land Use Plan Alcoa’s Masterplan for freehold / private land Federal, State and Local Planning Policies and Legislation, including: Victorian and Commonwealth Legislation (National Parks Act 1975, Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, Coastal Management Act 1995, Heritage Act 1995, Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, Planning and Environment Act 1987) Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) Victorian Coastal Strategy 2014 Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Recommendations Victorian Renewable Energy Roadmap Victorian Visitor Economy Strategy 2016 Victoria's Nature Based Tourism Strategy Victorian Waterway Management Strategy Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria 2016 G21 Regional Growth Plan G21 Region Road Transport Plan Western Regional Coastal Plan 2015 Corangamite Regional Catchment Strategy Corangamite Regional Waterway Strategy. Strategic fire management plan – Otway District Strategic Master Plan For The Great Ocean Road Region Visitor Economy Anglesea Structure Plan 2012 Cooperative Agreement between ALCOA & Secretary of DSE Planning Scheme amendment, including policy and controls Update to Anglesea Structure Plan Land Management Mine Closure Concept Plan

13 Vision and Guiding Principles
A vision has been prepared for your feedback. It seeks to provide overall guidance to the preparation of a land use plan. The vision is: A healthy and sustainable environment that promotes the future of the Anglesea region and its community, whilst acknowledging its Aboriginal cultural values and industrial past. Guiding Principles The State Government, Surf Coast Shire and Alcoa have developed a set of principles below, informed by what has been heard from the community. The guiding principles will be used to inform the future of the Anglesea mine and power station and provide a framework for decision making. Support a diverse range of future uses and outcomes Complement the future of the Anglesea region Value and compliment the natural environment Provide a safe and stable landform for future use Honour the various cultural and heritage values of the area

14 Technical Constraints
There are a number of technical constraints that may inform or limit potential land uses, these include: The water body in the former coal mine pit will connect with Salt Creek and the Anglesea River, to manage future water flows and water quality of Anglesea River. The future slope and gradient around the mine has been informed by technical studies to ensure they are safe and stable. A section of Coal Mine Road will be removed along the southern section of the mine to reduce the gradient of the new slope ensuring this slope is safe and stable for the future. The type of vegetation to be used in the erosion zone around the water body has been informed by technical studies and will ensure the slope is safe and stable. The ability to utilise the water body for recreational uses such as swimming and non- motorised boating will be revisited in approximately 10 years once we have sufficient data to know how the water body reacts to different seasonal events.

15 Study Area Tenure

16 Potential Land Uses All ideas for the future land use/s will be considered. Based on the sites context and characteristics, the future land use may include a number of the following land uses: Commercial activities Licenced tour operators Tourist attraction/facilities Tourist accommodation Areas protected for their environmental values Areas protected for their heritage values Parks and public open areas Sporting/active recreation areas Mountain bike trails Residential Industrial Community facilities Renewable energy generation Other

17 Previous Ideas provided by the community
While this is the stage to share your ideas about future land uses, throughout the Anglesea Futures Community Conversation series, people have asked that there ideas be recorded from previous engagement activities, these include: PARK/CONSERVATION National Park / Park Natural bird sanctuary area with wildlife corridors and bird hides Natural environment/ bushland RECREATION General recreation walking bike riding mountain bike tracks Skate Park Recreational bike tracks & good bike tracks suitable for kids 4WD and motor bike use WATERBODY Boating, sailing, water sports, water based recreation or canoeing Wave park / Water ski park / Underwater theme park Fishing / Algae farm COMMUNITY USE A library Community arts centre TOURISM Outdoor adventure site, tourism activities and outdoor education facility A museum, big theme park, chairlift Turn the chimney into an abseiling and rock climbing tower Hot Springs, Accommodation and conference centre DEVELOPMENT Our own MONA Renewable energy station New (sustainable) industry Manufacturing facility Music festival Move golf course into mine site University campus for environmental & outdoor activities Residential development NO DEVELOPMENT No housing /residential / subdivision / no high rise development No commercial development industrial use or business park

18 How to have your say To have your say you can be either:
Complete a survey at: Make a submission: Post: Anglesea Futures Land Use Plan, PO BOX 103, Geelong VIC 3220 Engagement on land use ideas started on the 11 June and ends on 30 June 2017. Further information is available at:

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