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Israel: God’s Old Testament Vineyard

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1 Israel: God’s Old Testament Vineyard
Scripture Reading: Matthew 19:16-30

2 Introduction Biblical metaphors that contrast the Church from Israel
The sheep and the Shepherd One new fold; one new food The temple and it’s Priesthood Living stone and living sacrifices The Body of Christ One body, functioning properly; maturing completely

3 Introduction Now the metaphor of the Church as God’s vine that supernaturally produces His fruit (manifestation of Divine Life). First we must contrast God’s former vineyard/vine: Israel.

4 The OT Venue, Law, and Value of a Literal Grape Vineyard
fenced/hedged Planted Winepress tower

5 The OT Venue, Law, and Value of a Literal Grape Vineyard
Law of the vineyard 3,4,and 5 year restrictions 7th year Sabbath and 50 year Jubilee The poor and animal could ear of the fruit but no pruning, digging or harvesting by the owner. Anyone could enter a vineyard and eat till they were full, but couldn’t carry any grapes out of the vineyard

6 The OT Venue, Law, and Value of a Literal Grape Vineyard
The Value Fresh grapes Unfermented juice Boiled syrup (‘dibs’ used as a condiment) Raisins Fermented wine

7 The Vineyard: God’s Picture of the Fruitful Purpose of Israel
God’s choice of Israel as His Vineyard Ps 80:8; Isa 5:7a God’s purpose for this Vineyard (cf Ex 19:8) Isa 5:7b “Judgment and righteousness” Understanding what is right, then doing what is right Jer 2:20-21a “A noble vine; a wholly right seed”

8 Israel’s Rejection to Produce the Proper Fruit
Jer 2:21 Hos 10:1 cf Deut 32:32

9 Jesus’ Three Parables Concerning Israel, God’s Vineyard (no direct application the Church)
The parable of the laborers in the vineyard Matt 20:1-16 5 groups of laborers dating from John the Baptizer through the end of the Tribulation

10 Jesus’ Three Parables Concerning Israel, God’s Vineyard (no direct application the Church)
The parable of the two sons and their father’s vineyard Matt 21:28-32 Two contrasting responses to the Father’s request for their labor in His vineyard

11 Jesus’ Three Parables Concerning Israel, God’s Vineyard (no direct application the Church)
The parable of the householder’s vineyard and the wicked tenant farmers Matt 21:33-43 God changes fruit-bearing from a self-effort arrangement (under law), to divine enablement (under grace)

12 Conclusion NT grace believers (the Church) are now given the privilege, enablement, and responsibility to produce the fruit of righteousness (the fruit of the Holy Spirit) to the glory of our Father, and of our Savior.

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